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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. You obviously don't understand how the tank concept works. It doesn't mean the players don't try or the coach deliberately makes decisions which hurt the team.
  2. This is a brilliant idea. Fire Rex! Yes! The 4-3 part and ensuing details aren't that important. Once the big pieces get put in place, the little ones will fall in line naturally. The organization needs a top to bottom reboot. The most compelling question heading into this off-season: is Pegula ready to do it yet, or not?
  3. And then actually draft one now and again. Have a look at how many QBs the Bills have drafted going back like 15 or 20 years. It's not that many. But hey, why would you want to keep taking a shot at getting the most important position in all of N. American team sports, especially when you don't have a good QB already!?
  4. Lighten up sunshine! Of course nothing discussed here by anyone is going to dictate action at OBD. That's not the point of this forum. And for the record, out of the playoffs or "essentially eliminated" means barring a series of miracles, we aren't making the playoffs for the 17th consecutive year. Surely you understand that. I see you are one of the cultists who has built a personal belief system around the team and chooses not to objectively view reality. Good day to you sir!
  5. Double nope. As Samuel L. Jackson said, "Just because you look like the gimp don't mean you play like the gimp!" Just because Tyrod isn't the answer doesn't mean EJ doesn't still suck!
  6. OK, assuming we actually go 10-6. Is that a success? Depends entirely on your definition of "success" and what the stated goals of the organization are. I believe Pegula hired Rex with the notion that Rex would get us into the playoffs, and in the near term. If we go 10-6 and fail to make the playoffs, I think the organization would consider that a failure, as it is now Rex's 2nd year with the team. Whether or not this season is considered a success or failure is immaterial however. This team will not make the playoffs with Rex as its coach, and he will not get more than 3 seasons to do it, if he even gets a third. I.E., Rex's days are numbered. The million dollar question is not whether this season is considered a success or failure. The big question is what is Pegula thinking and where are we on his personal timeline for success? How fed up is he with Whaley/Rex if at all? How much longer until he drops the ax? It's impossible to say; he has retreated into a rather private role with both teams.
  7. This team will not go 10-6 this season. The question is "mute" in the TBD vernacular.
  8. Combined with the odd throw into the first row or possibly the hospitality suite.
  9. Don't disagree with a lot of what you post here, but you make it out like a top pick in the NFL draft is a 50/50 proposition. The reality is that reliable, elite talent is almost always available at the very sharp end of the draft, particularly if you throw out the QBs, who often are gambles and the teams taking them very highly know that. There are always exceptions; some great players don't go high in the draft and some very highly drafted players turn out to be average or crap. But overall, I love the idea of picking 1, 2, or 3 to start every round of a draft.
  10. Yes, I would imagine Whaley's days are indeed numbered...and yes...Pegula does not come across like a particularly bright guy, he is the least informed "big sports fan" you know of, and hockey is his thing, not football. It may take a while for the ship to be righted in O.P. I have higher hopes for the Sabres, though even that rebuild is showing signs of weaknesses far beyond the key injuries we suffered through to start the season. This is true, but a "tank" or a very high draft pick need not be limited to only a QB. If you are tanking strictly to get a franchise QB, your tank may well fail. If you are tanking to load the team with talent at key positions, it is likely to work quite well, even if "misses" are always a part of the game. Our best player is arguably Marcell Dareus, who also came to us as the 3rd overall pick in the 2011 draft...our highest pick in many years. That draft saw Cam Newton go #1, Von Miller #2, Marcell #3, and AJ Green #4. Would any of those guys help us win games? I would think so. Super top talent is always available at the very top of the draft. It is not always a QB though. Why must a tank be limited to a QB?
