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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Oh God. More soap opera stuff for those who enjoy such things. I think some sports fans enjoy this stuff more than the actual football games.
  2. Is there any act or omission made by the Bills organization that you wouldn't blindly support? What if they start running a human trafficking ring out of OBD? Not only would you be on board, you'd be telling posters here who oppose the idea that they are stupid.
  3. Actually, he's a 3rd round pick, taken in the top 10 by the Bills. Those are 2 different things.
  4. I guess we could hire EJ and then direct Josh to do the exact opposite of everything EJ suggests.
  5. I think a veteran QB who has recently played would be very helpful to Allen. He would lend a voice and perspective that David Culley, the QBs coach, does not. What Allen ultimately would do with such help/advice is up to him, but why not surround him with as many paths to success as possible?
  6. If this is what unleashed Tyrod looks like, Cleveland may want to put him back on that leash.
  7. There's really nothing new here. We get it; he had a spiritual epiphany mid-game and knew his time was done. That's fine. How he responded to that is not what's fine. He could have played another half of football; he could have feigned an injury, pulled himself out of the game, and stayed on the sideline supporting the team....only to announce the retirement in a more dignified manner at a better time. Perhaps the next day, or whenever that would feel right. Could have been handled in many acceptable ways. The way he did it is BS.
  8. Allen looks below average right now, but he's a rookie with no experience and he has a lot to learn. At some point expectations will be greater than zero, however, and then he's going to have to perform. Where each fan sets the performance line remains to be seen. Tyrod had/has supporters up to the very end and even now. When should Allen be expected to perform better? Mid-season? By the end of this year? By the end of next year? When?
  9. I saw the game late last night; it was re-aired on NHL Network. Dahlin's quality is super apparent. Dude was quarterbacking the power play and moving all over with the puck while keeping his head up, cheating in on the play, totally involved. Looked totally at ease playing at that level, even if it was a pre-season game and all the "real" players weren't playing. That kid is gonna play half of each game and give us that 1st good pass out of the D end that we haven't had for a while, and that can make a huge difference on the O end. Also, Risto was in a bad mood and hammered a couple of guys! He didn't get the memo that this was a meaningless pre-season game where everyone is supposed to sleepwalk through the game. Love that edgy side to his play. We are going to have a solid PP; we can have plenty of guys with great stick handling/puck moving skills and we should be able to maintain possession for large stretches with consistency.
  10. Doesn't this come up from time to time? It's like the controversy over one of the Teletubbies carrying a "purse". I think some Christian minister started that one...you know...the type who is probably a closet homosexual. He asserted it was forcing homosexuality on children or some such. I remember the show creators came back pointing out the absurdity of the claim and clarifying that the object in question was in fact a "magic bag."
  11. Good! I just did some googling and this book was written by a Ph.D. therapist...about proper parenting through a divorce. Reading a few books like this could prove to be very helpful. https://www.amazon.com/Parenting-through-Divorce-Helping-Children/dp/1616084421
  12. Can't recall the last Super Bowl halftime show I have seen; the moment the 1st half ends I am usually off to the bathroom and kitchen to prepare snacks for 2nd half. It's nice little break.
  13. They can re-arrange the deck chairs all they want, but this ship still hit that iceberg and she's still going down.
  14. I think buddies who live together. The separate beds give it away.
  15. I'm sure there is a counselor out there who can give you very sound advice for going through this entire process, for years to come, with an emphasis on causing as little damage as possible to your son. I'm sure there are things you can do, ways you can act, things that can be said that will help an otherwise unfortunate situation. I would seek that counsel and not advice from a football fan message board. Just my 2 cents.
  16. LOL. Every now and again this comes up. The idea that a phenomenal college team can beat a horrible NFL team. It can't! These people forget that any NFL team is made up of collegiate all-stars and phenoms, and any college team including Alabama is not. No it wouldn't be.
  17. Seriously? Our number one problem is bad play calling? And "zero identity" is in the top 10? What the hell does that even mean? And how would that translate to winning on Sundays? You know what the most important factor is? It didn't crack your Top 10! The quarterback. We don't have one.
  18. I'll give you another sobering thought. Josh in no way shows signs of ever playing on the level of Rivers, who will likely end up in the HOF. Some have suggested Allen projects out to be a Matt Stafford type, if things go well. Matt Stafford? That's what everyone is so excited about around here? What the hell has that guy ever done?
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