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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. What else does LORAX have to do to win this game for us? Play QB and WR too?
  2. You could see the red blood in his mouth when he was lying on the ground. I thought maybe he bit his tongue.
  3. WTF....Aaron looked like he was in true medical trouble.
  4. Dareus' wide ass would have helped on this possession.
  5. Because they weren't sold and it looks bad if prime seating areas are empty. I assume. Hopefully the NFL will eventually realize the footballs they care about in places like the UK are round. Then they can stop this crap.
  6. If we continue to do what we have been doing lately, we should be fine. Solid execution, much fewer penalties, win the takeaway/giveaway battle, strong run game, 3rd down conversions/sustained clock eating O drives; strong overall D play... Do what we are supposed to do and the better team will win.
  7. Ah ha! So it is not Rex and Whaley to blame after all. It's the Buffalo News' fault, and Jerry Sullivan in particular! Someone please hold them accountable!
  8. Thanks for mentioning that. I forgot about the whole "baseball bat" scene to wrap up last season.
  9. The bad with Goodwin relates to a little known experiment he participated in while at U Texas. Apparently the materials engineering department took some DNA samples of Goodwin as part of a research grant project. It turns out Goodwin is in fact made of frost crystals.
  10. Nice. A heartfelt embrace between Maverick and Wolfman.
  11. Bon Jovi is to music as McDonald's is to dining. He's a joke. And he can't afford an NFL team.
  12. You know BB is planning to sacrifice that poor newborn to the devil in order to receive eternal youth...so he can coach in the NFL forever.
  13. Didn't know they had a Chinese football league. If football takes off there, the NFL's QB problems will be a thing of the past. There's like 1.3 billion Chinese. A few of them must be able to throw a football.
  14. In all fairness, nothing here that isn't somewhat obvious. NE appears to be the class of the AFC yet again. I hope we can ruin their plans, and the second NE game is fixin' to be something very exciting.
  15. And none of your boys called them towelheads or more likely, "Hajis"....right? Come on man.
  16. The overall quality of NFL announcing is atrocious. I find this interesting, as I would think that is deemed a sexy job highly sought after by zillions of Bob Costas wannabes graduating from Syracuse and elsewhere each year... Limited supply of jobs, tons of demand. The announcers should be fantastic. But they are mostly horrible.
  17. Seems kind of lame, considering official US govt. policy has been to actually "kill the Muslim" for over a decade in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Besides, Kaep isn't Muslim, Obama is! I think I heard Donald Trump verify this.
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