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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I can tell this boy will go far.
  2. Prefer them other way around. Blue shirts, white pants. But either is much better than the all white look which I really dislike.
  3. The entire point of developing Werner's character and his relationship with Mike is to ultimately further develop Mike's character by showing us another side to Mike. Mike has always placed a personal moral code above being a simple criminal. Mike is willing to break the law or bend rules if it doesn't negatively impact good people. Something is going to happen whereby Mike must choose between going full evil (perhaps killing Werner) and being a good or fair person. One way the show might play it: have Werner make another misstep that only Mike knows about or discovers; Mike will have to decide if it gets reported to Gus or not, knowing that reporting it probably means Werner dies. Mike will have to weigh blowing the whistle on Werner, the all around good dude who likely doesn't deserve to die, against his loyalty to his boss, Gus, and commitment to the efficient implementation of the construction project in general. Mike's character will be tested in this way and it will involve Werner.
  4. It's not about what we think! It's about what you think. Your money, your jersey. Kent Hull is probably one of my 3 favorite Bills of all time, so I support the choice.
  5. The best restaurants in town on the night before game day are the same restaurants that are the best on any other day of the year. Go to Tempo on Delaware Ave. Great food.
  6. Answer to first question: none Answer to second question: all So much for the theory that opposites attract! Sounds like you have married your clone.
  7. We all know Allen's balls are hard, at least most of the time. But Matthews said in a recent interview that he doesn't mind hard balls and he feels he can handle them well.
  8. Were we expecting McCarthy to say he looks raw and not ready? That the film reveals several weaknesses which Green Bay thinks they can exploit fully to their advantage? Of course he's going to be complimentary. No reason not to. He's that way with everyone.
  9. The flaw with his thinking is that there is not a universal supply of high quality QBs out there waiting to be picked up by a savvy team every 5 years. It's just the opposite; high quality QBs seem to be discovered by accident and are few and far between, so that when you find one, you should hold onto them for dear life until they can no longer play. Enjoy the winning while the good QB is in his playing window...and constantly look to find his replacement along the way, assuming that most of the time you will not find that person.
  10. People have remarkably short memories around here! The very same people who have anointed Allen the Chosen One did the same with EJ, and Tyrod after him. Folks are desperate for a real QB on this team. We've had 1 of them in 50 years of football.
  11. OJ was a scumbag long before he murdered his wife and her boyfriend. I have heard stories going all the way back to his playing days in Buffalo. He was always a jerk. Just change it back to Robert Moore. No one will recognize that now.
  12. Good to see him do some time. Cosby's particular pattern of crime was pretty creepy and he is a straight up psycho predator. I wonder if he will kill himself.
  13. I agree with this. Something that a lot of people don't talk about is the fact that the novelty of having a new sex partner is a big part of sexual attraction for men. I.E., that which is fresh and new is sexy; that which is old and familiar loses sexual attraction. There's a reason for that; we're programmed by evolution to sprinkle our DNA over a wide sample of the population to ensure our offspring survive.
  14. The force of an accident at 25MPH is roughly equivalent to falling off a 2 story building (20 feet). If that happens you'll wish you had just put on the seatbelt, but hey, it's your body not mine!
  15. The scene in the meth lab with Gus talking to Mike. Mike is giving him the updates on the construction project and discussing the big rock blocking the elevator shaft area, etc. Gus is looking for assurance that Werner won't talk about the project again in the future and Mike gives it to him. Gus wants Mike's personal opinion of the situation and whether or not Werner is likely to talk. There is no need for that scene to exist if Gus is planning to kill the Germans and/or Werner as a matter of course. Doesn't mean Werner won't end up dead, but I don't think that's part of the plan. As I said before, I think Werner might very well end up dead b/c the show has spent time on him and he is a likable guy. But Gus is not planning to eliminate the entire construction crew at this time. Yes. These guys do stuff like that only b/c they know their viewers will follow up with websites, phone numbers, etc. The church website links up with a real charity for a homeless shelter I believe.
  16. It takes 2 to tango. Vikings were completely flat and are probably not going to be nearly as good as people think this year. If we play the same this week but Green Bay shows up as well, should be a good game.
  17. I love when total garbage like this gets floated around. The team was "galvanized" when Davis quit at halftime. Right. I guess our problems before then were a result of not having finalized the galvanization process. This suggests, basically, that our effort was low until the team decided to exert more as a group. Total bunk!
  18. Most teams are structured in such a manner that if the starting QB goes down for an appreciable amount of time, the season is forfeited. And most teams seem OK with that arrangement. We could still benefit from a better backup however. Peterman is not really a backup caliber player. He is more of a #3.
  19. Finally watched the new episode. I'm getting burned out on the meth lab construction project. It's not that interesting a plot line and we all know the lab is going to be built. This is taking up too much show time each week! Disagree that it is a foregone conclusion that the workers will be killed. Werner, the boss, may end up dead, but only because they have invested the time in us getting to know, and like, him. The letter writing scam has worked...for now. I think this is going to backfire ultimately. Ericsen, the ADA, is not going to be a pushover and the show left a trail of indicators suggesting that the plot will be discovered. Just a question of whether or not the show wants to go down that path.
  20. They aren't deleting doughnuts from their product range. They are simply deleting "doughnuts" from their corporate name. So they will be known as Dunkin' from now on I guess.
  21. Well, at least we hope we do. Jury's still out.
  22. Will the uniforms be one of these versions below? I like the lower photo, with the number inside a circular background carrier. Otherwise there isn't a lot to love. The color of the pants clashes with the yellow in the jersey and helmet.
  23. Watched the game last night in full. Fitz had a rough night but came back strong at the end. The one deflected INT was not really his fault either. While watching, I couldn't help but notice that Fitz is actually a good bit better than Tyrod Taylor. Fitz will absolutely sling the ball into tight spots, he throws receivers open with anticipation, and he can definitely move the ball down the field. His great fault is lack of arm strength and he has that habit of throwing an INT now and again that he should not have thrown. But I think we would have won our playoff game last year with Fitz as the QB. Don't forget, Bortles played one of the worst playoff games by a QB in recent memory! The problem was that Tyrod was worse.
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