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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. He feels great and is somewhere between 95% and 100%. Well, that was the last I heard from him like a month ago.
  2. No. Our running backs have absolutely nothing to do with Tyrod's inherent deficiencies as a QB.
  3. But the pro Tyrod people were telling me he just had his best career game against Seattle! Wait....he did! Tyrod in a nutshell. Not good enough and not consistent enough.
  4. Excellent example of the direct correlation between mediocre QB play, scoring, and winning or losing. Should have scored a TD there.
  5. True, but that's true of all teams in all years.
  6. True. Does Pegula see that between sips of his cabernet up in the owner's box?
  7. Day dreaming about his Track and Field career.
  8. He did give a nice little plug for Phil Hansen though. One of my favorite Bills.
  9. Rex Ryan's Introductory Press Conference, Wednesday, January 14, 2015. Rex Ryan: "You mentioned how well we played on defense last year. Fourth in the league is probably a little disappointing, to be honest with you, because that's not where my expectations are. I know we'll lead the league in defense. That's just the way it goes."
  10. Big interception, taken down to the 5 yard line or whatever... Plenty of opportunity to punch it in for the TD... We can't do it. This is the stuff of a non-playoff team. It's been this way for 17 years.
  11. Bills giving up a time consuming, defensive energy draining, points scoring, long drive here! I stand corrected! GILMORE!
  12. Big dude fell on top of him while he was seated on the ground, with leg bent at knee and foot on the outside... His leg/knee crumpled up and it looked pretty ugly!
  13. Surprised Woods is walking under his own power that well!
  14. Would have been shocked if he returned. Had the "I'm out for a while" look on his face riding off on the cart.
  15. The early momentum enjoyed by the Bills seems to have ceased.
  16. Tyrod can't see open windows before they exist. That's his main problem as a passer.
  17. Indecision/fear to throw led to the pass coming way late; gave defender time to break on ball; should have been intercepted. That is a perfect play to show Tyrod's weaknesses as a QB.
  18. Couldn't agree with you more, but I think he will be back.
  19. Was he not down prior to breaking the plane? It looks like FOX has no goal line camera angle, which is criminal. You would think they would be tuned into the importance of it.
  20. Nice cut back to the middle there; got extra yardage for sure!
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