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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. You know, looking at that list, and assuming Bill is still sharp... You would think he is a treasure chest of accumulated knowledge and experience that you just can't go find on the street. I don't mean hire him as GM again. I mean Pegula should get on the phone with him, get him down to the family compound in Boca, wine him, dine him, fly him around on the private plane.... LEARN from the man and have a lot of productive conversations that increase Pegula's football IQ 1000% in a few days. Maybe Terry has already done this or is doing this now.
  2. Sammy doesn't have a lot of people's back. He's not that kind of dude. I can't imagine for a second he wants to be in Buffalo.
  3. Yolo, you follow Buckeyes football very closely, right? And the Big 10 in general? You know being a HC in college is all about recruiting and it's a very different cup of tea relative to the life of an NFL head coach. Which is it that Harbaugh prefers or would be naturally attracted to? There are a lot of huge superstar coaches at the collegiate level in different sports who fit perfectly there, but probably not at the pro level. Coach K comes to mind. Is Harbaugh an NFL guy or a college guy at heart?
  4. Don't let facts get in the way of his good story.
  5. Yeah but they saw him during the interviews and saw the perfect man for the job. So who knows
  6. Oh, OK. All is well. I wonder if this news will have any influence over Pegula with regard to Sexy Rexy?
  7. Sweet mother of Gaaaawd NO! A thousand NOs! And a pox on your family for suggesting this. OK, just kidding about the pox on your family part.
  8. Let's stay on target and not turn this into a Sabres discussion. You can do that in the Off the Wall thread on that point. Continuity is vitally important in any successful enterprise, but only once you have the right people in place. Step 1 is to rip this thing down to the core. Step 2 is to implement a process that will put outstanding people in the right positions within the organization. Step 3 will then, and only then, be to try to keep it the way it is for a long time.
  9. No, they made their billions by buying lots of land and then getting really lucky.
  10. Agreed. We need to re-invent the glory years with new people looking forward, not backward. Find me the next Bill Polian...the guy a lot of people haven't heard of yet, and who is destined to be in the HOF. Or at least TRY to find that guy.
  11. If this latest TBN report is accurate, and Pegula opposes in-season firing...what was the kernel of truth behind all this talk that he is gone as of today? Power play by Whaley to get Rex out, change QBs, and try to save his own skin? That would be my guess.
  12. Thanks for the info. MOFO ! Now is the time for all Bills fans to come together and be united in hope. We seem to be on the brink of sweeping changes at OBD. The only 2 questions are when, and to what extent?
  13. Not only are they not producing at the Superbowl level, they are not performing at the "make the playoffs" level. In a weird year with a lot of luck, our absolute ceiling is that team that makes the playoffs as a wild card, and is beaten in that first game. That's as good as it's going to get until this thing is stripped clean and rebuilt in the image of the best organizations in sports. I'd try to copy the St. Louis Cardinals, Steelers, Patriots.
  14. As I recall, at the time, the word coming from Jets fans was that Rex was an OK defensive coordinator but not head coach material, and that his in game decision making and tactics were horrible. They also talked about the lack of discipline and penalties. All of that stuff turned out to be very true. No one knows a given team like the fans of that team. When everyone in city X is telling you "don't hire the guy we just fired" you should listen. We could have returned the favor with the Word on Fitz. Great guy, heart of a lion, terrible QB.
  15. And does appear to be dumber than dirt. Which I guess is your point. Hmmm..
  16. Ryan Nassib scored a 41! Blaine Gabbert a 42! OK, so the Wonderlic doesn't tell the whole picture, but it can't be ignored either.
  17. It's Tyrod! It's funny how this sport is utterly run by 1 dimensional conventional wisdom types. Look at Rex; the guy knows how to coach and scheme football 1 way, and only 1 way. It's how he learned it from his father I guess and that's that. By the same token, everyone evaluates players doing the same stupid stuff and with the same stupid metrics. My favorite is the standing broad jump. Has it not occurred to these idiots that a QB now has to be athletic, sure, but he has to be intelligent and be able to process complex information very quickly? You can probably figure out in 3 minutes how stupid Tyrod is, or how smart Fitz is. If your physical specimen of a QB is dumb as dirt, don't draft the guy!
  18. And Jesse Ventura was a governor and Arnold Schwarzenegger as well. Are you confusing raw intelligence with high elected office in this country?
  19. Having played around with the Wonderlic test last year, I can tell you that if Tyrod tried his best on the test and scored a 15, he is flat out dumber than dirt. Like the most dumb person you know kind of dumb. I believe Jim Kelly got a 15 as well, and so did Dan Marino--who is a bonafide meathead, but those guys were great QBs. Of course, they played in an era where Ds were not nearly as complex and being a good QB required less brain power. The funny thing is this: remember when Tyrod was first easing into things around OBD? Everyone, I mean EVERYONE was saying how you talk to him, get to know him, and how INTELLIGENT he is. His intelligence early on was really emphasized. I guess that was all just bull ****, as a 15 on the Wonderlic is not synonymous with intelligence of any kind.
  20. Notice the use of "could" which seems to be a tongue-in-cheek poke at La Confora who used the term "may" with equally zero definitiveness. Lots of things could or may happen today, or not. NEWS is when one of these clowns gets on Twitter and definitely says something, like "I have sources confirming Rex will be fired on Monday" and then you know, you wake up on Monday and he is fired. That's news. And how it used to be before everyone and their cousin ran around with a little computer in their pocket called a cell phone and Twitter became a thing.
  21. In the wake of recent developments, including a long track record of exemplary work and dedication to the organization, and due to the recent discovery of compelling evidence in support of her retention, Betty the payroll clerk will not be sacrificed in the coming purge.
  22. No, he says "Is this thing off? Because it's about to be." And then heads off into coaching retirement, enjoys his paychecks for years to come, and starts lining up his talking head on NFL Sundays gig with one of the networks. Oh, and then he has his agent look into resale values on hideously mocked up pickup trucks with Bills colors and logos on them. Around that time, he will call to set up an appointment with his favorite tattoo artist, as he'll have some more cover-up work to do.
  23. Just to clarify, and in the wake of the provided photograph, Cindy will be spared. Betty the payroll clerk will be sacrificed.
  24. And I want those re-casts to be x-rayed for any microscopic internal imperfections as well! If they don't pass, melt them down and re-cast again! We're going to need a new foundry. Is there anything left at Bethlehem Steel or did it all go up in that fire?
  25. Hot or not, Cindy must be sacrificed to the football gods.
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