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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Can you blame them? Unless you want to go back to pre-merger glory days in the 1960s, the only period in this franchise's entire history worth 2 ***** is the time when Reich played on the team. Why not cling onto that for dear life! What else does a man have!? I'm not even sure we have much hope.
  2. This is true. But given the field of competition, that isn't saying much. Many posters on this forum constantly want to compare the current Bills _____ (QB, coach, GM, WR, etc.) to past Bills _____. Not sure why. A middling train wreck of a franchise with absentee ownership from a decade ago is not the relevant standard of review. The NE Patriots are. Compared to the good QBs in the league who show up come playoff time, Tyrod is woefully inadequate. Sooner or later this will sink in.
  3. Because we're the Bills and if you think this team is going into Seattle and winning, you're nuts. PS: I hope your cat is OK.
  4. "On Wall Street." Listen to the man string words together. He's not that bright. What in the world do you think trading for a WR tomorrow will do? Get us in the playoffs? That's a joke. Tyrod's presence on the field is a problem, not a solution, and the solution has nothing to do with how many times he runs. I can go on but it's a waste of my time. Sorry! If it makes you feel better, to name one point of contention I have with Whaley: I would never, ever, as a matter of strategy and principle trade UP in a draft and give up MORE than a single draft pick for a single player. The smart guys trade down. I would also dedicate more time and effort to finding a QB. I could also see when EJ was in college that he has no future of any kind in the NFL. Whaley couldn't, but then again he was in job salvage mode at that time in his career. Also of note: Tyrod is Rex's doing and not Whaley's. God only knows who would be playing the most important position on the team if Rex hadn't come here and brought Tyrod in with him. I guess Whaley was happy to go with EJ some more. But yes, trade for a WR and get Tyrod running some more. That ought to solve our problems!
  5. Surely you understand that I'm not an NFL GM nor am I paid to be one. I also don't pretend to be one as many here do. I do not have to come up with my own solutions and I am very free to criticize without being able to fix problems myself. I'm not sure you get how it works.
  6. Another "fun" Rich Stadium memory... Lovely sunny day, like week 2 of the season as I recall. Playing the Indianapolis Colts maybe 15 years ago or more. I was up in the upper deck with 3 friends. All of a sudden, I heard the sickening "thump, thump, thump" of like a 200 pound sack of concrete being thrown onto the ground from the top of your garage. I looked to my right and a guy was so drunk, he was literally falling down the stairway, tumbling for a good 4 or 5 rows. I then heard a voice shout, from maybe 6 or 7 rows behind me somewhere: "Have another one, !@#$!" A majority of fans in my area laughed. The guy who fell got up about that time, was clearly in a world of hurt, and had blood all over his bare skinned arms. He looked dazed and in need of medical attention. He continued to stagger on his feet down several more rows of steps to the exit, disappeared, and never returned to his seat. I was watching for him out of curiosity. I always thought he probably didn't return as much out of embarrassment as a genuine need for medical attention.
  7. I have mentioned the incident previously at this forum, but I will never forget entering the stadium to go to my seat at like 8:45pm for a Monday night game when we were in our glory years. I saw a fan in the concourse outside the bathroom just standing there, looking like he was literally about to pass out dead drunk. I said to my buddy: "Look at that guy! He is so drunk he is going to pass out!" and on that note, he literally fell to the ground beyond drunk out of his mind. This was right around 8:45/8:50 pm, as we were headed to our seats for the START of the game. I also thought "Why did he come?" Or pay money for the ticket?
  8. Whaley's mis-handling of the QB position and the Watkins deal alone are grounds for his dismissal as I've explained in detail many times for over a year. Ryan and his staff aren't the answer. Do you think they are? Tyrod is not the answer. On what planet do you think Shady is an MVP candidate? I like Whaley as a talent evaluator involved in the scouting department and nothing more. He doesn't have the IQ to build a team. I can go on but why bother. Your opinion won't be changed, right? Study the bills with your brain and not your heart. They are one of the most poorly run pro sports franchises in North American sporting history.
  9. What makes you think the suggestion to revamp the organization stems from this game solely!? Think about what you wrote there.
  10. I have seen multiple acts of violence and disgusting drunkenness at every single game I have attended.
  11. Well I did see Rex laughing on the sideline late in the game, after he got his ass thoroughly kicked by Bill B. yet again. So your deflator pump/goofy gas info. makes sense. It all adds up.
  12. Nice spoiler for everyone in Bills nation DVR'ing the Sabres game for later viewing.
  13. Not really. But I'd like to see him back. He had talent. Yep, those too. Actually, we need a little bit of most things.
  14. Yes, suggestions that perhaps an organizational change is in order after seventeen consecutive years of missing the playoffs are purely the product of mercurial, impulsive, and ultimately fiery and irrational alarm.
  15. Tyrod's mental process as he looks to throw the ball is wrong for the NFL. He plays the position like a college QB, waiting to see a wide open receiver, usually standing still. Then he throws. You can SEE him thinking on some plays..."Should I throw? Should I throw? Not sure. Not sure. Maybe. No. Don't think so" and then he checks down to a back for a 2 yard gain. He does that type of thing way too much to be taken seriously as a passer at the NFL level. On top of that, his mechanics are often bad and his accuracy can be dreadful. He is also highly inconsistent. The best part of his game, by far, is his ad lib power and his running. But that is not really what you want your QB to be doing on a consistent basis.
  16. No, he's much better than that. Honda is about right.
  17. Tyrod certainly wasn't the only problem today, if that's what you're suggesting, but he is and will remain a big problem nonetheless.
  18. Bush's injury doesn't bother me. A Bush on the bench is worth two in the hand anyway.
  19. Rex is the sort of guy who will keep telling you "We can't do this anymore" or "We have to start doing that" or "We need to improve this" or "We need to eliminate that" for the NEXT TEN YEARS IF YOU LET HIM. Cut bait and find someone who represents the game as it is played now, or will be played in the future, and not someone who represents how it was played in the past. And for God's sake, someone try to figure out a way to better predict NFL QB talent and find a freaking QB.
  20. Conversation 10 years from now: Bills Fan 1: "Hey remember that game when all our offensive skill guys were hurt and Brady killed us? Rex was the coach and the game was at home. Which game was that? Was that 2014?" Bills fan 2: "Yeah, it was a gray, rainy, miserable day, right?" Bills fan 1: "Right! That was 2014, wasn't it?" Bills fan 3: "No, you guys are thinking of the dildo game. That was 2016." Bils fans 1 and 2: "Oh yeah, right! The dildo game!"
  21. Graham went so far as to suggest most if not all of NE's big plays came as a result of defensive communication breakdowns. He said "We are what we are...mediocre." I liked his tone. He seemed pissed they lost, was frustrated, and wasn't afraid to call it like it is.
  22. Hey, the Red Wings have their Octopus but now we have the dildo. Nothing says "disgusted fan base" or "middling franchise" quite like a flesh colored latex phallus being chucked on the grid iron.
  23. Have a listen. His comments were very interesting. Patriots don't try to trick you; they do what they do; Bills D had communication problems; had trouble getting defenses changed at the last second and trouble getting the calls all the way across the field. Left side playing different defense than right side. Fast pace gave Bills problems. WTF? http://media.wgr550.com/a/117262607/10-30-corey-graham-post-game.htm
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