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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Who caught the intro theme song to "LAW AND ORDER" as they went to commercial break a few minutes ago? WTF?
  2. I agree; we should be cheering for Raiders tonight but that probably means KC will play the game of the year. Hockey season still has a long way to go...you can always switch to the Sabres.
  3. Not necessarily. If we see Cardale in the lineup it could be because we are not sure if we should move on from Tyrod or not and we want to see just how unrealistic a proposition it is to start Cardale next year. I highly doubt they are undecided in terms of what Tyrod can do on the field. He is not going to reveal anything more in the next few games than what he has shown already. I'm not sure which QB this refers to! It could be any of them. Did you mean EJ, Tyrod, or CJ? The EJ train has left the station. He's done. Tyrod is now a known commodity. He may well NOT be done, but we know what we have in him at this point. The only question mark is CJ (for now) and that's why I'd like to throw him the keys to the car for a planned start with a week of preparation/practice knowing he's the starter, during the regular season, against a real NFL team not made of 2nds and 3rds, in a game which "counts" in terms of opposing team effort. Let him sink or swim. The results of the actual game are immaterial relative to our success this season as a whole anyway.
  4. He's not a fine wine; he's a middling QB talent. Get him in there and let's see where he is in his development and just how unrealistic it might be to go with him next season. It's not about this year as much as helping inform us of what we want to do for next season.
  5. While rushing for 150 yds. All with his eyes closed and using the power of the Force to guide him.
  6. Which is why they are overdue to produce another! Obviously. PS: Can we include Bernie Kosar on the list too? He's from Youngstown, Ohio, but that's like 60 miles from Pittsburgh. Same part of the world as the others come from.
  7. This is like saying "Other than the fact that I lost one eye, both arms, and am paralyzed from the waist down, I emerged from the car accident relatively unscathed."
  8. This is perfect. The stage is now set for RGIII to have his single greatest game, post rookie season, against us, deliver the Browns their only victory of the year, and Rex to get canned b/c a loss to Cleveland in this year on home soil is just more than can be forgiven. I love it! Of course, RGIII will then become injured walking to the shower after the game and return to his normal level of suckitude forever.
  9. I'm in favor of letting the pros do their job, but not Whaley! This is the guy who figured EJ was the answer and then doubled down on stupidity with the Sammy Watkins trade up deal. As I've said 1,000 times on this forum, those 2 factors alone are grounds for immediate dismissal! You just can't be THAT inept as a GM and keep your job.
  10. There's the rub! Russ IS ONLY DOING BUSINESS stuff, on paper. But you know damned good and well he is chatting with Terry all the time, and a guy like Russ will be more of a constant in the organization, over time, than a coach or GM. Coaches and GMs come and go but Russ will be around forever...making him much more likely to be that voice in the ear of Pegula...and you know he already is. As someone already posted, what in the world was Brandon doing interviewing or even sitting around Pegula's Boca McMansion talking to Rex Ryan!? Was he "only business side of the operation" on that night? Russ loves this stuff; he is fueled by a desire to be in that inner circle and is the sort of guy who thinks he is King of the World b/c he has inside access to a pro football team and can do dumb **** like walk around on the field before a game while the players warm up. He thrives on that stuff... Get him and everyone else who has been around here forever the hell out of the organization, just on principle. Do not give him the chance to influence Pegula in any way. Let him go be a brilliant sports marketer for a different franchise. As everyone has said and knows, this product sells itself.
  11. I am by no means a Whaley supporter, but I would give him the benefit of the doubt and say there is time for him to learn, gain experience and improve as a GM--at least conceptually. Rex? Forget it. His next move is retirement from the game of football and anything he was ever going to become as a coach has now been fully realized.
  12. You gonna pay 20+ million clams or whatever the heck he wants to be a backup and mentor!?
  13. The better question is: "What would it take to convince Tony Romo to come to Buffalo to play football?" And the answer is, basically "It can't be done." Now, regarding the OP's original question: I would pay FMV on a prorated basis. Annual salary divided by 16 = paycheck per game. Tony's agent won't go for that, but that's what I'd pay. Oh, and I'd throw in a keg of Romo's favorite beer and a rookie OJ Simpson trading card.
