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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Bold prediction: EJ Manuel will go down in Bills history as the most talked about nothing ex-Bills QB....forever! Even moreso than JP Lossman. That is quite an achievement.
  2. Has anyone ever watched every second of game time played by Tom Brady at Michigan, with the benefit of hindsight and knowing what he would turn into in the NFL....and attempted to isolate cues or behavioral characteristics at that level that show why he is so good at this level? And then construct a model based on this data? If not, why not? Why are these guys doing things like measuring a prospect's hand size or seeing how many times he can throw a ball into a bushel basket from 10 yards away when they could be applying the "Brady Metrics" derived from the analysis in paragraph 1?
  3. I guess we have finally gotten to that point where Tyrod is the new EJ. I.E., he'll be the subject matter of 8 new daily threads for some time.
  4. Hopefully Whaley catches on that the trick is acquiring draft picks, not giving them up.
  5. Shady would have had little impact on the result yesterday had he played. Fun fact: when Shady was announced as not playing pre-game, the official line on the game in Vegas moved.... ...ZERO POINTS.
  6. "Success is not guaranteed with a great QB, but failure almost certainly is without one." -Confucius
  7. Very true, but online sports forums of this type tend to attract a majority of delusional users for some reason. Define "team." Do you mean the players? Coaching? Ownership?
  8. Did you miss the part where this is comedic parody and not a purely political topic? Further, does this mean you are in fact voting for Trump?
  9. Tyrod's not the guy. Don't give him his huge pay day and keep looking, as you suggest.
  10. Most of the faithful around these parts probably disagree with your underlying set of premises, so don't expect a ton of responses. You ask all the relevant questions however. I think we have to wait and see what our record looks like at the end of the season. If our record is bad enough, I think it is possible Pegula will clean house but I also think there is a good chance it all remains unchanged for next year too!
  11. Yes, and really, it's the Church of the Bills. Before Tyrod it was EJ. Now Whaley and Rex must be defended too, simply b/c they are currently the GM and coach of the Bills. If both were fired tomorrow, the same people supporting them now would, in a few days, come to rationalize the situation and support the decision to replace them. And then the new GM and coach would be defended as Whaley and Rex are now. And on it goes.
  12. Yes, let's analyze Tyrod's individual play based on the lack of play of others who did not participate in the game. Very effective. I would suggest analyzing Tyrod based on what Tyrod does. Watch his vision of the field, his decision making process, his anticipation of throws, his timing, his accuracy, his throwing mechanics, his consistency. It's all pretty bad, and none of it has anything to do with anyone other than Tyrod.
  13. Would Frank laugh on the sidelines while the game in which he just got his ass kicked in is still going on? If not, he'd be an improvement over what we have now.
  14. He's not going to. We can all get over this now.
  15. It is the mentality of a loser to get your ass handed to you and then rationalize the situation by attacking the winner. The cartoon is great anyway. Both those guys will be a part of Bills history soon enough.
  16. Bills will not win a primetime game in Seattle. Please.
  17. You want to hear what I would do? Really? Why? I'm not a general manager in the NFL. Anyway, I didn't read the rest of your post. I'm sorry about that. But I'm watching the world series and arguing with an anonymous stranger on the internet who likes to retreat deeply into a non-yielding position isn't my idea of a good time. Goodnight.
  18. The "can't tackle" part has been consistent. Anyway, there is no need to have a witch hunt here. He wants a huge pay day and I'm quite sure the Bills aren't going to pay it. He won't be back, so everyone can relax on this. A more pressing issue is who the coach should be, and where are we going to find a QB who can throw a football.
  19. That is for sure. Doesn't mean he will be a good or bad coach...but he was a very good backup QB and he did a lot more than win the big comeback game.
  20. I believe the Bills do do something similar. I'm not really sure about current efforts to prevent unwanted behavior but I wouldn't criticize the organization for that as I just don't know the situation on that. I can only report my personal experiences of fan behavior!
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