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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. True enough, but I am proceeding on the assumption (perhaps unfairly) that Lynne would not be a serious consideration for permanent HC, so the benefit is negated. But you're right; we don't know what's going on and we are not going to know until it happens. Perhaps Whaley will be retained, Rex fired, and everyone involved loves the idea of Lynne being the new HC. Then the 3 week on the job training program as HC could make a lot of sense. I hope that is not the plan.
  2. Point well taken but I like the symmetry and simple perfection of stripping it clean. We are not talking about a good washing here. I want this thing media blasted right down to the bare metal.
  3. Likely, and then don't forget he does his spot with Schopp and the Bulldog at like 5:00pm too. That could be somewhat more interesting than normal, assuming he still has a job then.
  4. I don't see any real benefit to firing Rex today or before the end of the season. However, we have a perception problem around the league and stuff like Monday morning HC firings with weeks left in the season only fuels that. I.E., fire his fat ass on the Monday after the season, along with Whaley and Brandon and Cindy the payroll clerk too, announce publicly that Tyrod's K will not be renewed, and start from ground zero up.
  5. Thank goodness alcohol is legal but that evil marijuana is outlawed in most of the country! Alcohol has never caused the world any pain, right?
  6. This guy in the article was clearly suffering from a bad case of yellow fever.
  7. They are 30 years old now. In 2007 Forbes ranked them combined as the eleventh richest women in entertainment, with a net worth of @ $100 million.
  8. You misunderstood me, which would have been obvious if you read any of my posts in this thread. I am not saying he is "playing us" but he is doing what every poster does here...establishing a thesis and persuading the reader to agree with his point of view...which I happen to agree with! It was DC Tom who was picking apart the piece as if to suggest the main thrust of the article is false. Well that is pretty much the basic, generally understood theory, at least as far as I understand it! Exactly what was going on behind closed doors, though, and who was saying what to influence the outcome is something we'll never know unless one of the few people directly involved talks candidly about it 20 years from now or whatever.
  9. It's called persuasive writing. He is persuading the reader to buy into his thesis, which is that the Bills organization is dysfunctional and needs to be re-structured in total. Have a read through the posts in this thread. The persuasion is working.
  10. Too many cooks spoil the broth. There are too many big shots in the organization. They are all ambitious, they all have their own agendas and motivations, and I'm sure they are not unified by a common vision for how to structure the organization, the team, and personnel. You can't run a reasonably complex operation like that.
  11. Yes but Pegula has shown an ability to learn from mistakes and change his approach with the Sabres. Perhaps he starting to see through Russ' bull **** screen. One can dream.
  12. Yes, of course. Fire him! The fact that a marketing guy has the influence he does within this organization is a sign of its level of dysfunction.
  13. The scope of his involvement, history, and standing within the organization precludes that from being viable. The guy is participating in weekly Monday morning football meetings and God knows what else. He needs to be shown the door. Let him run the Sabres or get rid of him in that capacity too.
  14. From the linked SI article written by Jenny Vrentas, April 14, 2015: The second interview focused on details, ranging from how Ryan would build his staff to how he’d assign seats on the team plane. When the meeting wrapped up, Whaley, Brandon, Pegula and his wife, Kim, met privately. This is our guy, they agreed. Don’t let him leave. Meanwhile, Ryan had turned on his phone and saw about 20 text messages from NFL teams, including one offering him a job, as well as several more texts from his agent. Not that this is really new information, but as recently as April 2015, in the Pegula era, Brandon was functioning as an inner core advisor. He was one of only 4 people including the owners and the GM discussing, advising, and influencing something as important as the hiring of our head coach. He needs to be fired. If we do indeed have a purge this off-season (or tomorrow!) and Brandon is still around whispering brilliant football ideas into Pegula's ear, nothing will be fixed.
  15. I said the range would be 7-9 to 9-7 as our absolute ceiling... And so I went with 8-8 as my prediction, which is looking pretty good. We won't win the last 3 games, even if we "should" with Tannehill done for the year, the Browns the worst team in football, and the Jets being throughly crappy
  16. That was a qualified "We'll see." Rex was flustered after getting barraged with tough questions about his future, various failures this year, etc. He followed the "We'll see" up with some comments suggesting he was just being glib. The "We'll see" was more like: "You think I'm going to discuss that sort of thing right NOW after a bad loss? Forget it!" At least that was my interpretation.
  17. I'd add GM to the list too. And training staff.
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