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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. All places are definitely not the same. There are all kinds of opportunities presented in large cities that are completely lacking in WNY. Having said that, there is certainly stuff to do in WNY, and suggesting that there is "nothing" to do there is wrong. Don't forget Pegula trying to hire Mike Babcock to coach the Sabres. There was much to do about his wife not wanting to leave Detroit... Turns out she was OK moving to TO apparently.
  2. Doing pro bono work for those who can't afford legal representation is "helping low lifes" huh? I agree Kim and Jimmy do not come across as a romantic couple, and commented on that up-thread. I'm not sure why that is or if that is even intentional (I think it is) but clearly, they are supposed to be a romantic couple. So they are not just best friends. As I said earlier, they relate to one another like they are on a second date. They are artificially stiff and guarded with how they relate to one another in a way that a romantic couple who lives together would not be.
  3. About half of all marriages end with some type of permanent dissolution. It is not as easy to calculate as you might think, b/c a percentage of marriages end with permanent separation, but no actual divorce. Actual divorce rates, as of 2010, were 43% to 46%. The average length of marriage that ends in divorce in America is @ 8 years.
  4. What if they never slow down and he just doesn't have a very high football IQ? That was the knock on him prior to the draft.
  5. I said he's the most intelligent person, not the biggest football expert. Those are two different things. Also, your list of complaints doesn't relate to his intelligence. If you're going to argue the point, argue it. Don't change the topic. Lastly, the vast majority of his callers are idiots. Mike does have a habit of letting idiots know they are idiots. I don't fault him for that, whereas you apparently do. Now and again Mike gets an intelligent, interesting caller who has something to say or a good point to make. Mike is always appreciative of such callers and almost always makes it a point to praise them or their point. He often says things like "Well done," or "That's how you do it" or "Great call" or "This all makes a lot of sense." If you aren't hearing that it's because you are choosing to ignore it. Disagree; it was pretty heated for a while. Schopp was livid and he showed it, which he very rarely does. Sal hit a nerve with Mike; he has a huge ego and doesn't react well to criticism. When Sal said his point was "ridiculous" Mike was ready to throw down and have it, and he did. Are you kidding? The Buffalo guys have to go out of their way to be pleasant, b/c Buffalo is a tiny market and it is the culture there to be polite and say "how are you doing" every time someone calls in, etc. Mike doesn't suffer fools. He gets a lot of them calling the show. I agree from time to time he could probably lighten up a bit and not slam the morons who call him so hard, but it doesn't really bother me. However, I realize a lot of people clearly don't like that aspect of his personality.
  6. Joe is very similar to Sal in that they are both pretty bad. They both have the ability to talk for 10 minutes while saying absolutely nothing. Joe was sort of the Sal before Sal at GR-55. In theory, every segment of every show GR-55 does every day gets put up on their website as a recording, with commercials edited out. You can listen online or a mobile device if you are interested. Certainly don't need to be living in WNY and picking the content up through the air.
  7. This is fantastic! Those are Reliant Regals racing at what appears to be Monza. Love how a couple of them actually seemed to make it into the first chicane. The guy who programmed all this is my hero.
  8. I linked it up-thread. It was near the very beginning of Hour 3 starting at 5:00pm. They introduced Sal and their "Round table" segment and within a few minutes they started getting into it.
  9. Josh Allen has a strong arm. In other riveting, breaking news: ex-Bills LB Ray Bentley authored a series of children's books about Darby the Dinosaur. Former Bill Nick O'Leary is the grandson of golfing great Jack Nicklaus. Former Bills QB Frank Reich owns the records for quarterbacking the greatest comeback victory in both NCAA and NFL history. What am I missing?
