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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I would personally love to see some big, naturally strong farm boys with mobility. Guys with German last names who play in the Big Ten or places like Nebraska and Oklahoma. They seem to make the best OL men.
  2. If Allen plays the entirety of every game from here on out without injury, and he has it, it will be universally accepted on this board and no one will dispute it. If he is horrible, the same is also probably true. If there is a raging debate here with 2 equally sized camps arguing for and against him, that also means he is not good enough. Can't wait to see which of the 3 camps he falls into. Blowing an entire season to make this determination is valid in my opinion.
  3. I want to see Josh Allen play all games from here on out, without injury. I want to see if he has it, or does't have it. And because there is no way in hell we finish with a respectable record anyway, losing every game wouldn't hurt, giving us the #1 pick next year in the draft. Lastly, I'd love for the organization to have the intelligence and balls to draft another QB with that #1 pick if Allen doesn't really impress this year. If he does, forget drafting the QB, but the #1 pick will still be nice to have...in every round of the draft. At which point I would trade ALL OF THEM down and multiply our assets...and use those to completely rebuild the roster on both sides of the ball.
  4. I am always amazed at the guys who win the athletic talent Olympics at birth, and then follow that up with a winning lottery ticket to enter the NFL....only to say "F it!" and throw it all in the toilet. It's incredible to me. There are several guys around the league every year who do this.
  5. Been downgraded to a Cat 2. Party's over folks.
  6. He made enough in-game errors last year for us to see he isn't going to be a brilliant tactician. Can he be a good cheerleader? Perhaps. I think he's done well in that aspect of the games so far, but then, I'm not on the inside and have no idea what it feels like in the room.
  7. Disagree. Allen will rise or sink to the consistent level of his own ability. A player might not enjoy success in the wrong environment or with the wrong coach or teammates, but his quality will shine through, if he has any to begin with. Talent always finds a way to rise to the top. People love to talk about Carr being ruined; maybe the guy wasn't nearly as good as people thought. If a young Aaron Rodgers was on the Bills team this year, does anyone think we wouldn't notice his remarkable skill set? Team oriented stats might be low but his personal capabilities would be plenty obvious for all to see.
  8. Have you considered that maybe he just wasn't as good as you initially thought?
  9. It's an offensive league and those who have the intelligence to introduce radical innovation on the offensive side of the ball have an advantage. The last time we had a team that did that we went to 4 straight Superbowls. True story.
  10. I thought that too but the article seemed to suggest that the exchange student had an equal interest in the guy and she had not committed her new phone number to memory.
  11. I vote "no" on RGIII. But I'll tell you who we should bring in. YES........TEBOW.
  12. Who says he does think that? He's just referencing what he read elsewhere.
  13. Actually he was considered worse than all our current OL. That's why the Bills cut him in the first place while retaining the players we did.
  14. No kidding. Besides, for all intensive purposes, we knew what Fergy meant anyways.
  15. Funny story, and with a happy ending too. The dude got his date, or at least a cup of coffee with the right Nicole, and all the wrong Nicoles now have a social group to hang out with and some new friends.
  16. Eventually the kool aid folks around here will catch on that the Benjamin signing was nothing particularly special. He's a mediocrity.
  17. The storm has enlarged with an impressive head aimed straight for the Carolina coastline.
  18. Always disliked the all white look, even when we were going to Superbowls wearing that stuff. Having said that, I don't really care what uniforms they wear.
  19. That is precisely the point of the tweets referenced by the OP. Our lack of success in Week 1 is as much a result of what we asked the talent to do, as much as the quality of the talent itself. That's a coaching problem, not a personnel problem.
  20. How does injury factor into the bet? Allen could blow out his knee this Sunday and miss the rest of the season. His number of starts for the year would be 1 and H2O would be looking good with his $1,000 "under" bet. No?
  21. Actually, they did nothing that past administrations haven't done as well, such as Doug Marrone's. Andy Dalton broke the curse.
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