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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Wish they had just stayed in Charlotte! Then maybe we could have hired someone with a grasp of offense, and maybe we wouldn't be bottoming out right now. I'm no Cam Newton fan but comparing his overall game to Allen's is foolish. They are both big athletic guys and can run, but the comparisons stops there.
  2. I don't see him coming back.
  3. According to Sal C. this afternoon, everything he sees and hears within the organization says that if Josh Allen can play on Sunday, he is playing. That is the absolute priority, according to Sal. I.E., OBD is not adopting a "no rush" policy designed to bring Allen back safely after the bye-week. Based on their decisions so far, they will probably start Allen despite him being only 90% ready, and then he'll re-injure the elbow, such that he's out for the season. That'd be my guess. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised and they will let him sit a couple more weeks.
  4. It's a shame we don't have a classic old stadium with real history and ambience, b/c that would make it all the more easy to try and keep it forever. You're right, we are that certain kind of market and we are never, ever going to compete with the heavyweights of the league with this huge indoor palaces and luxury suites, etc. Rather that try to compete in a competition we will lose, I would propose going the baseball route, and getting some clever architects to build a true vintage-feeling and classy open aired stadium in downtown Buffalo. Or at least with a retractable roof that doesn't ruin the open-air iteration of the stadium. Let the league come to Buffalo and realize you can do it another way...the old school genuine way...where it feels like you are actually at a football game and not inside a shopping mall. In no time, a little world all around the stadium of bars, restaurants, activity would spring up around the stadium, the way it is in Chicago around Wrigley. That ballpark sits in a little world of Cubs baseball and it is, by far, the best ambience in MLB, including my beloved Fenway.
  5. Mike Schopp has been harping on the OP's point for months. Allen should have been the Day 1 starter, that should have been known months ago, and there should not have been a QB competition. I was fully on board with that as well and have consistently written as much for months around here too. I don't think it would have advanced Allen's play much beyond where it is, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't have been the right choice.
  6. Something which merits study and discussion is why this happens almost every day in the USA now, but happens rarely in Canada. I mention Canada specifically because they also have a huge number of guns in their society. Something like 10 million guns up there, or 1 for every 3 people. Especially compared to Western Europe, that's a lot of guns. Michael Moore attempted to address this in Bowling for Columbine, but he didn't do a very good job of it and never really reached any conclusion. You can ask the same question about serial killers! You would think they would occur all over the world at some type of rate consistent with population size. But no, the good old USA has given the world @ 67% of the known serial killers on record. We don't make up 67% of the world's population! I suppose you could argue sophisticated, first world nations would have greater reports of serial killers due to better criminal justice systems, but still! Any civilized first world nation should have roughly the same # of serial killers as any other, adjusted for population.
  7. The baggage doesn't bother me at all. He's too good and too proven. Don't think he will be available until he is no longer worth having, however.
  8. I love Marty, but he is so hard to listen to I wish they would move on from him. That entire face-off play was so perfectly executed and showed off so much skill from both guys I was honestly stunned for a moment watching it. I greatly enjoyed that game. It occurred to me that the team is now good enough that it can impress with raw talent in a way that I do not think has been possible for like the last 6+ years. I don't know how it happened, but the team seems to have rounded some type of momentous corner and is FINALLY on the rise. I think we have a genuine shot to make the playoffs this year, and that's something I didn't think would happen during the pre-season.
  9. Well. This negates an awful lot of posts from the kool aid drinkers around here. They're going to start choking on their Kool-Aid. This also means everyone's favorite radio host, Mike Schopp, has been right in consistently maintaining that the Bills are NOT trying to tank and that things have just gone horrible wrong. LMAO. No, that's not fair IMO. Either they are tanking or they are not, and Beane seems to think they are not tanking. In this context, "Tank" should be interpreted loosely, meaning if they did not do everything in their power to be as good as they can be this year, they are tanking.
  10. Sounds like what they did with the Reichstag dome only on a much bigger scale. That would be really cool.
  11. The best stadium is probably the newest. Maybe with some exceptions. At one time not long ago, Dallas was considered the gold standard, a palace of football. I think that may have already been eclipsed by some others.
  12. I don't know how much this relates to this article in particular, but for a while now I have been thinking about the prospect of a separate "salary cap" or set of rules strictly for the QB position, to exist along side, but separate from, the regular team salary cap. I think it would be interesting and fun to discuss the merits of such an idea. The QB position is so important, and it eats up so much $$$ under the cap, I think it could be interesting to keep it separate from the rest of the team. Might help both QBs and regular players.