  14. And who finds the solid interview candidates for the GM position, interviews them to find the best, and then hires him? Kim Pegula? You're right. I'll drive right over to Quarterbacks 'R Us today and buy an absolutely top shelf model. I'm sure Pegula will reimburse me.
  15. OK, it's decided! Starting today, all available scouting resources are to be re-directed to western Pennsylvania. Every football program from elementary school through the college level must be under constant Bills surveillance. Find us the next Montana, Kelly, or Marino. Doesn't matter which one of those the new guy looks most like. They are all good.
  16. It's not that simple at all. But you haven't been paying attention. There has been a ton of discussion around here on what needs to be done. Pegula needs to implement his Sabres plan with the Bills and re-build from the ground up. That starts with a football savvy trusted advisor to get him a great up and coming GM who can stick around here for a long, long time....and then give that guy the power he needs to make it happen. Pegula is not going to know who to hire on his own, so he needs a "czar" as some would call it or what I would simply call an advisor. This person need not even be a formal hire on the payroll. Pegula got the La Fontaine idea when he bumped into Patty at some sort of cocktail party event, though he then of course did hire him. Start there. Lean on the right guy who is football knowledgable, still has strong contacts around the league, and is generally tuned into what's happening in today's NFL. That person needs to give Pegula a short list of GM candidates, and then the interviews need to begin. Forget old names of the past, go with fresh, young, up and coming talent. As an aside, I would sweep the organization clean as a matter of principle, but I don't think Pegula will. Russ Brandon, for example, has too much involved history within the organization to remain, even in a "business only" mode. Of course, having doubled down on Brandon recently with the Sabres too, Russ is sticking around. Then again, Terry Pegula once infamously said "Lindy Ruff ain't goin' nowhere" about a year or so (?) before he fired him. Sweep clean, bring in trusted intelligent football man to create GM candidate list, and conduct GM interviews. Hire GM when winning candidate is found; give GM the freedom and power to do as he thinks is best in a bubble of security. Try innovative ideas free from fear of consequences (at least for a while), implement a proper draft strategy where we trade DOWN, not UP (like Whaley the idiot) and acquire as many draft picks as possible...that's what the smart GMs do and where the value in the draft can be found. Focus on the QB position until we find one. In the meantime we might have a few seasons where we don't make the playoffs. I'm guessing we can all handle a few of those. Ask me how I know.
  17. You mean other than the small army of kool aid drinkers who dominate every thread as they rack up their posts in the tens of thousands?
  18. Try drumming to "The Ocean" !!! It's in like 15/16 time or some ungodly time signature. I always played the piano, but took up the guitar about 6 years ago. The very first thing I taught myself was the riff to Black Dog. Took me a couple of years to play it perfectly every time with all the right nuance and expression. No doubt one of the absolute best guitar riffs ever, perhaps only beaten by Whole Lotta Love. It helps to be a Zeppelin fan if you are a budding guitar player. When you are constantly trying to play all this great but difficult stuff Zeppelin wrote, everything else comes along pretty easily. THE PHOTO....I thought they looked so cool at the time!
  19. It's not Del Rio's fault the idiot punter doesn't know how to swing an ax without cutting his foot off. I do agree it was an idiotic stunt though, but that is the sort of crap all NFL head coaches do. They are trying to motivate the players anyway they can, and most of these guys are pretty dumb and have the mentality of children. At least a lot of them do. Going the "show and tell" route with the ax and stump props makes sense in that context.
  20. His 7 games plus competent backup play comparable to what TT has given us might just be enough to make the playoffs. Now that'd be a change!
  21. No doubt the D misses AW a great deal, but the main thrust of Vic's piece transcends that. I'm disheartened by Lorax's comment. He's on the inside saying that, not some poster at TBD. I'd love to know what Pegula is thinking. I bet Rex gets another year actually.
  22. I'll give Rex the benefit of the doubt. At that initial press conference when he said he expected our defense to be first, he must have misspoken. He must have meant twenty first.
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