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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Something like this sounds about right to me.
  2. The search for wireless electricity is akin to the search for the perpetual motion machine. I wouldn't invest much $ in that.
  3. I'm a liberal, but I wouldn't try to defend this guy as he is a straight up idiot. Still serving in Congress too! Practiced law for like 20 years or more... As an attorney myself that kind of irks me.
  4. I think what he meant is if we lose the next 6 straight, or something like that, there is no need to be looking at standings. This season has a long way to go and it is still not clear if we will be competitive, or a bottom 3 team.
  5. You really think a writer of Vic's caliber would make that mistake? Your comments tells us a lot more about your competency than they do Vic's.
  6. How this is viewed is going to vary from context to context. I don't really understand what it is you actually do based on your post, but I don't think I would be using a personal cell phone in your position, and I would try to limit communication to work phone and work email.
  7. Some people want to actually discuss aspects of Bills football here, and not just drink beer and cheer "Go Bills!" 24/7. Not sure why people like you participate here at all.
  8. If Schopp is off all week and it's just Bulldog, I almost can't listen. Bulldog just has nothing to say and his stammering is really hard to listen to. He is skilled at talking for 5 or 10 minutes straight, however, while saying absolutely nothing. If the reverse is the case, I can listen just fine, despite Schopp's flaws. At the end of the day he offers the most intelligent voice on that station. That he may be abrasive or harsh to idiot callers really doesn't bother me at all. I don't notice it nearly as much as others here apparently do.
  9. Cousins played on a level the Bills have not seen since Jim Kelly in that game Thursday night. He was notably worse in our game against Minnesota. He had an off-day that day, which contributed heavily to our win, along with the fact that Minnesota is not nearly as good as people thought they would be this year. They remind me of our win against Atlanta last year.
  10. First, let me say I was riveted to every word of this story. Second, you are telling me that a pair of hot twin sisters wanted to do you in a threesome and your "friend" sort of talked you out of it?! Good God, that is the sort of serendipitous, perfect scenario I can only dream of.
  11. I knew winning against an NFC team was going to bite us in the ass!
  12. The 4 minute or so that he has played were lacking in fire, huh?
  13. You realize Rosen hasn't played hardly at all, right?
  14. Glad you kept it concise.
  15. Gazing at Fitzpatrick's beard and wondering how a player so devoid of natural talent could last this long in the league, Winston thought to himself: "Maybe I should grow one too."
  16. What about Nate's? Allen has played the whole year.
  17. Why do you say that and how do you know that?
  18. Go to Alcatraz, especially if you like history as you say. Have you seen any of the movies done on the escape, such as the one with Clint Eastwood? I loved those and had a special interest in the escape when I was younger, and so it was really cool to see the real prison in person and connect it with what I saw in the movies. If you think NYC is clean, you need to get to Europe more often. It's rather dirty and gross in typical American style in comparison to any European big city I can think of.
  19. Do you think the reason you saw that exact image and logo at some illegitimate knockoff site is b/c the knockoff site was stealing those images from the official source of the product? And not the other way around?
  20. I agree with all of that, and yet our coach and GM have experience with this guy and still chose to bring him to Buffalo. Makes no sense. Along with repeatedly giving Nate Peterman a shot despite him being atrociously bad, place the failed Benjamin Project in the "HC has suspect judgment" file.
  21. No half measures! Either you're all in or all out.
  22. Cousins looks sharper than he did at any time during our game.
  23. Interesting theory; could easily play out that way.
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