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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I'm guessing a lot of these people don't follow the Sabres and therefore, don't know Pegula as well as they could by now. If and when Terry decides he's done with McBeane, their gone. And everything might be smelling very sweet 30 seconds beforehand, too.
  2. I love when folks defending the team mention that they are professionals and not a bunch of amateur posters at TBD. Fairly certain a few posters here could have pieced together a better off-season. I wish I could give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they did it deliberately as part of a tank, but they already have their "franchise QB" and IMO, that is the only position you could justify tanking for. So we're back to them just being straight up inept.
  3. It's a "win now" league and has been for quite a long time. Yet this administration has chosen to bin an entire season of football as part of a multi-year rebuild. You seem to be taking the whole thing rather well.
  4. I read Joe B's piece at WKBW. I give him credit for acknowledging the flaws in Allen's game. This board seems to think he's a franchise QB in the making and just needs a bit more time. In reality, he is a long-odds project that is likely not to pan out. Expectations right now for him are zero b/c he's so green, so the flaws in his game get a pass. But at some point he'll have to do better. I thought his best plays came from his legs, not his arm, and that's not good.
  5. It's not that it's 3 words, it's the 3 words he used and in that context. It's not the type of thing you would learn in a short period of time. Mike struggles to say "Prost!" (Cheers) when he drinks his beer...that's the sort of thing he might pick up hanging around those guys. It was just an odd thing. Mike's character clearly doesn't speak German, but then he did for a second in a single scene and it makes no sense. That's my point.
  6. Making fun of a laughing stock team sells to the entire country that is not associated with the laughing stock team. look at the fun this board has enjoyed poking at Cleveland the last few years, for example. This year, we are the laughing stock of the league and we are going to get both barrels. We don't really deserve any better.
  7. It's possible they held Germans in AZ; definitely had tons of them in Texas. A provision of the Geneva Convention was that troops captured in battle had to be held captive in a climate similar to where they surrendered. For that reason, when the entire DAK collapsed in May 1943, many went to Texas, where the arid climate was considered comparable to N. Africa. I didn't get the scene down in the meth lab, when the German workers started fighting with each other. Mike, whose character is clearly portrayed as not being able to speak German, breaks up the fight by shouting "Jungs kommt runter!" which is an idiom basically meaning "Boys, calm down!" There's no way in the world his character would know how to say that. He can't even say "Prost!" when he drinks beer with the lead architect/construction dude. Where that came from or where the show was going with the German in the meth lab, I don't know. Loved the scene where Gus realized Hector was still himself, and how he determined that...and how that was all totally missed by the female doctor. Gus was like "Yep, he's himself. This will work" and like that the doctor was dismissed, her work being done. Curious as to what Kim's master plan is that was hinted at at the end of the show. I've been saying for a while she's going to dump Jimmy and it still looks that way.
  8. So who watched Episode 7? I thought it was another excellent show. Lots of stuff continues to brew under the surface.
  9. I recall watching Keith Gretzky play one year in Sabres training camp, out at Sabreland in Wheatfield. Unfortunately, it was pretty obvious that his brother got all the athletic talent in the family. That was probably something like 1989? Around then.
  10. You've used that line here before Augie! Re: the change, ask Dr. Krentist! I'm sure he'll help you out, if he has any that is.
  11. If you haven't seen it, this rendition of "Dazed and Confused" from Royal Albert Hall, 1970, is pretty mind blowing. One of my favorite Bonzo moments of all time occurs at 12:16-12:20.
  12. I know he did. I'm telling him how he can stream Bills football. If he wants to make it more complicated that's on him.
  13. I would swap Nate for Mat Moore immediately, and use him as the backup rolling forward.
  14. Both are terrible matchups. We'll lose by a ton to both teams. 0-4 facing Tennessee, which at the moment looks like one of the very few games we have a chance of winning this year.
  15. Go to reddit.com a few minutes before the game and do a search for "Bills vs. ____" filling in the blank for whoever we are playing. You will find a series of links taking you to the game being streamed live on various websites. The first listed usually works pretty well. This is now how I watch Bills football, unless they are on TV in my area. Almost all the Bills games are blocked by the Dolphins where I live, so chances to see them on TV are few and far between, except for the 2 times we play Miami, of course.
  16. A plane ticket to Nevada and probably about 500 bucks would be enough to get the job done, I think.
  17. The Patriots have a habit of looking their worst very early in the season for some reason. That's usually right around the time they rip off 8 or 9 wins in a row. It's *always* nice to see them lose, however.
  18. And if they get the **** pounded out of them, a joke or 2 will be made referencing this prediction but then it will be quickly forgotten. So really, the OP can't lose!
  19. A player either has this type of thing in him, or he doesn't. Clearly Josh does, so that's a big plus for him.
  20. When all else fails, and the team sucks ass, turn to self-righteous sentimentality, huh?
  21. Wouldn't a win against an NFC team hurt our playoff chances?
  22. True, but it feels like most around here are actually OK with it this year! Expectations were close to zero. That helps.
  23. Have you considered not watching, or maybe lighting up before the game?
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