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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Is he still part of the process? Do Beane and McDummy get passes on bringing this poison into the Bills locking room, having already known what he was about?
  2. I said a 3rd or better. If Allen makes it and this team is good with him as the QB, Shady won't be a part of the picture here. In fact, he is likely to be gone next year. Moving him now, in an already lost season, in exchange for some compensation makes a lot more sense than losing him for nothing at season's end. No? Are you still amazed?
  3. Yes, let's give them a lot of crap in exchange for a good WR. I don't think they'll go in for that.
  4. Something like that would make a lot of sense. Move an aging asset that is not going to be a part of future Bills success in exchange for one that will. For this reason, I don't expect the Bills to do this.
  5. If Eli was a Bill and had beaten the Patriots twice in the Super Bowl, I'd give him a pass for the rest of his life. And every time I got frustrated that he's not that good anymore, I'd look at my commemorative Superbowl XLII and XLVI championship shirts and relax.
  6. So there's kids out in bars tonight legally drinking. And if you saw one of them and asked them if they remember one of the Bills' Super Bowl appearances, they would laugh and say "Dude, I wasn't even born then." Yeah, I'm getting old.
  7. Very interesting game in Phoenix. Nice of them to save their best performance of the year, by far, for the first moment they got out of their own building. Those poor fans in Buffalo.
  8. I'm a long time Red Sox fan and will be watching and cheering for them tonight as always. As to why every meathead and his brother on this forum hates all things Boston, I'll never now. If you want to hate Brady, BB, or the Patriots cheating ways, fine. But all things Boston? That's just stupid.
  9. Asking too much for Shady, effectively refusing to move him to a team that wants him, is stupid and the wrong move. Another mistake for McBeane.
  10. McBeane will go when Allen does. Probably around 20 games into his career. What annoys me is we are going to have a good draft pick next year and we won't use it to take our next QB. It will be obvious that we should have done that about the time the Allen experiment ends and McBeane are gone. And then we'll start the next cycle, getting rid of all of McDermott's "process" guys, switching defensive schemes blah blah... In the meantime, years are lost, time goes by, and we remain a national irrelevancy...
  11. Denver often gets an early, freak snowfall event, sometimes in September. It doesn't last.
  12. I think it's fairly obvious that the Bills adopted a game plan last week that was totally focused on trying to win the game in the most ugly way possible, while asking Josh Allen to do as little as possible. As opposed to asking Josh Allen to be a full-service QB who must perform as such and which required him to learn, grow, and perform as a passing QB. Those are 2 hugely different approaches to the same game. We went with the "screw Allen, we want to win now" approach, and it worked. I actually disagree with that. This season is for deterring who Allen is, and the sooner we know, the better off we are. Everything should be pushed into his development or lack thereof, and let the score play out as it may. I'm willing to do that for this season and only this season, with Allen at least. The Bills are now in treading water/survivor mode and Allen is not going to do a lot of progressing with this mentality.
  13. Im curious: how many games does Allen get with you before you start changing your responses to questions like this? At what point will his play bother you? Half-season? Full season? Two full seasons? Three? At some point it won't be acceptable to say he's "raw" and "still learning," you know.
  14. IMO, a defensive coordinator for a HC is not the right move in 2018 and beyond. It's backward and yesterday, not tomorrow. Not having a cutting edge offensive minded HC hurts the team, as does our ridiculous reluctance to rely on data to make critical in-game judgment calls in terms of going for it on 4th down, when to punt instead, when to try a FG, when to challenge and what to challenge, when to go for 2 (that should be done almost always) and so on. There is an advantage to be gained right now in the NFL by being ahead of the curve, and yet we throw that advantage in the toilet with a lot of other teams. In 5 or 10 years everyone will be caught up and doing that stuff, so the advantage will be gone. It irks me that we don't make use of it now, while we can.
  15. I certainly hope we don't do that. That's now how you build a strong team for the long term, it's not a good use of cap space, and it's not going to bring us short term success anyway. At least not if Josh Allen is still a struggling, learning, starting QB.
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