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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Have a look at how he's handled the QB position since running the show. That alone is grounds for some hate; throw in the Watkins deal and you have more. Don't compare the organization to past Bills horror shows; compare it to the best the NFL has to offer. That should be the standard of review.
  2. This has been a consistent theme with Tryod; nothing new here. I don't blame him for being on edge; he's gotta be wondering if he will be back next year.
  3. There were some Curtiss P-40s stationed on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. A few got airborne and even scored a few aerial kills. Those were made at Curtiss on Elmwood Avenue, in the giant building that used to be (and may still be) the "BAC" or some such...Buffalo Athletic Club? I played tennis and racket ball in there several times many years ago. Have no idea if it is still in business. Kind of across from WIVB/WBEN as I recall.
  4. Absolutely love that album! By 1976, Led Zeppelin (my favorite band of all time) had started to lose it, releasing "Presence" which is not exactly their finest work. There is some quality on Houses of the Holy, and I use it as the demarcation point between great Zeppelin and crap Zeppelin. It's really all about 1-4 for me though. Question for the forum: Led Zeppelin IV, side 2: greatest SIDE of an album of all time? Rock and Roll, Black Dog, Stairway to Heaven. Not a bad SIDE of an album! Back to Rush: I still remember my vinyl album of 2112 as a kid...that picture of the 3 guys with their "Kung fu" outfits on and Neil Peart with that Raleigh Fingers handlebar mustache! I thought they were so freaking cool! LOL
  5. Invest in HBO. You'll find plenty that is much better on Sunday nights.
  6. Interesting about your father in law! Fun fact: Isoroku Yamamoto studied at Harvard, spoke fluent English, enjoyed American culture, was opposed to any war with the USA, and did 2 stints as a naval attache in Washington, DC. Oddly enough, I am currently working on a 1:350 scale model of the IJN Hiryu, one of the six Japanese carriers used in the attack on Pearl Harbor. For such an infamous event that will be remembered forever, it is interesting to note that only about 3,500 were killed or wounded in the entire thing...the aging battle wagons that were damaged or sunk were not much of a loss strategically speaking, several were repaired and made seaworthy again, and the Japanese got no aircraft carriers which would have been the big catch. Six months later at the Battle of Midway, we would send four Japanese carriers to the bottom of the Pacific and they could never recover from that loss. Some may want to read up on Wade McClusky, who played a pivotal role in the Battle of Midway. Aside from having giant balls of steel, his personal decision making and hunch based on a nose for tactics directly led to the sinking of IJN Kaga and Akagi, 2 of the 4 carriers lost. He was from Buffalo, NY.
  7. Another Bills first round draft selection flushed down the toilet... Not converting your top draft picks into steady performers on the field is the hallmark of the .500 franchise.
  8. I watched the finale and thought it was fantastic. The extra half hour was greatly appreciated. This show is great and I can't wait for season 2. Love the theme song! Lots of interesting themes explored, classic sci-fi stuff.
  9. As an aviation enthusiast, I'd love to be able to wander around in there...see what they are working on these days. The jet engine is 1930s technology. Curious to see what they are working on now.
  10. No, I never had any nun that would remotely be considered a hottie. True story: in 8th grade I had an ongoing feud with Sister Mary Jo. The woman hated me. She was athletic, very butch, and we used to joke that she was a frustrated lesbian. Fast forward to being like a junior in high school maybe. One of my best friend's grandfather died. At the wake, Sister Mary Jo showed up. As to why or what the connection was, I don't really know. My buddy and I went over to talk to our former 8th grade teacher, addressing her as Sister Mary Jo. She divulged that she had left the nun hood, and in the next breath introduced us to her partner, another rather butch female standing next to her! My buddy and I were blown away by that one! We knew it!
  11. My teachers were mostly Christian brothers, Jesuit priests, nuns, and the odd layman female! Holy hell.
  12. This show kind of sucks, but I watch it anyway. It's mostly b/c my significant other enjoys it, which is funny. It's not particularly good TV though. The Negan character sucks, and the dude playing the character is lame. For far superior TV viewing, I recommend Westworld on HBO.
  13. It's a broken freaking record. There is a seasonal cycle to discussion at this forum! It's always the same. It would be funny if it wasn't so f-ing pathetic.
  14. You forgot the part about the 9-7 record looking just good enough on paper for the Kool-Aid Brigade at TBD to Bill-ieve we are actually a good team, things are looking up, and we are right on the cusp of glory. It will bolster their spirits just enough to kill any chance at objective debate in the off-season.
