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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I remember this game myself. I was also a little kid. This is one of the earliest games I have specific memories of. And that defeat really hurt at the time!
  2. I was annoyed a couple days ago. At a time when there is a lot going on with the Bills, he opened the show by spending like 10 minutes discussing his 8 year old (?) son and whatever silly thing he did/said the night before. I know they like to ease into the show with something light or off-topic, but it just struck me as really annoying. No one in the audience including Bulldog gave a rat's ass about what Schopp's kid was doing, but Schopp loved it, of course. Luckily I could FF and get to a point in the show where they were actually discussing the football team.
  3. Not to mention the NFL is a game of match-ups and sometimes one team has another team's number. If A beats B, and B beats C, A may very well not beat C as well. Doesn't work that way automatically. However, the other poster's point remains valid. I.E., the game tonight gives us a little more insight into how good or bad Baltimore is this season. We'll know exactly how good they are by Week 6 or so.
  4. This correlates pretty well with the trade of Marcel Dareus to Jacksonville. Not that his absence is solely responsible for how this team looks now, but you can trace the Bills current downturn to around the time he left. And you are not being negative?! Like most of the "positive" crowd here, you simply direct your negativity at fellow fans/posters. The "negative" crowd usually directs it at the Bills organization/coaching/players.
  5. Some of my fondest memories from that time are with the team lined up at the line of scrimmage, Kelly behind center, and Kent would have his snapping hand on the ball. He'd sort of half-stand up and turn his body to the left, then to the right, then maybe back to the the left again, barking out blocking assignments. I think half the time he was calling the actual play too, as he was no doubt much more intelligent than Kelly. I'm pretty sure there were times when Kelly had his bell rung and Kent was telling him what signals to call, while lined up. Kent Hull is one of my all time favorite Bills, so I'm biased, but he was one hell of a good center too. I'd love to see him get in the HOF. He's doing what I'm talking about in this photo:
  6. I watch a lot of top boxing on HBO, so know Max Kellerman well. He has that highly annoying voice and tends to have semi-dried spit gathered in the corners of his mouth. He also has perpetually badly chapped lips. I try to turn away when he's talking on camera.
  7. That's a law firm, not a defensive backfield!
  8. Brah, it's "pray" and not "prey". This is all more or less correct. You get it. Most folks don't.
  9. Ah yes, the semiweekly Mike Schopp B word thread. If you're listening, he's doing his job. I have no interest in fantasy sports whatsoever and if they do a segment dedicated to that, I skip to the next segment. Always listen pre-recorded if possible and avoid commercials. FF at will.
  10. This is, and has been, a major rebuild for quite a while now. We are horrible in part b/c of a long term plan adopted by McBeane a while ago designed with short term setback for long term gain. Aside from feeling that Allen was the wrong guy and having no faith in him as a franchise QB of the future, I am now really doubting McBeane's ability to evaluate talent. This year is the suck part of the equation. Next year will be the draft and buy tons of talent part of the equation, and if they get that wrong, we're going to be horrible again. Of course, if Allen busts, none of it matters anyway.
  11. You're not kidding. I live in SE FL and go through hurricane scares every year at this time. The Weather Channel literally does not engage in honest reporting. It's all sensationalism designed to suck in viewers from areas not affected by the storm, which is most of the country obviously. There are a couple local meteorologists in my area who keep it real and are very good; you can size up a storm from them pretty accurately. Meanwhile TWC talks only doom and gloom. This storm is weakening and isn't going to be a big deal.
  12. She is not overly unattractive, she's young, but she looks kind of bloated up with weight gain. I think she is a strong candidate for going on a diet, losing 40 pounds, and really looking pretty good post weight loss. Great before/after candidate for Weight Watchers.
