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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I'm doing BBQ and cracking open my Highland Park 18.
  2. Would have given my left arm for one of these back in the day:
  3. What are you talking about? Whaley is a brilliant GM.
  4. R.W. is banged up and not the running threat he should be. Seattle's O has struggled. Still nearly impossible to win in Seattle in prime time. Seattle 24 Bills 10.
  5. Our boy William has been keeping up with his crunches! This is encouraging.
  6. No one vomits more negativity on this forum on a daily basis than you. It's just that your negativity is directed toward your fellow posters as opposed to the team.
  7. Going back to 2000, our record has been 6-10, 7-9, or 8-8 eleven times! 6-7-8, who do we appreciate? Bills! Bills! Bills!
  8. Yep; that logo will disappear on TV and if worn with the all white uniforms, you'd just see an all white uniform and helmet. That would look lousy. Oregon had a similar look going.
  9. Doesn't mean he couldn't adapt to do well in the NFL. Don't get me wrong, he's not coming to Buffalo, but conceptually it's an interesting idea. If the Bills ever turn into a well run organization, it will be because we hire a Theo-esque guy to run the show. The trick is finding that guy in a football context, and no one currently within the organization, least of all Pegula, is equipped to do that. So the real first step is finding the guy who can find you the guy. A GM consultant. I hope these are the ideas Pegula is working on for when Rex and Whaley are relieved of their duties, most likely at the end of next season.
  10. Doug is a scout at heart, just ask him. He's good at that. Doesn't have the IQ to be the overall manager of the team.
  11. Two Quarterbacks Headed in Different Directions
  12. Whaley has definitely managed with a "win now" or "forfeit the future" mentality purely to save his job. He felt he was on the hot seat and rightly so and he knows he doesn't have forever to get it done. When we don't make the playoffs next year as well as this year, he'll be gone for sure, if he isn't gone before. Once Pegula has seen enough, he will show Whaley the door faster than you can say "Darcy Regier." As for Jerry Jone being better...meh.
  13. Well you know, if Tyrod goes down with a season ending injury in the Bengals game and we don't keep him next year, the OP would be right about it being his last game, and EJ might well step in from there on out as I doubt we'd start Cardale over EJ at this point.
  14. Who does Sherman think he is? Bitching about officiating conspiracies is OUR job, not his!
  15. This is certainly true. But never mind getting to the big game! We will have a tough time qualifying for the playoffs like this as well. The wild card road is a tough one to hoe. It's a lot easier going the divisional winner route, at least in a weaker division. The latter route is effectively not an option for us. That's a problem.
  16. It's true there are only 32 of those jobs in the world. You would think there'd be tremendous demand for them, and yet Murphy sucks at it, as do MANY of the NFL TV announcers. I don't get it.
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