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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Probably thousands of times, by opponents of FSU and the Bills.
  2. Tyrod is definitely looking good. Hope this keeps up!
  3. Tyrod dropped that one right in there... He never had possession.
  4. That 2nd replay angle is useless. The original angle makes it look like a pretty close play.
  5. Tyrod tucks the ball in and heads for the corner. NO!
  6. Nowhere, other than a poster talking out his ____ upthread.
  7. Rehab wouldn't be the right word and in any event, this has nothing to do with clinical depression.
  8. Where are you getting the "clinical depression" thing? You don't go to rehab for that. I'd guess he has a substance abuse issue probably including things other than pot.
  9. You know, I have a funny feeling the FO agrees with you on this one.
  10. And another draft pick that goes "poof" into thin air. Gotta make draft picks count and add value to the team.
  11. Nothing. We're clearly firing on all cylinders.
  12. What's next? A strict policy on outlawing firearms in the possession of players? There won't be a league left if this keeps up.
  13. "Hey, the giggle weed helps me stick to my weight limit! Look at those shoulder pads all the way over on hole 4!"
  14. Question 3: Bladerunner
  15. I thought Tasker was better than normal during the Indy game. That's not to say he was "good" however.
  16. Reminds me more of "World of Pain" or "We're going wrong."
  17. Is the sky falling now?
  18. Aside from his use (twice) of "misconsumptions" when he meant "misconceptions," Cardale comes across as smart and well spoken.
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