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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I don't think so seeing as he's pretty big and tough. He's been smacked around plenty already, and this is the first whiff of "injury" we have smelled. And that was a weird hit and pretty severe, too. He got whacked by 2 different guys form opposite sides almost simultaneously, and the one dude slammed him right on the elbow/forearm.
  2. Listen to Peterman's post-game comments from yesterday. He throws a bunch of Jesus stuff in there and how he doesn't define himself as a football player but a child of God or some such, it's all in Christ's plan, blah blah blah. He is not just a religiously-oriented person, he is a newborn zealot type, as is our head coach. That's why he's here in the first place and that's why he's still around now.
  3. Did you miss the part where Jrober38 specifically stated he did not expect a star QB off the get go?
  4. McD and Beane will both go when the Allen experiment fails. I think he'll get around 20 games, more or less. Expect some regime change not this upcoming off-season, but the next one. PS: Why is it too early to judge Allen but perfectly clear that Nate is garbage? I'm not asking this of the OP specifically. Both have played a grand total of 5 games in the NFL. Just curious why we all can see Nate should be cut yesterday, but Josh is gonna be a good one.
  5. So critical analysis of Nate Peterman's shortcomings is an acceptable activity here, but doing the same with Josh Allen is not? Do I have that right? Nate is pretty much as new and raw and Josh is. They've both now played 5 games each. But Nate is garbage to be thrown out and Josh is a budding superstar on the rise?
  6. Depends on your orientation. Every lock room in the NFL surely has a few homosexuals in it.
  7. Great post, Mr. Fridge. I'm the fan seeing what you are spelling out down the road, and wanting to try and mitigate some of the damage up front, by taking another QB in the draft next year, particularly if we finish with a really bad record. I.E., top draft pick. Another idea that needs pursuing is acquiring Teddy Bridgewater in free agency. He could be better than drafting a new QB in any event. I think he has real promise. As things stand now, we are a season away from Allen being declared a bust and McBeane on their way out the door or at least being shown the door, even if they haven't left the room yet. Let's get out in front of this thing while we can and avoid more cyclical down time.
  8. Yes he is, and the kicker is that Allen is not going to catch up.
  9. What a game! If the Bills' QB was named Mahomes right now and not Allen, we'd have something to get excited about. Well, here's to the future.
  10. Cut Benjamin. Nate is absolutely, positively, without question, an almost perfectly designed turnover machine. He's world class. If we keep him, we're at least world class at something.
  11. That is absolutely not true. In your mind it might be true because you want it to be true, but not in reality.
  12. Agreed. And before we all dump the loss on Nate's shoulders, let's remember it's his gorgeous dime of a TD pass into the corner of the end zone that gave us the lead in the first place. If he hadn't done some nice things for the team, the loss would have been back where it started, on Josh Allen's lousy shoulders.
  13. A HC who is the boss is not uncommon in the NFL; in theory it should be the GM who is boss and decides who to hire as the HC, but that's not how Pegula did it and that's not the power structure on this team now.
  14. You got that right. I agree with you, but Peterman is not the issue around here, as much as he doesn't belong in the league. Yes, quite possibly. I have no doubt that a guy like McDimwit would be rubbed the wrong way by a guy like Josh Rosen precisely b/c he is a progressive, big city, critically thinking kind of guy. I.E., the opposite of Peterman. With all due respect, you're insane. No one is sitting a QB in today's NFL for 2 years of his cheap, entry level deal. The idea of dumping Tyrod for a newly drafted QB was rooted in the premise that with some development, the new QB would evolve to be much better than Tyrod, whose ceiling is relatively low and well established. The idea was sound, but the execution was not. Allen was not the right guy to pick as we are all seeing now. I would be all over acquiring Bridgewater next year, along with drafting another QB too.
  15. McDermott is the boss and Beane only exists because he hasn't annoyed McD. At least that's how I read it, too.
  16. The last time the Bills won a playoff game, Princess Diana was still alive and her two sons were little boys. Keep on truckin', indeed.
  17. Josh Allen won't learn on the bench. He will learn by playing, but he doesn't have the game to be competitive at the position. This is a lost season and everything is riding on Allen somehow turning into a good QB. 10 games to go.
  18. Ah yes, the "it's too early to evaluate him" defense. That will fade with the passage of time. We can revisit down the road.
  19. He is employed by the Buffalo Bills. Of course he's a shill.
  20. With all respect, why? When have you seen it before? The Josh Allen we see in Buffalo is the same Josh Allen from his college career. It's who he is. Why in the world would he suddenly morph into a competent QB while facing the best talent and toughest scheming working against him in his life? He will continue to have ups and downs, do a few good things and make some mistakes, but the charting of his performance level will remain about the same at mid-season, and at the end of this season as well. It will also be about the same at the beginning of next season and that's when the clock on his career will start to strike midnight. Unfortunately, McBeane will stand behind their decision and die on Josh Allen Hill, so we are not going to take another QB to jump in next season. We are looking at failed seasons this year and next, followed by regime change. This is why I'd love to dump off every veteran that we can get picks for. Try to minimize the damage and build for the future insofar as we can now.
  21. It will take more, b/c we won't look good until we have a new QB not currently on the team, and that's going to coincide with another regime change. And that assumes the next guy actually pans out. It'll be a while.
  22. The mistake these guys made was evaluating Peterman's capabilities based on what he was doing in pre-season football games, and you never judge anything based on pre-season football games, other than maybe the level of greed of the owners. We needed a capable, playable QB on the roster and Peterman was not it. This administration thought he was. That's a huge mistake.
  23. Foles would be better than what we have. Those who disagree just need to wait.
  24. Darnold or bust? Mayfield has shown the most of all of them so far. Rosen has looked fantastic. We could have had him probably without trading up as much. They can partially right this wrong by taking a top QB next year as well, especially if we finish with a horrible record and pick, say, top 3. The problem is they won't take another QB unless they are ordered to do so by Pegula, and that is probably unlikely.
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