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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Kerley must have expressed some atheist views at a team meeting, so McDummy decided to excommunicate him. That's all I can come up with.
  2. The team was still very much a work in progress, however, and we went on to win a mere 4 games. Somehow, amazingly, defying the odds, Jim Kelly was not "ruined."
  3. Beane had time to address the O line and he gambled that he could fake it with what was already inside the organization. That was a mistake. Suggesting he was caught by surprise or did not have ample opportunity to address the situation is simply wrong.
  4. Read through the comments in this thread starting with the very first post. Pretty funny and revealing, now that we know Nate Peterman is an unabashed failure on a historic level and basically done in the league forever.
  5. Just remember, Beane is here b/c McDermott wanted him here and thought he would work well with him without any friction. I can see a scenario where Beane goes but McDermott does not, but not the other way around.
  6. I find Cowherd highly annoying and decided I couldn't listen to him when his radio show was on WGR 550 every day. And I swear to God the guy couldn't go more than 7 minutes without uttering the name "Urban Meyer." LOL. But he is not a dummy.
  7. And folks would be making fun of the team/organization itself for starting Peterman in the first place.
  8. Regarding Q3: is that an African or European swallow we are talking about?
  9. That mole on the side of Cowherd's nose is literally casting its own shadow.
  10. Exactly where I'm coming from, yes. The ball was easily 5 yards off target....the WR was a good 3 yards inside the sideline and the ball ended up 2 yards out of bounds. But what the hell, I think this time he'll make it.
  11. Predict our first offensive play from scrimmage on Sunday against the Chargers. I say it is going to be a deep left sideline pass to Kelvin Benjamin, good for a 43 yard completion.
  12. Please tell me this is somehow computer generated and Josh Allen did not actually do this.
  13. If in fact the table slamming subsides, the idiots who do that sort of thing will quickly come up with a new gimmick, I'm sure. Maybe they'll start giving each other enemas with a flammable liquid, thus making an anally fired flame thrower. The game being to see which drunken assshole can catch the most flaming excrement in his mouth, and drink it. Or something like that.
  14. As I just wrote above, if we finish this year with a horrible record, and have another similarly bad record next year, all while Josh Allen flounders, they'll be gone end of next year IMO. Not 4 years guaranteed at all.
  15. I think you're coming at it from a practical standpoint. There is a gambling line on this in Vegas, where McDermott has the 3rd best odds in the league to be fired.
  16. Mike Schopp just referenced this a little while ago. McDermott has the 3rd best odds to get fired of any coach in the league. I.E., he's one of the most likely coaches to get fired. Pegula has shown you how he operates, if you are paying attention. It always looks good and like he supports his hires, right up to the moment when he fires them with lots of time left on their Ks. Regardless, I think McDermott gets this season guaranteed, and probably all of next as well. His fate rests in the hands of Josh Allen. If Allen busts, and we have a horrible record this year and next, he'll be gone. When he goes, Beane will go with him. They are tied at the hip and McDermott is the principal in that relationship; he tells Beane what to do, not the other way around.
  17. OK. [Putting religious views aside] Let's see. Nope, it doesn't look any better.
  18. You gotta Billieve in my man Timmy! He has a direct line of communication with the Head Coach in the sky!
  19. I completely agree with the highlighted text. It begs the question, just what did our scouting department and HC see in Nate Peterman? And why didn't they immediately dismiss him as not an NFL talent? Further, if they could be that wrong with Nate, why couldn't they be that wrong with Allen? Doesn't inspire confidence in their judgment, does it?
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