  13. Your thinking as a Bills fan. McDimwit is thinking as a guy trying to preserve his career.
  14. I see your "will...be" and raise you one "is".
  15. Last Bills playoff win was in 1995. You're right, these people have no patience! You should see my 25 year plan I am working on! I'm going to start a thread about it. If we play our cards right, we are going to be a seriously tough team to beat in 2043! Mark your calendar.
  16. Kind of a confused article in which the author doesn't know exactly what he is trying to say. He seems to be suggesting we are seeing a newer, smarter, wheeling and dealing type of league in which the benefits of tanking are better understood, and more teams are willing to engage in it on varying levels.
  17. A lot of the OP's take is grounded in a set of assumptions that don't seem realistic IMO. Here is how I see it genuinely panning out: Allen will bust ultimately, but we will NOT take another QB next year, whether Herbert comes out or not. When the team does not progress next season, and McBeane show a continued lack of understanding on the offensive side of the ball, I think they'll be gone at season's end, along with us officially back to looking for a new QB with a new regime. In 2020 the regime will come in and start mucking with talent as McBeane have done, making the team their own. That will hurt us in 2020, when, at best, we'll have a rookie QB (if we do at all). We're looking at 2021 as probably the first year where we have shot at being decent. If Allen turns into a good QB, everything I just wrote is moot. I just don't see that happening, however.
  18. On argument in support of having a good, offensively oriented HC is this: Really competent coordinators tend to be promoted to HC; if you landed a top notch, innovative OC, he would likely be snatched from you to be someone's HC before too long. So then just make sure the brilliant offensive guy is your HC in the first place. He won't go anywhere then. McD is one of many HCs around the league who have been over-promoted. I think he would be a very good defensive coordinator and that's his niche.
  19. So the shooter is a white guy named David Long. 28 years old. He had a single firearm: a Glock .45 with extended mags. Earlier when this was all breaking news, one eyewitness who was there described him as being "Middle Eastern" looking. Early reports also said he had an Uzi. Some said he had a "large hand gun". I always find this fascinating. The eye witness accounts of things like this are almost always wrong and in general, this type of information is extremely unreliable. The early version of what happened with big breaking news stories is almost always wrong. I remember on 9/11 it was reported for a while that there more explosions and stuff going on on the National Mall near the Capitol Building....which of course never happened.
  20. I'm interested in military history and this country is now engaged in the ongoing business of waging war, almost perpetually. There is a LOT of stuff out there to be consumed by someone like me, from documentaries, television shows, non-fiction written by veterans, raw combat footage on Youtube, etc. I've recently come to the conclusion that almost anyone who is exposed to combat likely has PTSD to some degree. Some have it very badly, but no one seems to be entirely immune from it. Even those who think they are OK are not OK in my opinion. It seems almost impossible to escape if a human is involved in some serious #*&$# as you say. It seems like we are just starting to tune into this stuff as a society.
  21. Our laws place all kinds of restrictions on individual freedom all the time. I think something could be done in terms of making it almost impossible, legally, to own a firearm if you have some type of documented mental health issue. But as I mentioned, that doesn't stop illegal firearm use, nor does it stop someone who is nuts, but has slipped through the cracks and isn't documented as being nuts, from legally owning a gun either. You'll never eliminate this sort of thing but maybe you can try to reduce the number of these. The best way, of course, is to not have a society swimming in firearms. But we already have that and there is no way to make firearms go away, so to a large extent, we are just screwed.
  22. I'm seeing a lot of commercials on TV for this game now!
  23. Is this the thing that pops up in the lower right hand corner saying "Do you want to talk with someone?" or whatever? They're terrible. Just clutter to be closed out before I can start to access the page. Some websites have so much crap on them, pop-ups, etc., that if it takes too long to get that crap out of the way so I can actually use the site, I just close it and move on...which is probably not good for your business/site.
  24. PTSD is nothing new! It's gone on as long as war has gone on. In WWI it was called "Shell shock." In WWII it was called "Combat fatigue." Now it's called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Doesn't matter what you call it, it doesn't change. Why do some with it commit acts of violence but most do not? I don't know. Was the PTSD related to this killing or was that not a factor? I'm not sure. As RaoulDuke79 asks, why does this stuff seem to be super common now but it seems to have been rare in decades past? I'm not sure again. It's a difficult issue to try and tackle, but we do see one consistent theme with these shootings: the shooters have guns, and they are nuts with documented histories of mental illness. It might not hurt to make it damned near impossible for anyone with a documented history of mental illness to own a firearm. That wouldn't stop the guy who wants to go buy one illegally from a criminal, but at least that would probably cut down the raw number of these types of shootings. I don't know.
  25. Or lose. One or the other at least.
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