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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Marv was shown on TV last night between innings and given a nice little tribute of sorts. His story of attending the game in 1945 was fantastic and should be listened to at WGR 550'S audio vault. He and his buddy were in the Army Air Corps (precursor to what would become the Air Force) and rushed down to Wrigley to try and get tickets for Game 6. They were in uniform. Marv said the line was a mile long but they moved anyone in uniform to the front of the line (pretty cool) so Marv and his buddy got tickets. They attended the game, the Cubs had to win to stay alive, and they DID WIN. So who says Marv is bad luck for the Cubs. Pretty cool that he was at that game back then; I'd love to talk to Marv about that era as he is bright, still sharp as a tack and I have an interest in WWII.
  2. Not only that, he often only feels comfortable throwing at all if the receiver is wide open and stopped or close to it. You see that a ton in college football. Brady often makes completions to covered receivers who are covered before he throws, covered when he throws, and covered when Gronk or whoever catches the ball. Taylor isn't nearly good enough to do that, he knows it, and he doesn't try it.
  3. That means he scores a TD every 6.5 games or so. So that's 2 a season. Which is only 2 more than I score each season, and I don't play in the NFL.
  4. If the experts say this draft class sucks, there is probably another Joe Montana in there somewhere. The trick is to find him and draft him.
  5. Hey, Brady has only beaten the Bills 25 times so far. What makes you say we are his B word?
  6. NFL Network just had a graphic up chronicling the most wins by a single QB against a single opponent. No. 1 on the list is Brett Favre beating Detroit 26 times No. 2 is Tom Brady beating the Bills 25 times No. 3 is Brett Favre beating the Bears 23 times. No. 4 is Dan Marino beating the Colts 22 times.
  7. Apparently the Bills training staff has devised an ingenious device which has helped Dareus immensely in his workouts. He should come out flying against New England. The device is said to be based on this concept:
  8. I completely disagree. NFL is not losing viewers in significant numbers due to violence. If anything, the physical nature of the game attracts many viewers. If the NFL went to a "flag football" tackling system viewership would drop to zero. I think this is the biggest reason for decreased viewership. The game has evolved to the point where the QB has never been more important to team success. At the same time, rules and defensive coaching have altered the game so that about 5 guys in the entire league can consistently play the position at a really high level. There are way too many dead beats in the league now and few match-ups look interesting enough on paper to want to bother to tune in. When you do tune in, the commercials create a product that is so disjointed it's not worth the frustration of watching. NFL needs a development minor league where good NFL caliber QBs can be found and developed...and then fed into starting jobs in the NFL. Give 5/6 of the NFL teams a good effective QB (instead of 1/6) and viewership would go up.
  9. NOVEMBER 23, 2015 Foxborough, MA Bills vs. Patriots on Monday night. Tom Brady: 20 for 39 for 277 yards, 1 TD and 1 INT QB Rating: 46.4 We lost 20-13 but Tyrod and the offense had a bad night too, with Tyrod earning a pathetic 38.5 QB rating. We took Brady off his game in that game as much as I have seen in several years. He was visibly upset and frustrated. We can do it again! The key is not the D and stopping Brady. The key is Tyrod and the offense. They are going to have to come up with some points and put the ball in the end zone. If they can't do that, we have no chance.
  10. A.W. needs to walk away from the game while he is physically able to do so.
  11. Your optimism is commendable, but surely you see a difference between Tyrod and Brady. Brady can afford to have nobody WRs. And by the way, his nobody receivers are actually pretty damned good.
  12. Did you comprehend the part about Khan meeting with the coaches as well? The crux of the matter with the Bills was the initial [apparently wrong] suggestion that Pegula met with players behind the back of coaching to see what was wrong, and then fired the OC as a result of those meetings. When everyone is included, it's different.
  13. Tyrod will show up for the big game with this: Meanwhile Tom Brady will show up with this:
  14. SHHHHH! That sort of nuanced thinking is not welcome around these parts! Keep it black and white simple or you will confuse.
  15. I would suggest stop drinking Utica Club and try a good beer instead. Life is too short to be drinking that sort of ballerina piss.
  16. I think PO16FFS has been at it again with his bottle of gin.
  17. Saw the thread title and thought you were going to say you can't wait for the game to be played, but it's only Wednesday. That's how I feel. Can't wait to get this one on. PS: Turn on the World Series. No talk of the New England Patriots whatsoever.
  18. The problem is that when the going gets tough, Tyrod isn't going to be enough to win. He will continue to win games in the regular season particularly against weaker opponents...but if we ever make it to the post-season again, when only the good QBs are left standing, Tyrod will hit his ceiling. Can't wait to see how things play out this Sunday against the Patriots. According to my theory, Tyrod will be exposed in the game as he simply can't stay in the fight with Brady scoring point for point. Brady will get his 30+ but Tyrod won't. That's the problem. We'll see if I'm right or wrong.
  19. "Hey Dorquemada, what are you doing Friday night?"
  20. Needless to say, if Mr. Stay Puft can play and be effective, it's going to help a lot.
  21. What I find disturbing is that Tyrod still does what a lot of college QBs do: he scans the field looking for a guy standing wide open and then he throws the ball to him, often with the receiver almost standing still at the end of his route. If Tyrod doesn't see that "picture" he is often afraid to throw the ball. He doesn't do this all the time, and sometimes he makes a nice NFL caliber throw...but the way Tyrod sees the field is not conducive to being a productive NFL pocket passer, and this is not the sort of thing that will change any time soon.
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