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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Allen didn't start week 1 because he was not ready to in the coaching staff's opinion. Period. The coach's words, particularly at a PC meant for public consumption, are meaningless. Do you honestly think Allen would have sat on the bench if he was ready to play? He is the most important piece of this entire organization right now, and his ceiling is about 1,000 miles higher than Peterman's, and the coaching staff knows that. No offense, but you come across like an idiot.
  2. Jordan Mills is the happiest man in the world right now. Who remembers this? Bosa, speaking of Mills: "He didn't block me. He didn't block me. He literally didn't block me (while laughing)." That occurs at 1:14
  3. It's a totally different era now compared to the old days with a packed RFK, eternal sellouts, the hogs sitting in the front row wearing their jewelry, etc. The new stadium is out in the middle of nowhere in MD and surrounded by huge parking lots, much like our stadium, and the atmosphere in terms of drunken !@#$s is among the worst in the league. Also a bigger stadium capacity... It's just different now.
  4. Kaepernick is the obvious choice. The so called "media circus" would be gone after 1 week anyway. However, this franchise is NOT going to hire him. Pegula is worried about Trump Tweets for Christ's sake. He's not going to sign Kaepernick.
  5. Player performances in pre-season games are meaningless. Pre-season games are meaningless. Anyone looking at pre-season games and forming opinions about player performance is an idiot. Hell, even Kelvin Benjamin looked like a superstar in a preseason game this year! Shows you what they are good for. Nothing.
  6. Yeah, but preseason football games, and who looks good in them, are kind of meaningless. We know that to be true. You would hope the actual coaching staff of the team isn't making any decision based on how someone looks in a preseason football game. Those guys were getting hundreds of snaps all summer long. I assume they went with Peterman simply b/c Allen was deemed raw and not ready to go. And of course, if that is true, it is a mistake to start him on Sunday.
  7. If you think Beane is making personnel decisions in a vacuum, you're nuts. McDermott has his role in all this just as much as Beane.
  8. Overreact? Peterman is, statistically, one of the 3 worst QBs to play in the new century. Allen is raw and not ready. We just suffered the second worst beat-down in franchise history. Yes, suggesting the coaching staff is in bit over their beads must surely be the product of wild speculation and knee-jerk overreaction. Josh Allen is, by far, the most important asset this organization possesses right now. This coaching staff just told you 72 hours ago that he was not ready to start an NFL game. That fact hasn't changed simply b/c Nate Peterman is beyond terrible. And yet Allen will now be started. If he can start this Sunday, he should have started last Sunday. If he couldn't start last Sunday, he is not going to be ready to start Week 2. This coaching staff looks like idiots right now, however much you want to defend them.
  9. I guess Josh Allen suddenly went from "not ready" to "ready" in 72 hours, mostly because Nate Peterman sucks. McD doesn't have a F-ing clue.
  10. 78thealtimegreat: the poster who refused to use punctuation. BTW and to the OP's question, every time I finally get to see an overhead view of passing plays, there is almost always someone open...often glaringly wide open. Just b/c our QBs usually don't find that guy and accurately throw the ball to them doesn't mean they aren't out there. I mean, when was the last time we had a good QB on this team? Does Flutie count? Bledsoe? Do we have to go back to Jim Kelly? It's been a while.
  11. I don't recall seeing a single person suggest the highlighted. Not sure where you're getting that from. BTW: our overall team talent level is probably as low as any team in the NFL.
  12. It's not about "preparing for him to be no good" it's about finding his replacement after he plays 14 games this year and doesn't have it. This assumes 2 things: 1) he actually doesn't have it; (maybe he will) and 2) we end up with a top 3 draft pick where we will be in striking distance of the top QB prospects in the draft. Without a top QB or a guy who is going to become a franchise QB, you have nothing. No need to pamper Allen and beat around the bush trying to figure out if he can do the job or not. Find out this year and don't be afraid to draft another QB next year, if Allen looks sub-par and if we actually get a top pick. That is what I'm arguing for. I'd also repeat: the Bills will NOT do this.
  13. Right. Because we already have our franchise QB. His name is EJ Manuel! I was assured of this right here, by people like you, right after the Carolina comeback game. That was September 15, 2013.
  14. You know you don't have to participate in the conversation if you think it's ridiculous and already have all the answers. I can see your free time is very valuable. Loser....
  15. I couldn't agree more with the OP, but the Bills are NOT going to draft a QB with a high draft pick again next year. Doesn't mean they shouldn't. Whoever said these were smart guys we're talking about any way? If/when Allen washes out, so will McBeane...and at that point in time they will wish they had taken another top QB prospect to hedge their bet.
  16. For what it's worth, this shows you where Buffalo falls on the national NFL landscape. We're almost off the map, just north of "Joke" and slightly to the east of "Embarrassment."
  17. I listen to Sal all the time. He comes across as pretty unintelligent to be honest. Used to coach high school football, so he has some technical knowledge of the game that other folks in broadcasting don't, but Sal never has an informed opinion or is tuned into what's happening at OBD. He's utterly replaceable.
  18. You should remind him of that. He's pissed away tens of millions on bad hires/contracts since buying both teams. He loves to pay people money to go away and not work for him in particular.
  19. It looks straight up bad. The QB situation might turn into more of a mess than it already is. These guys are painted into a corner. Keep playing Nate to protect the development of Allen, and we likely keep getting killed and the coach loses the room. They can throw in Allen, but they have told us by not starting him in Baltimore that he is not ready. So now you are prematurely starting the most important player in the franchise right now b/c you screwed up the QB situation. Option 3 would have been to play the veteran, AJ, and hope for the best, but they got rid of him. If Nate starts again and can't even get through the f-ing game, it's going to get really ugly. McD is going to get it from all sides, including his own players.
  20. There aren't any building inspections at the old location, there wouldn't be any (for the basement) in the new location either. That could be covered up by legitimate construction work on the new facility and the inspectors aren't there all the time through all phases of construction anyway. On the side you get the basement in there, or make it a secret above ground room that wouldn't be obviously noticed. My point is that there is no way a super wealthy, perfectionist drug lord goes about this problem in this way. It's just not realistic. But it does make for fun watching.
  21. A very good friend of mine from my childhood is now a police officer in a Buffalo suburb. He says house calls involving a death by drug overdose are super common.
  22. Corey Coleman is definitely NOT a Bill B. kind of WR. Don't see that working out well, but what do they have to lose? Why not give him a shot, even if it's a long one. You really don't know how to spell Cleveland?
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