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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. This is brilliant. Please start more threads with other good ideas.
  2. Do you have a logical way for protesting the protestors who are protesting Kaep?
  3. Honestly, Kaepernick playing in this one scares the hell out of me for some reason...even if he hasn't played in a year and is like 35 pounds underweight right now.
  4. Not sure we will be consistent enough to win all those games that we should win on paper. We'll probably lose a couple of them. There's the rub.
  5. This. Whaley is a good talent evaluator and would make a great head of scouting. Not sure he is the man for GM.
  6. While I agree with McCoy's message in his Tweet, he should shut the hell up and stick to running with a ball in his hands.
  7. Gotcha. Thanks. Sal is on WGR right now saying surgery is still on the table, it's just that they have decided not to pursue it right now. They want to see if rehab and other things can heal back to 100%...if it doesn't work out, he'll still get the surgery. He said it's not necessarily looking good that he will return late in the year. They are obviously trying alternatives to surgery to give him a shot at returning this year. If they wait to have surgery down the road, won't impact his return for training camp next year anyway.
  8. Where is the "after week 11" coming from in the original post? The linked article references only "late season" and later "early December." After Week 11 means possibly returning for Week 12, against Jacksonville. An early December return could mean the next game against Oakland, or the week later against Pittsburgh. Would be nice to get him back for both Oakland and Pittsburgh.
  9. Because this country is filled with idiots. Our educational system has been broken for decades and its taking its toll.
  10. Your lists are poorly constructed and representative of nothing, other than your own desire to prove your point. Try harder next time.
  11. +1 Wanna boost the WR corps? Get a QB who can consistently find them and get them the ball.
  12. I'm still right here! I'd dump Rex's ass tomorrow if I could. The performance of the Bills has nothing to do with your "faith" by the way. I'm enjoying the ride and the season has turned out to be more fun than I thought, but we are still squarely on pace for where most posters had us in pre-season: around 7, 8, or 9 wins tops and a missed playoffs, again. Have a look at the schedule. Will be pulling for them to win all games come game time each week, of course.
  13. Especially #1? What about #3? I couldn't care less if some idiot embarrasses himself on Sunday. I want the Bills to win! I agree this is a litmus test game and that the Bills should play focused and win, if they have actually turned some type of corner.
  14. Dumb premise to a dumb post. By the way, the OP might want to start comparing Bills players and team performance to the best the NFL has to offer. That's the relevant standard of comparison, not past Bills mediocrities.
  15. Anyone notice Kaepernick now looks like this guy?
  16. Yes, we are not talking a raging inferno here. More like a lukewarm finger bowl.
  17. Stop it! Any of Tyrod's throwing deficiencies almost exclusively begin and end with his own right arm. Robert Woods and his crew can't throw the damned ball to themselves!
  18. What's worse? Your inability to count a few syllables despite creating the thread and outlining how many syllables are required, or the posters throwing random crap in what is supposed to be a Haiku thread? Ah, Bills fans.
  19. Eric Wood told the whole inside story on this play during his weekly segment with Schopp and Bulldog yesterday, which I'm sure you can listen to at the WGR 550 website. It was all on Tyrod lining up in wrong spot.
  20. If Kaep plays I predict multiple interceptions by the Bills.
  21. They'll beat this year's Bengals at home no problem. The following week at Pittsburgh is definitely a potential loss.
  22. I love to see any of the players from the Superbowl years continuing to support the team and remain a part of the Bills community. It's like a family to a lot of those guys. You don't just leave it b/c your playing career has ended! If we ever make it to a playoff game, I'd love to have as many of those guys on the sideline as possible!
  23. No one is more negative than you, r00tabaga! It's just that your negativity is directed at your fellow Bills fans/posters at this forum. Nice! Unlike most in this thread, this is a quality post and moves the discussion forward. You've hit the nail on the head. Tyrod is a "tweener" of a QB. It's hard to tell if he is worth that kind of investment or if he should be discarded. Perhaps the next question to be asked is: "If you take the out in the K, who do you replace TT with for next season?" If the answer is "we don't have anyone who has a 75% chance to be as good as or better than TT" then I think you have to pay Tyrod the cash, as much as that doesn't make sense on a lot of levels and he certainly doesn't deserve that chunk of the cap. But economics in the league are what they are these days. Unfortunately.
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