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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. The coaching merry go round of the past should not be compared to a coaching change now. Nothing from previous ownership should really be compared to the current regime.
  2. Not me. The guy comes across like a freaking idiot.
  3. Striker flew single engine fighters in the Air Force, but now he is going to have to pilot a plane with four engines. He's made mistakes in the past. If we take into account the passing of Lt. Zip, seven men have died because of Striker's mistake. The real question is whether or not he can fly this plane, and land it.
  4. I'm a Tyrod fan too, but even EJ uncorked a few beauties now and again. The mark of the professional is consistency. Tyrod needs to prove he can make more throws more accurately more of the time. But he has already shown good progress and I think that will continue this year, even if opposing defenses have more tape of his work and tendencies. He should get a little more comfortable and better all the time.
  5. This says it all. Glad to hear they are having trouble.
  6. Interesting metric. I think Rex is expected to get the defense up to snuff this season, and he knows it. I also think he could be sacked if he doesn't and the season is another disappointment. The story of this season is going to be the development of Tyrod, and the development or lack thereof of the D.
  7. In contrast to the bulk of this franchise's existence, Doug Whaley tells us that this team is now committed to acquiring good players and paying them enough $$$ to keep them. I believe him, and he has backed up that philosophy with recent action. I think the Gilmore situation will take care of itself given the passage of time. Hang in there!
  8. For much of this franchise's existence under past ownership: yes. Under Pegs? No longer. The Bills will win when we have a Jim Kelly-esque level QB again on this roster, and/or Tom Brady has retired. You nattering nabob of negativity you!
  9. Greatest positive impact on the franchise for many seasons? Go way back and change owners. Next best; draft Brady. After that, fix wide right. Wide right gets us 1 Superbowl win; drafting Brady probably gets us many.
  10. He won the NCAA title 10 times and was an absolute perfectionist who didn't tolerate stupid $*&%(#. He can get away with a quote like that. The Bills can't.
  11. The teams left standing late in the playoffs will all have very strong passing games.
  12. Russ tells me the analytics department not only exists, it is robust.
  13. RGIII was a 1 year wonder. Tyrod was not a 1 word "MEH" as mentioned earlier; he was more of a 1 year "interesting so far, I would like to see more."
  14. I think that's just what is going to happen. I bet the anticipated time table is shorter than we think, and that played heavily into the decision to go ahead and get it done now. Like it is indeed only a partial tear as stated up-thread, they are confident in the procedure/quality of rehab, ability for his body to repair itself given his young age, and so on. It's a cost vs. benefit calculation: get a top 10 talent in a year when you don't have a top 10 pick via paying the price of him missing a month (let's say) of his first season, with plenty more good football years to follow. Who's to say if this is the right or wrong thing to do? I like the "go for it" approach to be honest.
  15. You think it hasn't happened b/c the owners respect the "sanctity of the uniform" or some such nonsense? The idiots probably didn't think of it yet. Your typical NFL owner doesn't strike me as being tuned into progressive European approaches to anything, including professional sports revenue streams. Have you ever seen these guys?
  16. Something like this is probably close to what's going on. The key here is that Whaley and his colleagues decided the surgery/loss of time was worth it to get a top 10 pick lower down. George provided more objective insight into this news story than anything else I've seen in this thread, for what that's worth. Doesn't mean he has it all figured out of course. He's just a guy sharing his experience, but he claims to have gone through the same procedure twice and had some interesting insight into the injury.
  17. The caller George referenced above shares your sentiment about the smoke screen. He was quite adamant about that, for what that's worth. They may have waited 3 weeks for all kinds of valid reasons that have nothing to do with incompetence or indecision. Presumably that was all part of the decision making process, which would have been carried out long before draft day. There's no news here that Pegula hasn't known about or planned for for a while, once the pick was green lighted, if in fact Pegula is green lighting draft picks at all. I hope he's not.
  18. Some cursory internet research on SLAP tears suggests throwing athletes might be able to do some light throwing 3-4 months after surgery. There are multiple types of SLAP tears and George referenced he was "older" and not a young kid/pro athlete. I think it's way too early to say how long this is going to take as we just don't know all the details...but it's clearly going to be a while. I bet 4 months is a good number to work with initially. That takes us to mid September. He may not miss that much time. Then again, he might not come back until mid November. I'm guessing the recovery time worked its way into the Bills' plans and perhaps they are banking on him coming back sooner than later, knowing much more about the situation than anyone here, including me...and George!
  19. Whaley has shown he's a wheeler dealer in the past. It sounds like we decided to grab a top 10 talent further down, at the price of losing half a season (or whatever) while the shoulder is dealt with. Seems like a lot of other teams weren't willing to do that, but Whaley and co. were.
  20. I think that's incredibly difficult to answer, which is why "8" is a great number to set the over/under at. It could easily be under, exactly 8, or over. I voted "over" because what the heck, it's May.
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