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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Bolt would never survive drug testing in the NFL. Ever notice now many top ranked male and female track stars currently come from Jamaica?! The population of all of Jamaica is about the same size as metro Baltimore. If 4 or 5 of the world's top runners came from Baltimore wouldn't you think that was fishy? I don't think it's the ganga or the reggae down there that is producing these athletes.
  2. Watch the Dr. Phil interview with Burke. He is somewhat shy/socially awkward but is not exactly dysfunctional with some type of severe Autism spectrum disability. He did not come across as a person who must work at home but rather chose to work at home, as millions do these days. Regarding the parents' ability to stage the crime scene without making mistakes...it was filled with "mistakes" and "tells" that were neatly dissected by the pros hired to do so in the CBS piece. One was ex FBI and one ex Scotland Yard/FBI. As an example, the ransom note was written with a pen from the family kitchen on the family kitchen notepad. There were a couple fought drafts written as well. The note is way too long and well written to be from a kidnapper/criminal... The experts on the show needed something like 17 minutes (?) to simply mechanically write out the note, just copying the original. It would have taken much longer to compose the original with original thought. The 9/11 call was immediately called out as strange and an anomaly by the woman who answered it (previously never interviewed by anyone!) as well as the investigators. Too short, and Patsy ended the call while the 911 operator tried to get her attention to keep her on the phone. In these situations apparently the caller almost always wants to stay on the line until the authorities arrive at the house, as the 911 operator is seen as the "lifeline to resolution"...but Patsy hung up on the operator, thinking her work was done. Lou Smit's "outsider intruder" theory was effectively debunked as well. They fairly convincingly established that a taser would not produce the marks found on Jonbenet's body, it would not have incapacitated her as hypothesized by Smit, and the distance between the marks did not mach any known taser. Jonbenet's dead body was poked by Burke (speculation) to see if she would move or was alive with his "O" gauge railroad track, which was all over the house, he played with it all the time, and the track perfectly matches the wounds. This was after he hit her in the head with the flashlight standing on the kitchen counter that evening/morning and which perfectly matches the wound on her thin, fragile, 6 year old skull. Honestly, accepting that Burke did it solves most of the mysteries surrounding the case, at least for me. It clarifies and simplifies; it does not confuse or complicate.
  3. No, Gilmour. He's "little" as in narrow framed, small boned, and not very muscular...by NFL beast standards that is. Just look at him.
  4. I believe several hospitality tent workers out at St. John Fisher have volunteered to go if needed.
  5. Pegula's hiring of Pat LaFontaine as Sabres President and GM selector stemmed from a chance encounter at a social event over cocktails. The 2 got to talking and Pegula asked Patty for his 2 cents on the health of the organization. If Pegula is even remotely thinking about changes, you better believe that was on the agenda with Coughlin, whether he visited in an official NFL capacity or not. Just ate there in August. Highly recommended.
  6. Which is perfect. Pegula is starting to get it. Took him a while with the Sabres too.
  7. Don't worry Bills fans. Watkins' foot feels great and it is somewhere between 95% and 100%. Sammy said so himself a few days ago.
  8. Define "Bills' success." 6-10 success? Why not look at the whole forest instead of the tree in front of your face?
  9. Gilmore is a little guy and tackling/popping people is not his strong suit. He most definitely intentionally grabbed onto that face mask as the most effective way of bringing the man down and/or preventing the TD.
  10. Why is taunting even a penalty? It adds to the show. This is a violent, confrontational game. We need more taunting.
  11. Gilmore had a rough game last time out, but he is the least of our many problems! Pick on Rex instead, he deserves it.
  12. That's an interesting take you have there, JohnC. My interpretation, especially in light of the new TV shows, is 180 degrees the opposite. Some of that A&E information is now a bit dated. I think there is a strong case to suggest that Burke hit his sister in the head with a Mag-Lite flashlight or similar blunt object and killed her. I highly doubt he had the intent to kill. I'm sure he was just acting out in rage. The parents discovered this and then covered the whole thing up with the ransom note, etc...then went into a strong legal defense shell at times hampering investigation. One thing is for sure: the crime was very poorly investigated, it was filled with conflict and politics as you say, and unfortunately this is the sort of thing that can happen when you have a homicide in a town where that is rare and law enforcement doesn't really know how to handle the situation. You can watch both parts of the CBS show at CBS.com. The Dr. Phil stuff is on youtube. I recommend it as I thought it shed some interesting new light on the case, and I had previously seen just about everything that had been done, as for some reason I was always fascinated with the story. The newly released video of a psychologist talking with Burke a few days after the death of Jonbenet is particularly probing, in that it clearly shows a child who is intelligent, uncomfortable discussing certain aspects of Jonbenet's death, and one who shows zero remorse or sense of loss for his sister.
  13. Did anyone watch the recent CBS 2 part special investigating the crime, or the Dr. Phil series of shows in which he interviewed the older brother Burke? Curious as to other opinions on what happened.
  14. He won't play after a couple of games, but I'd love for him to play after 5 or 6 and this thing has blossomed into a full blown tire fire. Cardale would help the tank immensely. We are already playing for a draft pick this year; soon enough everyone will realize this.
  15. It's more than obvious that we need this woman immediately. Time is of the essence.
  16. Strange phenomenon observed in skies over Orchard Park
  17. A fan tastes poached Belichick for the first time
  18. Somewhat related, but not counting Bills games, I very rarely even try to watch a neutral party NFL game live in real time. I just can't do it. Too many stoppages, reviews, commercials. It's disjointed and not particularly enjoyable. I'll record the game, let an hour or so get played...and then start watching. I can eliminate all commercials and halftime this way while still getting to the end around the same time as in real time. Another thing I've noticed these days: there are a ton of really bad announcing crews. Jim Nantz and Phil Simms are horrible in my opinion, and they are the CBS #1 crew.
  19. Sounds like we could get Patriots #2, #3, or #4 QB for our game. Should be interesting.
  20. Rex as an on-air personality makes much more sense than a HC these days. It's obvious.
  21. "After an 0-2 start, some Bills fans may support a second Twins Study that sends one or both of the Ryan brothers to space."
  22. Maybe. Let's see how this train wreck plays out. It's still early.
  23. BB. His career will be longer than Brady's and he touches all aspects of the organization. Brady just throws the ball.
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