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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I agree with most everything you wrote here, but the highlighted portion is my focus now. Will TT be retained at a big salary? How bad does the team have to finish for Rex to be shown the door? I think a strong case for both being back can be made, and that is frustrating, as this isn't going to get better with them around.
  2. http://media.wgr550.com/a/117231139/10-27-dan-fouts-on-the-john-murphy-show.htm?pageid=1114062 The interview is @ 12 minutes long. The missed joke comes at 10:45. Classic Murph.
  3. Yes, the Sabres are much better structured for success than the Bills currently.
  4. This organization would have to hire one of the youngest, sharpest, most progressive minds in the game from outside the organization first. Then we could see how the fans dealt with the patience issue. After lifetimes of failure, the Red Sox and then the Cubs got serious about going from crap organizations to great ones. Until the Bills do that, it will be much more of the same.
  5. Digital ads on the field would be insufferable. More games of a shorter duration spread among more time slots is a good idea. I think it'd be tough to see ads on "the wall" in a football arena. Too far out of the picture most of the time. Watching a soccer game is the complete opposite of football. Each 45 minute half is completely undisturbed and a total immersion into the game. Watching an NFL game is like watching a 3+ hour commercial briefly interrupted at times by a football game.
  6. You guys have it all wrong. THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME by Led Zeppelin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w3emvHepgU
  7. This is the sort of nothing thread that has a hell of a shot at making it to 10 or 20 pages.
  8. I'm not aware of anyone in favor of the policy actually suggesting it be done in ROUND ONE. This has come up before. I would love to draft someone every year but always looking for the hidden gem in lower rounds. But even if you took one in the first round, with Whaley's/Bills love of wasting first round picks, I'm not sure it would negatively impact overall team talent that much.
  9. With the hairdo he will fight right in back there.
  10. YES! There are tons of what I call "garbage sites" out there now, including CNN, that are so blatantly just trying to make a nickel they have become unusable. This new generation of C-list sports media websites is the worst. I don't touch half the links posted here as there's no point to any of it. The irony is that the people who consume this stuff tend to make fun of it after they've consumed it as more "click bait" and the like. Don't click!
  11. 69 degrees for opening pitch! Lead off HR for Fowler! Wow!
  12. Loved the National Anthem! Who else is watching!?
  13. One of the best posts I've read in quite some time.
  14. You are such a nattering nabob of negativity. Doug Whaley is a brilliant GM; the Bills are lucky to have him. We need more continuity so the defense can gel under Rex's tutelage. He's a brilliant defensive mind and very much current with today's NFL. We've suffered many injuries that are the fault of no one. It's all the result of injury. Tyrod just needs more time to develop. Same for EJ but he never got a fair shot. This roster is loaded with talent. We're going to end up something like 7-9 or 8-8, but for the life of me, I'm not sure why. We seem like an easy 10 or 11 win team and should be going deep into the playoffs. If it wasn't for that actual "record" thing getting in the way. Everyone gets whipped by the Patriots; it's no big deal when they whip us too. Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. Watch out for the chemtrails, and if you think 9/11 was an act of terrorism and not the product of the US govt., you're nuts. I think that covers just about everything.
  15. This is interesting and funny, given the single poster who loves to use this acronym the most, as he's the leader of the apologist movement. He has it backward.
  16. What? It's not 1980 anymore. You're about 100 million short.
  17. Not a concern due to Pegula owning two sports franchises in the same city.
  18. Absolutely! I'd like to see them take a swing or 2 for the fence every damned year in a similar fashion until we hit on the Cardale who turns into the franchise guy.
  19. It's hard to say exactly without really knowing what was happening (or not happening) on the field. Graham's post-game comments weren't very specific. But I agree he's a great candidate to pick it up a notch and help glue things together back there!
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