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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Shootout. Reminds me of the no punt game with SF many moons ago.
  2. We know SF's D isn't stellar, but the consistent trend with the offense looking a lot better continues. We had the wrong OC.
  3. Took the hit to make the play...like getting smoked at the blue line so you can chip the puck out of the zone on D.
  4. Offense calming down, getting into a groove, eating clock, and moving down the field.
  5. Need to establish some dominance on the line of scrimmage and get the running going.
  6. The rust on Kaep is so thick you need a blow torch and chisel to scrape it off. Thank God!
  7. Any last second predictions on our first O play of the game? I say a bomb to Goodwin!
  8. Good thing Kaep isn't that accurate; probably should have been a TD..
  9. I want our D to show the world why Kaep has been riding the bench. Embarrass him!
  10. You have to wonder if this is going to become a lingering "thing" with Mr. Pufnstuff. It'd be nice if he'd start playing football at some point this year.
  11. For those who prefer the shorter, simpler scouting report: San Fran isn't very good and this game is, on paper, about as easy an NFL contest as the Bills could ask for on Sunday, particularly as we are playing at home. I can't wait to see what Kaep does, or more to the point, what we do to him.
  12. Oh I know, I was digressing! Just following up on a lot of the QB conversation that derailed the thread a while ago.
  13. Watch her like a hawk! She'll end up breaking up the band, too.
  14. NFL needs a development league...a place for college grads to play who aren't immediately desired in the NFL. Fill the league with QB projects and hopefuls, and you'll start to find the guys who can do it. Feed them into the NFL and give more teams a chance to win on Sunday. Everyone wins, except the 5 or so teams with a stud QB, like NE or GB. But even they win, long term, because Rodgers and Brady ain't gonna play forever.
  15. Shhhhhh! He's on a roll. You're going to kill the positive vibe he's tapping into! Here you go, buddy. I wonder what the back of that box says, by the way. Probably something like "Now containing 10% real fish!"
  16. You get the fact that his ability to protest is part of what makes America great, and what distinguishes us from the USSR, or Nazi Germany, right? Also, one's expression of one's beliefs doesn't make one an idiot, simply because those beliefs aren't shared by you. I hope you understand that too.
  17. With Kaepernick getting the start, someone should tell Russ Brandon this is the wrong week for the Energizer Bunny D Cell giveaway-at-the-gate promotion planned earlier in the year.
  18. The media in this country is no longer about disseminating accurate, insightful information. Well, 99% of it isn't, anyway. It's about revenue generation. Best thing to do is ignore most of it, and read the NY Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, or whatever legitimate news source you prefer. Al Jazeera is actually much better than many US news outlets now.
  19. That's not a punishment for him. He's loaded. Suspend him without FOOD! That would cut to the core.
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