  10. Mike is the most intelligent guy at the station. Jeremy is a total idiot. Not sure how you lump them together like that. I finally had a chance to listen to the argument. Schopp was definitely getting into it; that's the most fired up I've ever heard him I think, particularly with regard to a fellow broadcaster and not a caller. What started it was Mike's ego and Sal saying his theory was "ridiculous". That really pissed Mike of and away they went. I don't necessarily disagree with Schopp's basic premise. He's basically saying that the QB competition obviously didn't work as Allen is clearly better than Peterman, and that a "competition" itself is not really necessary to determine who the starting QB should be. He's then taking it a step further and suggesting that the "competition" is a crutch relied on by coaches to absolve themselves of responsibility in making the QB selection and a tool to bring the team in line behind the decision he makes. "Hey, he won the competition, he must be the better of the two and therefor he should start." I agree with the crutch angle; the coaches like to lean on the competition angle so that they have a plausible defense when the QB selected plays poorly, if he plays poorly. I said all off-season that Allen should have started Game 1; Schopp has always said that too.
  11. Height doesn't have much to do with his problems at QB. One thing he is great at is protecting the ball. He just doesn't turn it over and he does that extremely well. The problem is everything else.
  12. Thanks. So risking 5 grand for the chance to win $9,500 basically...while having to give 17 points in an NFL game. No thanks! I don't like it, even though I'm quite sure we will lose and probably badly...but I don't like the terms.
  13. People have asked the OP now about 100 times to tell us what odds he has, and he doesn't seem to want to do it. Can someone who bets give us an idea of what the odds probably are? The OP has bet $5,000 on the Vikings, and the Bills get 17 points. So let's say Minnesota wins 52-3. How much money is the OP going to get on his $5,000 bet? I don't gamble and am just curious to know the odds we are talking here.
  14. I assume this happened some time in Hour 3 starting at 5:00pm. I'm just starting to listen now. Haven't gotten to the argument yet. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/09-21-schopp-bulldog-hour-3
  15. I think your take here makes sense. I have been saying for a while that Kim is going to dump Jimmy and that is going to push him over the edge to become Saul. But I agree she seems to have a soft spot for him and will never be able to shut him out of her life completely.
  16. Don't think so, but perhaps this year's Bills will be next year's Bears!
  17. I can't recall the last time I enjoyed a Thursday night game that much. Lots of interesting story lines going on at the same time and it was a close game with a come from behind win. As Bills fans we had even more to watch with the Tyrod connection and our own rookie QB like Mayfield and Darnold. Add in the fact that I feel like I know the Browns better than most teams due to Hard Knocks and it was just a very enjoyable football game to watch.
  18. It's a comparison of micro vs. macro failure. One is almost impossible to achieve short term, the other is almost impossible to achieve long term. I mean at some point, in the course of 32 games, you would think you would back into a win playing against a really bad team that just didn't want to win. By the same token, a team should back into the playoffs eventually. Shocking that we didn't do that in a 17 year stretch.
  19. I guess it's a matter of perspective, but that sounds absolutely fantastic to me! Apparently they had a series of sexual encounters in a car and other outdoor locations. I love it. This was posted on her Twitter feed. Perhaps directed at her young lover?
  20. First, we do NOT know that the Browns narrowed the QB down to Allen and Mayfield. Second, if we are to assume that Mayfield will pan out and be a great QB (that's not demonstrated yet) that says absolutely nothing about the quality of Allen, even if we assume the Browns did have him as their other finalist. You have presented a false cause logical fallacy, suggesting that because A is true, B must also be true, and that the two are connected with A causing B. In actuality, there is nothing about Baker Mayfield's play that causes Josh Allen's play to be good or bad.
  21. Yes, of course they are and yes he does. He was on with Schopp and Bulldog explaining his take on Allen quite well a couple of days ago. Ad hominem attacks like we are seeing in this thread are a common logical fallacy widely practiced by your average Bills fan. Ultimately, the source of the contempt for Ledyard is the poster's own fear that Allen isn't going to pan out. He was considered a high risk project player by almost everyone, most had him as a 3rd round type gamble. He is still exhibiting the same sorts of issues he has always exhibited, and his accuracy is all over the map. It's just basic psychology. Rather than address these things head on, the typical fan attacks the source of the criticism.
  22. One thing you learn around here is that your average adult Bills fan has the spelling and grammar skills of a C student in 5th grade.
  23. Your anger reveals fear. Fear that our QB, Josh Allen, isn't as good as Sam Darnold, or maybe just not good at all. Sam Darnold's success does not take success away from Josh Allen. Rather than harping on Sam Darnold, try to deal with your issues regarding Allen.
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