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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Logan Thomas waving at air on that sack play. What an !@#$. Allen did well to simply hang on to the ball.
  2. Not a bad idea, especially if you live where beautiful Sunday afternoons are going to start going away.
  3. Run, run, sack punt! The Buffalo Bills are on the hunt! Run, run, sack, punt! The Buffalo Bills are on the hunt!
  4. 43 yard pass to Benjamin coming up! EDIT: And by that, I mean a handoff to Shady for no gain. LOL
  5. I thought he was carrying a briefcase for a moment there! I was about to nickname him "The Businessman" but then I saw it was just a backpack. Big kid, no doubt.
  6. Sometimes he flat out blew them off, sometimes he was just 15 minutes late.
  7. A new stadium downtown where there is no parking and all this crap will go away on its own. If ticket prices are brought up to speed league-wide as well, this crap will go away even more. This is why exclusive places charge high prices; it functions as a filter to keep low-lifes out.
  8. We're going into what the Roman army called the testudo, or tortoise. Ain't gonna be a lot of passing today.
  9. We have lots of problems! Check out the Vegas odds for us to win the Super Bowl this year! It's expansion franchise type stuff at 200:1
  10. Glancing down the OP's list I would say Biscuit and Freddy would both make excellent candidates. It seems like Biscuit has had poor relations with the organization since his retirement. You never see him or hear of him, despite being one of the bigger stars in franchise history.
  11. Hah! Another modern athlete who will retire a very wealthy man, despite having done absolutely nothing for his entire career. The NHL is filled with such athletes now.
  12. Miller is as bad as anyone on the entire line. He simply cannot move his big body quickly enough to keep up with play at this level.
  13. You propose this like it would be some type of wildly unpredictable calamity. I think losing, and losing a lot, is part of the plan for this year.
  14. I would LOVE for that to happen. Folks waiting for Allen to be the Messiah are going be waiting a long time.
  15. I would suggest as much as half the 80,000 out there (in the old days) were there to forget about their ****ty lives for a few hours and get hammered. The actual football game was totally incidental.
  16. David Gilmour "On an Island" from the Live in Gdansk concert. Love how he plays it in this performance. Solo starts at 5:04.
  17. No, that was "The Song Remains the Same." What is a desert topping? Is that something like this?
  18. All valid points and concerns. So what do you make out of all that? Deliberate tank season from the Bills? Just standard incompetence?
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