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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. For everyone responding from foreign countries that don't have an obvious US military geographical significance, are you displaced Western New Yorkers or citizens of foreign countries? If it's the latter, how did you become Buffalo Bills fans?
  2. The NFL is about match ups and the Jets and Miami have both already shown they match up well against us, despite being crap teams in their own rights. Plus Miami's star is rising. No way we beat Pittsburgh, having just seen them play yesterday (Big Ben is over his injury). I say 6-10 or 7-9 is about right. I think we'll look good against Cleveland and Jacksonville. The rest is tough.
  3. Regardless of which QB you think is better, comparing Tyrod to Tannehill isn't going to get you very far. And I actually like both of them! They are "nice" quarterbacks who could be a lot worse. But neither is what you are looking for, ideally.
  4. So much for the conspiracy theorists always saying NE gets all the calls! Love the no call on the throw to Gronk. They were both guilty....let 'em play ball. And on that note, NE loses their 2nd game of the year.
  5. Sure. Not horrible at all. I wish the same would happen to Brady in the 3rd quarter.
  6. Pats aren't getting dominated, though Seattle is playing them very tough. Pretty good game actually. Also nice to see Gronk get hammered and knocked out of the game on concussion watch.
  7. I'm just hoping bad things happen to both teams!
  8. Great catch, no doubt. But my God, what a poorly thrown ball!
  9. If we can't beat NE on the field, we should at least try to beat them off the field. Pegula should lobby for realignment. Get us in another division away from NE. The problem is going to continue as long as B.B. is around. It's not just about Brady. It could be argued we and the other teams in the AFC East are at a competitive disadvantage relative to other teams in the league as our only route to the playoffs is via the wild card.
  10. Can we trade QBs, straight up, man for man? I'd do that deal tomorrow. Flacco is the least respected talent in the NFL.
  11. It would be cool if we could establish the 4 corners of the continental USA. San Diego is a pretty good spot for the SW corner. I know we have Bills fan in Seattle or whatever his user name. That's pretty good for NW corner. Anyone in Maine? I'm in Palm Beach County, FL, which is not bad for SE corner, but I'm sure we have someone in Miami or even further south. Key West would be fantastic. I think we have already established that the sun never sets on the Bills Fan Empire.
  12. It's "Halley's" comet with two letter "L"s. It comes around every 75-76 years. Last around in 1986 and due back in 2061. I say we make the playoffs before it comes back to the inner solar system. But that's me; I'm an aggressive gambler.
  13. I disagree with Florio's take. He's making stuff up and interpreting the rule in a way that may well not be correct. Would not the game clock start running immediately upon the snap of the ball, at least in theory? Would not the spike stop that clock from running? How do you interpret the "stop the game clock" wording in the rule. Who knows! This isn't law, this is NFL Mickey Mouse Law. Item 3. Stopping Clock. A player under center is permitted to stop the game clock legally to save time if, immediately upon receiving the snap, he begins a continuous throwing motion and throws the ball directly into the ground.
  14. Depends on how you approach neutral party football games. I personally don't care about records or markets...I just want to see a good game. So I will usually give a game a shot if I am in the mood to watch football and see how it goes. If the game is one sided or a boring punt fest, I'll pull the plug quickly. If it's a good game like the Bills/Seahawks, I'll keep watching. That was a good game that should have appealed to a ton of neutral party fans.
  15. I personally would love to see fighting/brawling incorporated into the game of football. These guys are giving each other brain damage and shortening their life expectancies anyway. Why not make it a bit more entertaining?
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