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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Hey Chef Jim, what is your opinion of the French Laundry? Does it live up to the hype?
  2. The anti-pot crowd is funny. Luckily, that ilk is sort of like the gay bashing crowd, i.e., vanishing from the Earth. There is hope!
  3. It'll be tougher for Seattle to swallow if they lose a very close one. So there's that!
  4. And a lot of them weren't on the team when he got here. The moment we finally switch all our personnel around to his liking, he'll be canned.
  5. His primary role on the team is collecting pay checks, which is important given the fact that he can't do that with any NFL franchise not being coached by his brother. When Rex is gone, his HC career will be over, and Rob may well fade out of the game. I would imagine his stock value is rather low.
  6. Yes, this is one of Tyrod's greatest flaws as a QB and yes, he was trying to achieve something more on the interception...so in a backward way, you have to give him credit for that.
  7. Well if we moved the ball on them like that, NE will have a field day.
  8. Your post demonstrates that "team success" is a product of many moving parts forming a holistic mechanism. You change one component and the others are impacted. This is why it is critical to have 1 very competent man in charge with 1 very clear plan. And THAT is when continuity becomes critically important, so that the vision/plan can be carried to fruition. Pegula can't fire Rex in a vacuum. He needs a plan/vision and a man to get us from here to there. If he is not ready to go all in on Operation Future Plan, keep Rex for the reasons you note.
  9. Dude give it a rest. No playoffs this year. Make peace with it now, and just try to enjoy the games.
  10. Sure you can. Cick the play arrow then click the youtube icon on the lower right corner of the screen. I.E., watch the video on youtube, not at this site. Works fine.
  11. The scenario at the end of the game perfectly exposed Tyrod's weaknesses, as good of a game as he had. He is not going to march the team down the field throwing strikes and put the ball in the end zone for the big win with time pressure. That's more than he can do. Now and again, that will catch the team out.
  12. There were whistles like crazy, well AFTER THE CONTACT! NONE BEFORE! Listen for yourselves.
  13. Nah, he was diving for the ball. Sherman got there so early that the ball was just touching Carpenter's foot near the ground at the time of contact, so it looks like he is going for the knee or foot or whatever. He's just reaching down to the ground basically to get the ball, b/c that is where it was at that moment. They are usually stretched out and diving into empty space to block a punt b/c that is the best they can do to get a piece of the ball, which has usually already left the kicker's foot.
  14. I hate this sort of thing, but don't pick on Gilmore. They are all doing this, more or less. Just not in front of a camera and not always by way of swapping jerseys. I hate that "buddy" thing in the NFL with everyone hugging each other after games and what not. "Yo boss did you decide to get yellow or red for your Ferrari 488?" "Going with the Aventador instead bro!" "OH cool! See you at the vacation house in Hawaii in January!" "You got that right! Later bro!"
  15. John Blake is the defensive line coach. Tim McDonald is the DB coach.
  16. Notice how Woods is open for the game winning score. Not for long and it was an open then closed small window. The good QBs zip that ball in there with anticipation and then no one is talking about Powell. It demonstrates Tyrod's weaknesses to a "T" and why it is tough to win certain types of games with a QB like that. Regarding the foul: the funny thing is Sherman hit Powell before Tyrod was at the outer limit of his scramble, so he was not as far "out of the pocket" as some would suggest at the time of contact. Secondly, Sherman did not look in that direction to see if Tyrod had thrown the ball or clearly left the pocket. I think he just decided to step up and pancake Powell, and let the chips fall where they may.
  17. Rex will be gone with the passage of time. The question is how much is required to get rid of him. Let's see how things play out this year. If we are lucky, he could be gone before next season. If not, he'll be here one more year but not more.
  18. No playoffs for another year, but that was expected. This game tonight was fun, exciting, and a real nail biter. And sure it hurt, but I'm coming around to just trying to enjoy the games as they come.
  19. That's going to be a pretty serious setback, not that it really matters.
  20. An excellent, exciting game likely enjoyed by the entire country
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