  13. Don't forget The Weather Channel too! Every last thing they do/say/show is governed around the concept of "People are going to die!" and then they seem disappointed when a storm dies down and goes away. I guess they assume most of their viewers are in spots other than where the weather is located, and they just want to see some sensational suggestion that all hell is going to break loose. Their tone is 100% fabricated and disingenuous. Lots of folks here derive a sense of self worth from the Bills and/or the WNY community, and take it personally when either is diminished in any way. I would put forth it is people who don't have a lot of accomplishment going on in their personal life, so they associate themselves with a professional sports team hoping for a little glitz and glam, success, or God knows what to rub off on them. Just a theory.
  14. Wppete's ???? I'm not talking about "post game shows". I'm talking about "what's going on around the league" shows.
  15. And how about Kent Hull? He was the anchor on an outstanding offensive line for years. I will always remember Will Wolford talking to the media after a game from the locker room. A critical Kent Hull holding penalty was being discussed and Will said something like "Believe me, Kent doesn't hold" as if to say there is no way it could have been a good call b/c in Wolford's mind, Hull literally did not hold, like ever....b/c he just didn't need to. Coming from a guy as good as Wolford that is high praise. I don't think Kent will get into the HOF, but he should!
  16. I couldn't agree more. I know the argument for NOT putting a special teams guy in there. Doesn't play enough, doesn't impact the game enough, perhaps, and so on. There are 2 exceptions that make Tasker a legitimate HOFer IMO: 1) He wasn't just an outstanding player, he was the best gunner the league has ever seen, and the second best guy is a mile behind. That deserves recognition. 2) He had a knack for making huge, big, explosive, impact plays that altered the outcome of football games. Guys like that are very rare and worth their weight in gold when you find them.
  17. LOL. The bald guy who seems to be the face of ESPN these days already looks like a Zombie. Doesn't need much work in the makeup trailer. This guy:
  18. That is pretty common for American TV "commentary" shows all around, whether it's sports or general news or anything. They gather a way-too-big panel and then they all shout over each other. It's so refreshing to watch soccer news shows from the UK and Germany where they have 2 or 3 people at most, and they engage in calm, serious, genuine conversation. No one talks over anyone and they all give each other as much time as they need to make their point. It's about 100 times more intelligent, overall, than the American approach.
  19. I know what you mean, but they aren't dead yet, and in fact remain a fairly loud voice on the national sports landscape. It is what it is. Buffalo is unlikely to shake up its image on a national level any time soon. I live in S. FL these days. A few months ago I went to the dermatologist for a yearly checkup. He was making small talk and asking where I'm from. I mentioned that I was originally from Buffalo and he literally, naturally, winced in pain, shook his head, and something like "Jesus" followed by a comment about our winters. LOL. Sure a lot of it is rooted in misconception, but the average dude around this country really has nothing to associate with WNY other than sports failures and bad weather. As I said, it is what it is.
  20. In his recent PCs, particularly the one where he announced Allen as the starter for Sunday, he came across like a not very good political candidate on the campaign trail. He had clearly been schooled on what to say and how to approach the media, and was given catch phrases to memorize and say at the PC rather than try to speak in a genuine, live manner. He kept going back to his memorized check list of comments over and over again, and he's not smart or smooth enough to sell what he is doing. It's embarrassing.
  21. Ha ha. See my post about NFL network. I think it's OK, and I'd rather watch Lindsay Rhodes than the bald bespectacled freak at ESPN.
  22. ESPN is just fine if they are televising a live sporting event that I want to watch. Other than that, there is no reason to ever go to the channel. NFL network is better if you just want to have some general football stuff on in the background while you do something else. I often leave the TV on at tuned to NFL network; it's better than ESPN and they have a variety of attractive women on the channel as well. LOL. This is sort of why I don't like to see Bills fans poking fun at the Cleveland Browns organization. Doing that is effectively laughing at yourself, and not in a good or healthy way.
  23. I'm not totally sure why folks who live on a Bills information message board 24/7 look to national media guys to give them answers about their team. We know more about the big picture than these writers do, even if we lack some of their contacts.
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