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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I don't use straws, but if I did, it wouldn't be made out of stainless steel. Alters the flavor of anything you are drinking. It's like drinking out of plastic cups. That's another thing I don't do.
  2. A much larger sin is the OL Beane has given Allen. They are practice squad caliber, and we are looking to improve them with roster castaways who have had trouble sticking in the league.
  3. It speaks volumes that we are trying to improve our OL with roster castaways and guys who have had trouble sticking with an organization. It would suggest that our line is comprised of borderline practice squad caliber players. And that makes sense! We've all seen them play! Good work Beane! It's not like we have a stud young QB with the hopes of the entire franchise sitting on his shoulders or anything!
  4. It all depends on Allen. He has to morph into something that he is not, and has never been. Will he do that? We'll find out.
  5. I'd draft a QB, especially if we finish dead last.
  6. Having now seen all 3 QBs play, Mayfield is way out in front of the new guys. Then comes Darnold, who looks like a good but still learning QB who needs time to develop. Last comes Allen, who has lots of problems and is playing too early. Oh come on. I wouldn't put race in the equation. There were many throws last night where Tyrod had a man open, Tyrod saw him, and then threw the ball to him. The problem being that the throw was off by 3 feet or more and it went as an incompletion. You can't have a guy like that playing QB for your in the NFL, unless he's your backup and is only playing in an emergency situation. Tyrod is just not good enough to be a starter in the NFL. He's always been right there on the edge. What concerns me is that Allen's accuracy is not much better.
  7. Their defense was lights out. They may scream "4-12" but they'll beat us, twice.
  8. Yeah, I don't know why people are expecting the coach to name a new starting QB in an emotional, post-game PC. I do think Mayfield will go from now on though.
  9. Just finished watching the game on tape delay. Excellent, entertaining game, especially for TNF! Before Tyrod got hurt, I thought it was hilarious how Aikman and Buck were suggesting Tyrod's time was up in Cleveland and that the fans were calling for a QB change. My God Tyrod is just horrible. That Jets team looks pretty decent--we won't be beating them this year! I think Mayfield has to start here on out. He looked ready and the team was just night and day with him in there. I'd like to repeat, Tyrod is just horrible.
  10. He's filtered through 3 organizations in a year. Seattle, NE, and now San Fran. How good can he be? Worth taking a shot on him though, I guess.
  11. Who thought it would be a good idea to put a dead whale in a dumpster?
  12. Either that or you're giving our defense too much credit.
  13. Is it possible that it just appears as though the national media does a lot of reporting on Buffalo because that is the team you specifically follow and therefore notice?
  14. Read the plot at Wikipedia. Sounds good, kind of a Breaking Bad type concept? Non-career-criminals/normal people getting mixed up in crime.
  15. No. 1 piece of advice here is to try to pursue what he is passionate about. He may not even know what he is passionate about, but I'm sure there is something. Step 1 is figure out what he loves to do all the time and would continue to do for pleasure if he won $50 million in the lottery. Step 2 is to take steps toward a career in that area or which takes advantage of that passion in some manner. His passion might be sitting on his ass and greatly enjoying free time, while having no innate ambition to conquer the world. That's worth knowing! A lot of career choices can work in that context. Then again, he may realize he loves working with his hands and creating things. IF that's true, work in an office doing abstract professional work is not going to be very satisfying. Then he has to figure out how much $$$ he needs or wants. A lot of people think they need a lot of money to be happy, but some do not. Others do. Figure out which you are b/c if you need a lot of money to get by, you ain't gonna be happy being poor.
  16. Julie Andrews was totally hot back in the '60s, though I never dug that short hair cut she had in The Sound of Music. Didn't know there was a band called "Steel Panther." If that band had been around before Spinal Tap, I would have assumed it was the inspiration for the movie. Kind of funny.
  17. SNL has been horrible for its entire existence, with brief interludes of quality from time to time when actual talent entered the cast. The show has benefitted greatly from having zero competition in that time slot on a late Saturday night, which prevented the show form getting axed decades ago. In its defense, good comedy is extremely hard to produce. I think it's the hardest creative writing to do.
  18. Thanks for putting this on my radar. What is the show about?
  19. I have seen so many documentaries and read so many stories now, about innocent people doing jail time, that I am convinced this is fairly common throughout the country. It stems from the fact that often, in a lot of areas, the people enforcing the law are dumb or lazy or both, and they are not necessarily looking to have justice done. They are just looking to find a body to prosecute in a court room and then throw in jail so it looks like they are doing their job and the general citizenry can feel relaxed that justice was served. It's a big problem and would be viewed as a lot bigger, if the victims in this weren't almost always at the very bottom of the socio-economic ladder. So for the most part, no one really cares.
  20. I had kidney surgery about 5 years ago. My surgeon had back surgery done on himself 3 years prior to my surgery. He said he still had no feeling in a couple of his toes and a numb, tingly feeling in his one foot. It came up in the context of him explaining to my why I had similar feelings in my side. The problem is that when you slice someone open, you slice through nerves and the longer the nerves, the longer it takes for them to rejuvenate and grow back. He said to me, "My advice is never have back surgery!" and also "don't ride a motorcycle!" That coming from the top kidney surgeon at the Cleveland Clinic in Ft. Lauderdale. So I'll pass it on to you. Never have back surgery. Unless you can't help it.
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