  15. If we were to create a list of the top 10 reasons why we won't make the playoffs, "having no killer instinct" would not be on the list. Aside from a mediocre defense, our biggest problems are: 1) No QB worth mentioning 2) Lousy team discipline/execution. This leads to penalties and stupid mistakes. 3) A pretty poor HC whose in-game generalship and tactics leave a lot to be desired. When we play anyone, we are going to make lots of mistakes and commit a lot of penalties. When we play a lot of teams, we are going to be out-coached. And when we play winning/playoff-caliber teams, we are going to be thoroughly out-quarterbacked. End of story.
  16. From the Gospel according to pepsicat17, Chapter 23: Then the whole assembly rose and led him off to Pegula. 2 And they began to accuse him, saying, “We have found this man subverting our team. He engages in marketing hoaxes, errs in his football related decisions, and yet claims to only be involved in business operations.” 3 So Pegula asked Brandon, “Are you the king of the marketing wonks?” “You have said so,” Brandon replied. 4 Then Pegula announced to the TBD moderators and the crowd, “I find no basis for a charge against this man.” 5 But they insisted, “He stirs up the people all over Bills Nation by his lying. He started in Florida and has come all the way here.” 6 On hearing this, Pegula asked if the man was a Floridian. 7 When he learned that Brandon was from Syracuse, he sent him to She Who Must Be Obeyed--Kim Pegula--who was also in Orchard Park at that time, having left the family home in Boca. 8 When Kim saw Brandon, she was greatly pleased, because for a long time she had been wanting to see him. From what she had heard about him, she hoped to see him perform a marketing trick of some sort. 9 She plied him with many questions, but Brandon gave her no answer. 10 The forum moderators and many Bills fans were standing there, vehemently accusing him.11 Then Kim and her bodyguards ridiculed and mocked him. Dressing him in a New England Patriots warm up jacket, they sent him back to Pegula. 12 That day Kim and Terry Pegula became business cohorts—before this they had been husband and wife. 13 Pegula called together the forum moderators, the Front Office, and the fans, 14 and said to them, “You brought me this man as one who was inciting the fans to rebellion. I have examined him in your presence and have found no basis for your charges against him. 15 Neither has Kim, for she sent him back to me; as you can see, he has done nothing to deserve dismissal.16 Therefore, I will suspend him.” [17] [a] 18 But the whole crowd shouted, “Away with this man! Re-sign Fred Jackson!”19 (Jackson had been cut from the team due to an insurrection.) 20 Wanting to release Brandon, Pegula appealed to them again. 21 But they kept shouting, “Fire him! Fire him!” 22 For the third time he spoke to them: “Why? What crime has this man committed? I have found in him no grounds for immediate dismissal. Therefore I will have him punished and then return him to the Front Office.” 23 But with loud shouts they insistently demanded that he be fired, and their shouts prevailed. 24 So Pegula decided to grant their demand. 25 He re-signed Fred Jackson, the one they asked for, and surrendered Brandon to their will.
  17. As everyone pretty much knows, we lose to good teams (with winning records at least) and beat bad teams with losing records. The only exceptions are beating NE in game 1 (though that game is an aberration without Brady), and being beaten by the Jets who are horrible. Those 2 games are a wash; we might as well have beaten the Jets but lost to NE as we would have expected. Same outcome. Enter Pittsburgh: currently sitting at 7-5 and with a good passer for a QB. This is the sort of team that will beat us unless something really unexpected happens, like Big Ben gets injured in the first 10 minutes or something.
  18. Probably right, but this presupposes that Pegula would only reboot the organization with a miserable showing and a 2-14 season or some such. Who knows what his agenda is? What if he is thinking "Either Rex gets us into the playoffs this year or he's gone" in which case we are not in purgatory at all. Having said that, I agree that is probably unlikely.
  19. What are we talking exactly? You mean like....sweep the leg? See the thread I started about getting Cardale some starts before this season is out. I'd love to see just how far away he is, and give him the chance to surprise us. Would help inform our decision making process this off-season and where we might want to go for next season. At least it's a productive idea. Trudging along with everything as is, finishing 8-8-ish, and missing the playoffs is not productive, unless your name is Rex Ryan and 8 wins is enough to save your neck.
  20. Well you can argue Cleveland has a plan for the future and is enacting it fairly successfully. We are doing the same old thing which will lead to the same old results. In that sense, perhaps Cleveland is better than us. Depends on your expectations. Like being able to see a Bills playoff game again before we are all dead.
  21. It's not beyond the realm of possibility, but the man's skeletal system is held together by an elaborate network of trusses made from band aids, dental floss, and chewing gum. Who goes in when Romo goes down?
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