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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I think his yards passing will be low, but the final stat may be distorted if he connects on a long bomb. I think he will take care of the ball well, but still throw 1 INT. His completion % will be mid 50s.
  2. The fact that we are much worse than a playoff team this year comes as absolutely no surprise to anyone paying attention or who is into analytics. Every analytics expert in the country had the Bills as a league-leading regression candidate for this season, as I have been saying all off-season. It is common for teams in this league to jump way up or way down in quality in a single off-season. Happens all the time. I have been saying for a few years now that Terry Pegula is a very low information sports fan. The fact that he achieved a lot of success fracking and is the guy giving the orders at the Bills and Sabres does not suddenly render him a savvy, informed, sports fan. He needs very high quality people around him telling him the right things all the time if his teams are going to enjoy success.
  3. Someone must have said this by now, but if we go no huddle and don't hold onto the ball, you are putting a tremendous amount of pressure on the D, and that is pressure they don't need and probably can't handle. They'll be burned out by halftime.
  4. Don't get the Boston hate around here. Boston is a great city and one of my favorite places in America. If you want to hate sports teams from that area, go for it. I have always hated the Bruins much more than the Patriots, though I certainly now hate the Patriots in the BB/Brady era. But Boston as a town? It's one of the most highly educated spots in America, and big enough to have stuff going on all the time, but not a giant nightmare zoo like NYC. My only complaint is that property values close-in to the city are among the most expensive in the country. But there's a reason for that, and it's not because no one wants to live there.
  5. Do you mean b/c of fear that he would be overheard by someone in the hospital? I think it was meant as a soliloquy, the viewer is to accept that the words spoken by Gus were really his thoughts. One of the reasons Gus is a great character is because he is filled with complexity, which is just another way to say "contradiction". On the one hand he conscientiously sweeps up the floor at his restaurant and if a patron left their wallet on a table, I think Gus would genuinely rush out to return it and be glad the person did not lose the item. On the other hand, he is suffocating Arturo inside a plastic bag, which is a pretty hands-on, visceral way to go about killing someone. He indulges in common courtesy and politeness, but in the next moment he's going to great expense and bother to revive Hector, only so he can slowly torture and kill him on his own terms. And best of all, ultimately, he is likable, and very intelligent. All too often, characters are too stupid to be taken seriously in fiction. This show is a master class in how to go about writing a script for a TV show.
  6. As an aside, and as has been discussed in the past regarding Patriots' cheating allegations... Who monitors the electronic equipment used by these teams? I'm going to suggest no one. Who verifies before and after games that the equipment is functioning as it is supposed to has not been tampered with? I'm going to suggest no one. If those 2 premises are correct, why in the world aren't we manipulating the headsets so that we can talk to the QB nonstop, whenever we want to? Further, why isn't every team in the NFL? I'm sure the smart organizations are.
  7. Disagree. He is still doing lots of the things he has been doing. This fanbase sees a good throw no and again in a preseason game and develops the false narrative that Allen "has it". We don't know if he's close to having it, but we are going to start finding out on Sunday. He will rise or sink to the level of his own competence. Players can't be ruined. That's a myth.
  8. Wait a minute. These idiots were deciding which QB to start Week 1 based on preseason football games? They're more clueless than I feared.
  9. Quarterbacks don't improve at quarterbacking from "learning on the sidelines behind a veteran QB." That's just crap fans talk about. They learn by doing. As an side, I agree Peterman should be let go. This organization should be done with him permanently at this point. And don't hold your breath waiting for someone to pick him up off waivers. No one will.
  10. Oh God. When Allen struggles, this place will be talking about how he was "ruined" nonstop.
  11. The list of "cons" seems fairly accurate to me. The list of "pros" is wildly off-base, at least if used as a description to describe his games with Buffalo. I doubt he's morphed into a different person; I question the validity of this report.
  12. And that reason isn't to sit on the bench and "learn." Allen was drafted to play and be the QB for this team. Glad he is finally in there. He should have been from the beginning. If he has it, we'll all know, and that has nothing to do with his record, or some magical statistic. If he doesn't have it, we'll know that, too, almost certainly by the end of the season.
  13. He's talking about the house break-in stuff, though that does seem to have blown over.
  14. You're right about that. Nate's name will be referenced around here long after most of the other names of his teammates are forgotten.
  15. Can you imagine having a quarterback who will put the ball into a tight space that is being contested by a defender?! If Tyrod didn't see a man with 3 yards of separation (usually standing at a dead stop) he didn't throw him the ball. The TD AJ Green scored...Dalton zipped that thing into a very tight window and at no point was Green actually what I'd call "open". When he caught the ball, the defender was literally on his back. Dalton still threw it and it turned out to be a TD. You can't overstate how crippled our passing game was with Tyrod. He is horrible.
  16. Beth Mowins' voice and accent shouts out "West Virginia trailer trash" like no other voice I've ever heard. She is apparently from Syracuse, which amazes me.
  17. Then we're just straight up hosed, but we already were, so no big deal.
  18. You know, now that you mention it, I don't think I've seen 3 words on the topic here this entire off-season and through week 1.
  19. Wait. You're suggesting Peterman was worse than AJ? Peterman was 33 for 41, 431 yds, 80.5 completion %, 10.5 yards per pass, 3 TD, 1 INT, and a QB rating of 124.7. AJ was 23 for 50, 284 yds, 46.0 completion %, 5.7 yards per pass, 3 TD, 2 INT, QB rating 67.4. What are you smoking and can you please mail me some?
  20. Here's a picture of Ravens' safety Eric Weddle in his free time.
  21. This is a can't lose type of game for the Bills. If Baltimore wins big, maybe we aren't so bad, or at least can feel better about the blowout. If the Bengals win big, we can feel much better about Josh Allen pulling a Peterman in that 3rd pre-season game.
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