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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Big Ben's carelessness with those interceptions was the difference. This game should have been a huge blowout on the scoreboard.
  2. This is the most misleading 14 point margin in the history of the NFL. We have been thrashed today.
  3. Look how LATE that ball went in there. WIDE OPEN until the window closed. Tyrod is horrible.
  4. Just thought I'd bump this thread in case Rex is actually fired per La Confora report.
  5. The interesting part is that team does appear to have quit on Rex after the loss against Oakland.
  6. Who was that wide open guy in the middle of the field that Tyrod ignored on that 2nd down sack?
  7. Pittsburgh right back to where they left off, more or less, before the interception. Could be a long day.
  8. I believe he was aiming for the hospitality tent on that one.
  9. I wonder if they are wearing the right choice of cleat. The D seems to have no footing whatsoever.
  10. Yep! It's the difference between knowing how to play a few songs, and being a musician. If you understand how music works and can create, you can write songs forever. If you are just playing what someone else wrote, you'll run out of repertoire quickly.
  11. Ha ha. "I don't have a drinking problem!" he exclaimed, just before guzzling his fourth double scotch in 5 minutes.
  12. If Janeane Garofalo was offering, would ya, and how many in you would it take?
  13. Hey Sexy Rexy boy! Them over at the News is comin' to gitcha! Yeeehaaa!
  14. Oh come on man. You're just trying to stir the pot. This is the sort of thread that will end up being 20 pages long, all about nothing.
  15. Revolving door measures made under old ownership should not be included with new ownership. It's different now. The idea would be to complete one last set of sweeping measures to sweep the place clean, insert a top man to run the organization, and then try to build high quality from the ground up. Once that process is under way, continuity should indeed be the policy. But you have to have the right people in place firing on all cylinders before you lock it down into the continuity phase. We are all paying the price for Pegula's lack of knowledge of football, and experience as an owner. The sweeping changes should long be over now with us in the build up stage. I think we will have to suck it up for an 18th year without playoffs, and then it will be blown up.
  16. Woods is one hell of a good downfield blocking WR. Holy crap! He clearly enjoys it. Maybe he should have played defense.
  17. Rex Ryan's very first words at his introductory PC: "Is this thing on? Because it's getting ready to be on. And, that's the truth, I want to thank Terry and Kim, and Russ, and Doug for selecting me." Was the reference to Russ a mere polite formality, a product of Rex not wanting to exclude top people in the organization? Perhaps. But more than likely, having just interviewed and gone through the hire process, Rex knew Russ' level of involvement and therefore included him on the gratitude list. You know why Rex did not thank Jim Overdorf, for example? Because he is firmly on the business side of the operation and had nothing to do with Rex's hiring. But rest assured Bills fans! Russ is on the business side too and has NO say or influence whatsoever in football matters, like, you know, helping to decide or influence the decision on who is our head coach. Surrender this man unto Pilate. We want Barabbas!
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