  11. Joe, you should not have limited the thread title to just "Cult of Tyrod". A whole bunch of posters here have built an elaborate personal belief system around the Bills. It functions as a religion in their lives, and they are zealots. A few posters in particular are High Priests. The problem is the "Cult of the Bills" not just Tyrod. This is the key division that creates so much strife at this forum. It's not a positive vs. negative distinction or anything else. It's the "let's open our minds and have an objective discussion about the team" people vs. the crowd that views the team as a religion, and who want this forum to function as a fan club for the team. To them, any post, ever, on any subject, that isn't "Go Bills!" at its core is viewed as pissing in the community watering hole. It would be like going to the Disney character fan club forum (Mickey Mouse Club still exist!?) and starting a conversation about how Walt was a bit of a Nazi. That sort of thing would be viewed as contrary to the interests of the bulk of the forum, as they are there to celebrate and enjoy the fun aspects of the Disney world, not have a rational conversation about all things Disney. I wish this forum could be divided into "rational discussion" folks and "this is my fan club, don't piss in the drinking hole" crowd. It would avoid so much garbage in every thread here.
  12. Such negativity. Crapping on another user's comment that you don't agree with again. It's gotta be at least 50% of the garbage you post here, not counting the spambotting stuff.
  13. It is, "you idiot" (homage to idiot Tom). We aren't making the playoffs. Next year on draft day you'll be glad we were 6-10 and not 10-6 every time someone says "And the Bills select..." Of course, this assumes you are not one of the many casual fans here whose interest in the team begins an ends with "a good time" for a few hours getting drunk on Sundays. I'd like to actually see this team be good again. You're the idiot Tom. You think we are going on a big run to make the playoffs and then win some games post-season? Better draft order is about as much as can be salvaged from yet another shitstorm of a season. And by the way: for the "this isn't hockey" crowd who can't see the value in picking high in the NFL.... The best player on our team is Marcell Dareus. We took him 3rd overall with the highest pick we have had in years. I guess some are content to pick @ 10th and go for the CJ Spillers of the world instead.
  14. 8-8 right where I put them before the season started, along with a lot of others. If its not 8-8, it will be 7-9 or 9-7, which I said was our maximum ceiling pre-season.
  15. And then who do we call when Harbaugh laughs in our face too? BB will never leave Foxborough; JH is not going to leave Ann Arbor. If either actually did leave due to some miracle, they wouldn't come to Buffalo.
  16. I can't believe I signed with the Buffalo Freaking Bills
  17. His lack of vision of the field is not a literal, mechanical problem in the sense of being too short. He simply lacks awareness of what's happening all around him, as many middling QBs do. In the heat of the moment he reverts to all sorts of bad habits, including things like forgetting to look at an entire side of the field, or looking beyond his first read. You know when he is confused, flustered, and mired in indecision. He goes into panic mode and starts hopping around on his feet and repeatedly tapping the ball with his non-throwing hand. On other plays he remains calm and doesn't do those things. Great QBs "see" everything, the game slows down for them, and they remain calm and in control. They can process the game in a few seconds, deconstruct a defense, realize where they should throw the ball, and then have the physical ability to accurately deliver the ball. It's a really interesting combination of disparate talents; intelligence, game IQ, and physical ability. Unfortunately, about 5 guys can do this at the top NFL level at any one moment in time.
  18. "It is even better to act quickly and err than to hesitate until the time for action has passed." -Carl von Clausewitz
  19. I don't agree about the "too early" thing or that Cardale's growth will forever be stunted if he is thrown to the wolves for a game or 2. We aren't asking him to be the real starter or lead us on a successful playoff campaign. We are just asking him to play some games against real NFL competition so we can see where he is in his development. There is nothing to be gained by playing Tyrod or EJ in my opinion.
  20. On a somewhat related note but rarely--if ever--discussed at this forum: As long as Brady/Belichick are in NE and that machine is firing on all cylinders, and as long as they are in our division, we will not win our division. That means the easier route to the playoffs is categorically unavailable to us. Our only path to the playoffs is via the Wildcard, which is a tough road to hoe. We should be lobbying the NFL for realignment. Get away from NE and into a midwest "central" type division, or change the playoff structure to a conference setup maybe with more teams making the playoffs with more games to enjoy.
  21. Actually, the more I think about it, the more you might be right. Who is to say that the Bills could successfully blow it up at all!? It might end up like this:
  22. It need not take 3 years, but if it did, sure! It's been 17 as it is. I can do a few more.
  23. Who said it does? It is the required first step of a long journey though.
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