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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Well that's interesting if true. I really thought it was going to be Brisket.
  2. Game is amazingly on in my market so I'll be watching on TV. May do some grilling to celebrate. At this point I just want someone to rip BB's hoodie off him and whip him with it. The actual game is secondary.
  3. Don't disagree with this, though it will never happen with Rex/Whaley in house. So add them to the gone list too.
  4. Well so mich for Sammy helping to win games, at least for the next 8 +. Only helps to speed Pegula's decision to clean house.
  5. NE will be able to make Tyrod play QB, and he has trouble doing that. We are likely to score few points. The game will therefore rest on the shoulders of the D. If we win, it will be because we score a few more points than NE in a very low scoring affair.
  6. Everyone relax! Sammy feels great and his foot is somewhere between 95% and 100%. He said so himself.
  7. The Patriots probably could "rush Garapollo back" because they don't need to preserve him for the duration of the season. This would be his last game until the Patriots sit Brady in game 16 anyway. If he can go they would probably start him. Nonetheless, I continue to think it's going to be "Brisket" at the helm.
  8. Prediction: The late James "Fan Man" Miller's (of Holyfield/Bowe infamy) protege, "Little Fan Man", will disrupt the game in the 7th minute of Quarter 2 when he lands in his fan assisted parachute on the Bills' 48 yard line in the middle of a play, with the Bills on offense. Chaos will ensue and several Patriots defenders will assault and batter Little Fan Man before police and security intervene. The incident will delay the game by 17 minutes.
  9. The summary, as per the norm, is basically "blah blah blah."
  10. Theory: You and your friend Mr. Smirnoff had a big party last night and into early this morning. Again.
  11. Have a look at Section 3.2.1 of the NFL Policy and Program On Substances of Abuse (2015) which outlines the suspension procedure. The relevant section starts on page 21. "During any suspension, the Player will not receive any pay, including pay for any post-season game that he misses because of his suspension, except as provided by Article 37 of the CBA. Notwithstanding, if a bye week occurs during a suspension period, the Player will receive his compensation for the bye week in equal installments over the remainder of the season after expiration of his suspension for as long as he is under contract and with the Club that he was under contract with at the time of the commencement of his suspension. The disciplinary period will begin on the date set in the NFL’s notification to the Player of his suspension, subject to any appeal. If there are fewer than the prescribed number of games remaining when the suspension begins, including any post-season games for which the Club qualifies, the suspension will continue into the next regular season until the prescribed number of games has been missed. Players who are free agents will serve their suspension as if they had a contract with a Club." https://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows.net/media/Default/PDFs/Player%20Development/2015%20Policy%20and%20Program%20on%20Substances%20of%20Abuse.pdf
  12. I agree with you. I think it will be Brissett and I think the Bills have been primarily preparing for him all week.
  13. Was just re-reading some of the now closed thread announcing the broken foot back in May. The usual suspects were deriding the realist posters for being "negative", making "The sky is falling" jokes, and assuring the board that this is no big deal, as it is a 6 week injury and Sammy will be back for training camp. No big deal. That led to many posts laughing at the "negative sky is falling" crowd... Good times.
  14. You're too young to remember him as a Bill, correct?
  15. Most reporters I have heard, including Clayton yesterday, have made it quite clear they are merely expressing opinion. Not sure what you are talking about really.
  16. The main point I was making is simply that Clayton felt very strongly about Coughlin's desire to return to coaching. On that particular point, I bet Clayton knows what he is talking about and has a good feel for that. This is interesting in that a lot of people in this thread have said Coughlin is way too old to coach or that he would not be interested in coaching due to his age.
  17. Of course it was Clayton's opinion about Rex being fired if we miss the playoffs, and it came up in that context during the conversation. Not everyone and his mother assumes Rex will be fired if we miss the playoffs. Many posters here have said he will return in that event, others say he'll be fired only if we crash and burn with a 3 or 4 win season. Clayton didn't really clarify where he is hearing the name "Coughlin" in the context of a Bills' signing. I wanted Schopp and Bulldog to push on that point but they did not. The comment was a little vague. Overall, I agree with your opinion of Clayton as not being super well informed and have stated so in multiple posts on this forum.
  18. FWIW, John Clayton during his weekly WGR-550 visit today said that without question, Coughlin wants to badly return to coaching. He further opined that if we miss the playoffs this year, it's likely Rex will be gone...and that "the name I keep hearing" is Coughlin, as if it is known around the league that Pegula has interest in Coughlin or at least that Coughlin is high on the "next HC to be hired" list.
  19. Some good points here. It is a little known fact that Tyrod is in fact Navajo on his mother's side of the family and fluent in the native Navajo language. On top of this, he had a deaf cousin growing up in Va. and as a result, learned sign language at an early age. I therefore suggest we go Windtalker on Sunday and sign the play calls into Tyrod in Navajo. We just need to hire someone fluent in Navajo and who can sign. Then make sure they understand the plays. All in about 72 hours. Nonetheless, this method was good enough to fool the IJA and it can fool the Patriots too.
  20. Given that Pegula owns both the Bills and Sabres in the same city AND Karlos was not on the team for the first 4 weeks, would the suspension not start to run upon his return?
  21. Not sure how much weight he could have lost in a month or what shape he's in, but if he is like 80% there and clearly working hard to get back in the league with a good attitude, I'd sign him up in a heartbeat.
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