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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Yes, perfectly lucid as he threw the ball behind, in front of, and over the heads of his receivers, two seconds late.
  2. I would say they are both cut from the same cloth and very traditional, go by the book, "football coaches." The type that aren't going to exist in another 10 years or so.
  3. I thought we were bailed out several times with good calls! The safety that was ruled a touchback, was one of them.
  4. Likewise; same for wearing another man's football jersey and paying a lot of money for the privilege!
  5. McD doesn't do honesty or truth. He engages solely in Coachspeak. It makes listening to almost everything he says in a public venue a waste of time.
  6. You seem to be suggesting that this was unusual or some type of anomaly. When is an NFL football game not horribly officiated?
  7. His piece was well balanced and focused on positives and negatives. Insofar as the criticism was imbalanced, it should have been! We are a horrible team and got our ass kicked. For some reason, this forum attracts kool-aid drinking type fans. And that type of fan hates Jerry Sullivan. It's just how it is and it's not going to change.
  8. Top 10? I think Top 3 is assured, if not First. In the first half today, we looked like the team that played in Baltimore, which his to say, a team that would struggle to win a single game this year. We admittedly looked much better in the second half, but there aren't many teams in the league as bas as us this year.
  9. I agree that throwing a full season in the toilet seems like a very rash move in 2018. Long, slow, patient rebuilds are a thing of the past. You need to be able to win now while retooling for the future as well. Or at least maintain the appearance of a win now team. We look every bit the worst team in the league, with little hope of winning now, and the playoffs are out of the question. As I said in another thread, the season is over this year in Week 2. Never mind Thanksgiving! Or Halloween for that matter! Week 2!
  10. This year, the season is over as of Week 2. Everyone is on board with us being among the worst teams in the league and seems to accept that we won't be a playoff team. Week 2 and the season is over. I think that might be a new record.
  11. I thought both challenges were terrible from a tactical standpoint. The first is a good example of a call that is almost unreversible; you can't make that challenge.
  12. Every time they actually showed an overhead view of the field today, I saw either an open receiver or a wide open receiver. If Allen is not going to see or throw to open receivers, you can't B word about our receivers being the problem. I realize, as a group, they suck by the way. But it's not a problem until Allen greatly improves.
  13. Ironically, that is the one and only thing that Doug Whaley was pretty good at!
  14. I understand his decision making as he outlines it in his personal statement. What I criticize is the timing he chose. He could have sucked it up for one more half of football and done this away from the field, not in the middle of a game where he was a distraction to his teammates. A weird situation to be sure.
  15. Looking like NE will be taking a loss! It's always good to see. Just makes you feel good, you know?
  16. You don't need a receiver who will fight for 50/50 balls if you don't have a QB who will throw into tight windows, and anticipate receivers getting open before they are. The WRs we have are fine, until Allen comes up to speed, if he is going to.
  17. But other than that, how do you feel?
  18. *Pegulas No apostrophe. You're trying to show plurality, not possession.
  19. The first half looked like the Ravens game and like we would struggle to win a single game this year. That changed at halftime and the 2nd half was a much more closely played game and entertaining at times. So let's hope the 2nd half Bills show up some more. I still see 2 more losses for sure and we'll be 0-4 going into the Tennessee game. At this point, pray we don't look horrible, pray we don't get blown out, and pray that Allen slowly and consistently improves every week.
  20. It's partially this, partially the fact that the decision was heavily influenced by emotion (I assume) and we don't know what happened at half time as well. Like was Vontae provoked or called out by anyone? Maybe. We don't know. Whatever. This is another lost Bills season and Davis was at the end of the line anyway. None of this really matters. Still a funny story and so damned Billsy. The national media will be feasting on this in the coming week.
  21. Never thought about that, but "I can't quit you baby" should be the official Bills fan song.
  22. No doubt the OL is putrid, but that does not lead to total duress every time Josh throws the football. There were plenty of plays where it was fair to judge Josh based on what he was in control of. Things are not totally out of his control on all plays, though many here like to suggest that is the case. Obviously if pass blocking is blown on a given play and Josh is immediately under duress, that play should be thrown out in terms of evaluating Josh. But there are many others where he can be judged. He is not anticipating open receivers, he is throwing way late consistently, and his ball placement/accuracy is pretty bad. These are the things he will need to improve and will be interesting to follow throughout the year.
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