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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Remember when these guys were playing? The Colts were in our division back then and we were great; they were terrible. And yet we had this odd Achilles Heel about playing in Indianapolis. Seemed like we lost there or played bad games there every year during our run.
  2. Who's 57 years old. And never achieved anything when he was young. Answer: Because they're Bills fans. That's what we do. If we didn't have hope and faith, we'd have very little.
  3. The coaching talent surplus of the entire league can be described as regurgitated failure, with a few exceptions. Hell, even BB is Cleveland's discarded trash.
  4. That's b/c Red Sox pitching and hitting destroyed their will to cheer! Next stop, World Series!
  5. That is one hell of a nice word you invented there. I like it.
  6. Fair question to ask and it gave rise to a legitimate exchange of ideas between reporter and athlete, which almost never happens in PCs. I wish we got more questions like that. 99.7% of all athlete interviews, in almost any context, are a complete waste of time. This one wasn't.
  7. I live in FL. So do lots of other people. It's the 3rd most populous state in the country now, ahead of NY. Does it make sense that the stories about crazy people, sane people, smart people, dumb people, and every other kind of person would tend to originate in areas where there is a high population? Having said that, FL is filled with freaks, but that's because it's filled with people. They are everywhere, particularly in this country.
  8. I agree; I think the right call was to slow down or stop and try to let the tree fall in front of the vehicle. If they had continue or sped up, I think the tree would have easily hit the vehicle somewhere. A case of bad timing all around, though it could have been a lot worse.
  9. I would imagine education is a huge factor in terms of age when having children. I lived for 12 years in Old Town, Alexandria, VA, in the DC metro area. Affluent little community in one of the best educated enclaves in the country. Couples in their 40s pushing around infants in baby strollers was a very common sight. Big cities are filled with career oriented people with lots of education and they often start families late.
  10. She looks great for 80.
  11. That area is in Lima, Peru, and looks like a nice spot. If you move around with the street view; nice neighborhood.
  12. I used to enjoy it but it got old quickly for me. I think it has a tremendous following and was a very popular show.
  13. Not sure I'd call them "gay" but if you are into stopping and turning corners, they suck. If you are into drag racing, they aren't so bad. The modern cars are big, bloated pigs like pretty much all cars these days. When I see them on track days, they almost always break down, and that's not an exaggeration. Usually suspension problems though some powertrain too. PS: Love the chase scene from the movie and love that car; it's the only muscle car that comes close to interesting me; '67 fastback (?) in that dark green color...that's the perfect muscle car right there.
  14. I'm not sure why I have to choose between Necco Wafers and Candy Corn in a world where Reeses peanut butter cups, Snickers, Kit Kats, or Nerds are otherwise available. Is there some stated law that this organization must make bad hires?
  15. This game is No. 3 on my "to do" list tonight behind the Red Sox game and then the Sabres game...but I'll record and watch for a while. Want to see Josh Rosen. We've had a real string of good/great TNF games lately, so maybe this one will surprise.
  16. "Herb and Morty at the country club in Boca were right. They told me to spend my money on a yacht, park it in Monaco harbor, and enjoy the good life. Don't get into the sports game, they said. They were right."
  17. Just because Peterman isn't starting doesn't mean he won't be finishing. 24-10 Colts.
  18. I think Anderson's performance, overall, will not be very good, but actually better than what we have seen so far. This is a mess b/c we are going to lose a lot of boring games this year, but we won't have a franchise QB learning how to play along the way. We're just treading water now.
  19. Thank you! The Bills have drafted very few QBs over the years and their record reflects that. We should be drafting 1 "good" QB and 1 "project" QB every freaking year until one sticks. Then you have the luxury of being a bit more selective in the next several years, but should still be looking/drafting as you never know when injury will occur, it's nice to have a good backup, etc. I know some would suggest you can't afford to "throw away" a draft pick every year on the QB position, but the Bills throw away draft picks routinely anyway through poor drafting or poor player retention. We don't have a ton of home drafted talent on the team right now. Many of our recent top picks are gone, with nothing to show for their time here. If you are going to throw away picks anyway, at least do it the right way, in the form of taking a swing with every potentially good QB prospect you can get. This team will NOT take a QB in the upcoming draft, even though we will have a high draft slot. We will take some run plugging DT or something, to replace the one we already had and gave away for free...and the impact on our W/L record will be close to zero. And on it goes.
  20. More progress toward civility in the Western World. The day is coming when pot will be legal everywhere in America, too. It's the next thing to change, after gay marriage.
  21. Giving up multiple assets was stupid; no reason not to take another QB; it won't happen but it should. You'll see what I mean in another year, and then you'll wish we had taken another QB when we picked top 3 in the 2019 draft.
  22. Maybe because that photo is fairly old? She's still not bad though! Here she is in 2018:
  23. We have averaged one starting quarterback every 1.2 years since Kelly retired, 22 years ago. That will continue in the next several years.
  24. why does that seem familiar to me?
  25. I heard it somewhere. I can't recall now. You'll just have to take it on faith.
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