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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I've been thinking about this problem all day. On the one hand, we all know that the less you have down there, the longer you probably grow your hair. These extensions are clearly most widely employed by those who are phallically challenged. You make these guys cut their hair and you may take away what little virility they have. The virility goes and so does their confidence. Their confidence goes and there goes their game. So while short hair is more efficient and functional, it also means a timid, tame, torpid, team. I don't know how to reconcile this. I'm at my wit's split end.
  2. I was just thinking the same thing, along with how much KC is throwing the ball in general.
  3. It's just how it is. He thinks that's how a HC is supposed to talk, so he talks that way.
  4. AJM was flat out terrible during his brief time in Buffalo. Our record wouldn't be much different than it is now.
  5. 1st play of game is a pass for like 13 yards. Maybe the Bills are taking notes.
  6. Most draft experts considered him a 3rd round talent who would be taken much higher in the 1st round simply due to need around the league and the fact that the team that took him could be the lucky lottery winner, but that's all based on speculated, perceived, potential. The Allen we have seen is the guy he has always been. Why anyone thought he would morph into something much, much better at the NFL level, facing much better talent and coaching, I have no idea. These arguments will go away with the passage of time. I mean no one around here is still waiting for EJ Manuel to arrive, are they? They were all arguing for EJ a while ago though.
  7. Drafting another QB does not have to amount to "bailing" on Josh Allen. You are analyzing the situation in a very simplistic way and relying on what football teams have tended to do in the past, none of which is relevant to what the Bills could or should do in 2019.
  8. The people who actually run the team have an interest in winning regardless of who the QB is. And they have shown us that know how to royally screw up the QB position already. I think Anderson will start games. I said it several days ago and will continue to say it until it's obvious he won't. I think it's a colossal mistake, but I think he will start.
  9. Just listened to his post-game comments. The whole thing was apparently intentionally distorted by whoever "broke" this story. The whole thing was a routine situation and Benjamin did nothing unusual.
  10. Miami is emerging as the best team in the AFC East not named New England.
  11. No, we don't have the best defense in the NFL. But Houston definitely has one of the worst starting QBs.
  12. Ultimately, that's fair. Actually, it is a function of our QBs being terrible, but McD and Beane were supposed to be aware of that and provide us with an option for this season while Allen develops. Or they could have started Allen from Game 1 and go that route with his development, at which point a little investment in the OL and trying to get 1 solid WR might have been wise. McD and Beane are starting to look a lot like Doug Whaley, in that they seem to be managing things reactively, as they come up. At first, they seemed way out in front of everything and were proactively executing a defined plan. That seems to be gone now.
  13. Why discuss Rosen or his WR group when the subject of the discussion is Josh Allen? Don't confuse the situation. He's straight up terrible, and there is plenty you can evaluate in his game right now.
  14. If we are talking defamation law, the term you are looking for is libel, not slander.
  15. 100 yards seems low. Consistently more than 200 yards a game? That I don't know about.
  16. McBeane have worked themselves into a royal conundrum. They have, ostensibly, three choices for who the QB should be next next week, and for various reasons, they can't start any of them and none of them are the right choice. That's a tough spot to be in.
  17. That is not an unfair suggestion. The way the QB position has been handled going into the regular season and now is also pretty damning.
  18. I'm the leader of the "Draft another QB" club, but your proposal is fine with me. The cries for a new QB will only grow in number and intensity as the season unfolds.
  19. How Allen looks now is who he has always been and why most draft experts labeled him a raw, long-term project. The burden of proof falls on those suggesting that he might, for some reason, amount to more than this. It's on them to provide evidence in support of that assertion.
  20. McD in post-game PC: "It's early; he's still being evaluated right now."
  21. Nah, when Allen is declared a bust sometime in the middle of next season, he and McBeane will be finished.
  22. I"ve been saying this for a few weeks now. No way will the McBeane establishment do this. It is on Pegula to order that it be done, especially if we have a top 3 pick.
  23. As of a few weeks ago, he was, I believe, the 3rd worst QB out of all QBs who have played in the league (beyond a floor of a few games) since the new millennium, I think it was. He was like 385 out or 388 or something like that.
  24. And I'm fine with that! Just take a QB, for the love of all that is holy.
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