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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Head butt? Players "head butt" their own teammates in celebration harder than that.
  2. That was a love tap and **** like that can go either way... Easily could have been called against us.... I hate calls like that away from the play.
  3. "Taunting" BS I'll take it! But I hate crap like that. It's a violent game. Let 'em play!
  4. Those last 2 plays were vintage Tyrod in panic mode. He gets like that now and again.
  5. End of one Raiders on the run Offense moving well Come on Bills, give 'em hell!
  6. If hot chicks and guns are your thing, have a look at youtube. Be warned: the list of videos there on topic is a mile long. There seems to be an entire genre of films showing chicks in bikinis shooting Ar-15s and the like.
  7. You know, it's funny. Some people right now are creating an artificially intelligent machine. Someone else is about to solve a math problem that has eluded brilliant minds for a few centuries. Others might be close to finding the cure to cancer. Others are working on manned missions to Mars, in pursuit of the question: "Are we alone." Then you have the fine folks in this video.
  8. For me the year was 1985. My favorite album that year definitely would not have been anything current at the time. It was probably something by the Doors as that is when I was going through my Doors phase as I recall. LOL
  9. Oh don't get me wrong, I love these stories and the first thing I do is rush to see what the female teacher looked like. I was never close to being lucky enough to have a reasonably pretty female teacher hitting on me in high school. Funny too! Reverse the sexes of the parties involved and it's statutory rape. As is, it's just getting lucky. At least that's how I look at it.
  10. 5 Guys: overrated and the fries suck; drowned in grease. I eat fast food garbage of this type about once every 10 years... But if you must eat it, and if you live in the right place, I think Whataburger is probably the best around.
  11. Wow, so we really are still playing meaningful games in December!
  12. No, you're thinking of an entirely different technology. The key with proton beam therapy is to make sure the machine is running at 1.21 gigawatts. Good luck to the original poster or whoever has the cancer! Cancer sucks!
  13. Am I mistaken, or does Go Bills in Dallas have a habit of posting teacher/student sex stories? This seems like at least the third I've seen here, and I don't visit "off the wall" very often. Yeah, but then homework was never quite like this!
  14. No they won't. And although Gronk is out, I expect the Patriot machine to keep on rolling.
  15. Of course! The more complex and nuanced the rules, the more gray area. The more gray area, the more there is to look at, be distracted by, or miss. And as you say it leads to total inconsistency from play to play, game to game, and crew to crew. One interesting aspect to all this that was mentioned up thread: with a dedicated full time officiating crew, it will become much easier to fix games through bribing a handful of individuals who arguably would have more reason to accept bribes. The 58 year old judge who refs for fun on the weekends probably isn't looking for bribe money. The full time "professional ref" who makes X per year would. This sort of thing has happened in big time sporting leagues all over the world. People are naive to think it can't happen in the NFL.
  16. I think this is a bit far fetched. I would agree, though, that he has been at least a tempered safety glass man.
  17. Well, other than that, do you think he'd make a good Bill?
  18. This. The rulebook now reads like the IRC with all the same level of complexity, exceptions to rules, exceptions to exceptions and so on. If you have a thick book of highly complex rules governing the game, and a whole bunch of guys on the field looking for infractions, guess what? You're going to get a lot of penalties. Simplify everything. As one small example: amend the rule regarding "the arm coming forward" etc., for when the ball leaves the QB's hand in a manner he didn't intend. Is it a fumble! Is it an incomplete pass! Was his arm coming forward? Where was it in space when the ball first started to come out? An analysis on that level is garbage. Simplify. Did the ball come out? Was the QB looking to throw when the ball came out? Did the ball come out in a manner the QB didn't anticipate? Then it's a fumble. Period. Or an incomplete pass. Period. I say go with the fumble; turnovers spice games up.
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