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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Forced punt, off field on 3rd down. Good work to start.
  2. Hughes will get an U.R. penalty. Just make peace with it now. I am over here praying Brisket gets knocked out of this game, even for a few plays. I am dying to see Edelman under center.
  3. Actually, no one touches Brady out of respect. They don't want to disturb his $300 haircut.
  4. This is straight out of a pre-game warmup in the NHL, circa 1975. I LOVE IT
  5. Did you see the video? (Thanks 26Cornerblitz for posting)... The video doesn't seem to catch the very beginning, but what was captures is not on Mitchell...he's just sticking up for his QB. That was Robert Blanton (wasn't it?!) shoving Mitchell to start it.
  6. This pre-game scuffle sounds good! Let's it carries over into the game. Too much buddy-buddy in pro sports these days.
  7. "Barber, give me the Leonard Smith please!" Aaron Maybin liked the Leonard Smith Cut as well!
  8. Impossible to say at this point in time.
  9. Forget the 6.5 dog stuff or the win/loss this for this single game. Just clean house regardless.
  10. Seems like a very stable individual.
  11. You suggest the staff should be held accountable or fired. Usually the accountability comes in the form of dismissal. So if the staff is retained but held accountable, what would you suggest? Leave without pay status? That usually seems to be the punishment on cop drama TV shows.
  12. This sounds like a seriously good plan. Do you have formal training in voodoo? Are we talking scotch specifically? What's your poison?
  13. I'm sorry, your comments contain nuance and applied critical reasoning. Could you please restate your comments in simple to understand, all or nothing, black and white terms?
  14. I wonder what he's planning to do with the chicken dip. You mean Firenze? As in the city in Toscana? I'm jealous. And yes, vino rosso is totally appropriate. Order up a good Sangiovese!
  15. "You're motoring...what's your price for flight" LOL That will be in my head all day now.
  16. There are a million excellent videos making this precise comparison for you by professionals at Youtube. Each system has its own advantages. Each system also makes some its top franchises exclusively available through that system... So the right system for your kids might depend on what they love to play. For example, "HALO" is one of the most popular video games in existence; you can only play it on the Microsoft system.
  17. A Star Wars movie where the main plot line is superpower bad guys developing a weapon that must be destroyed by the underdog good guys? I've never seen this before! Can't wait.
  18. Man, from top to bottom, this whole story is a real tire fire.
  19. I think of all the education that kid's missed. But then homework was never quite like this!
  20. I am jealous you got to see ELP in 1974! Must have been totally cool. Have you seen this video? It's one of my favorites.
  21. It would be very easy to do this to the AT-AT with the right hardware from the good people at Krauss-Maffei Wegmann: And more to the point, why were Snowspeeders specially equipped with "harpoon guns" in the first place? They came in handy against the AT-ATs, but what was their normal function supposed to be? Whaling operations on Hoth between combat sorties?
  22. Follow the game plan from Pats Game #2 last year... We had Brady totally confused in that game. I would think Jimmy G. would only be more confused.
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