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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I think we are both in total agreement that I will convince you of nothing. Like I said previously, good night.
  2. Is that fog on the field or firework smoke? Seems kind of hazy.
  3. Enjoy the dysfunction and be appreciative for it, or disavow your interest in the team. Cool.
  4. Should be intolerable to you and Bills fans everywhere, but as noted earlier, a lot don't seem to mind the suckage. Are you addressing Ed or Me?
  5. Ok whatever I'm bored exchanging posts with you and MNF is starting. Have a good night!
  6. Glad you felt the need to drop in add nothing to the conversation.
  7. Come on Quint! What's with the cheap shot?
  8. It was in that moment that Lou realized he knew the true meaning of desolation. pretty good!
  9. That probably would have worked out well. The Ryans look like guys who enjoy good food. And Wegmans rocks!
  10. Your the one who suggested I was unhinged and speculated that I was ready to go stalk Russ with a gun presumably with the intention of killing him. But I'm the one who can't insult and should grow up. Funny. OK, so you work for the Bills or used to do so. Russ is your buddy or helped you out in your career and you don't like to see him disparaged on a public forum. Or something like that. Why the hell don't you just say so. At least I could understand where you are coming from. "Spent high value assets??? You are Russ! Or at least the #4 in the marketing department. Come clean! Count how many QBs we have drafted in the last 15 years. You can use your fingers to do so, and even have some left over!
  11. Do you see a connection between an organization that has neglected the QB position for 15 years and organization that involves a marketing guy in the HC hire?
  12. It doesn't stress me out, but trying to crack the riddle of why we are so inept as an organization interests me. I find it fascinating that so many here are in denial. A lot of posters build up the team into a part of their own personal belief system, and I guess that doesn't include criticizing the team. If you can't win the argument, attack the poster. What other logical fallacies do you have in your bag of tricks?
  13. LOL. You know what it boils down to? There are a ton of people on this forum, yourself included apparently, who are OK with this organization perpetually sucking. It really doesn't bother you that much when you boil it right down. I guess you are one of the lucky ones.
  14. Directly participating in the HC hire decision is not a "xs and os" football decision? I obviously don't mean he is drawing up plays. But why in the world should he be involved in hiring the coach? What are he credentials for doing that? And don't say he was the GM of an NFL franchise..which he was. Only in Buffalo. That, in this case, is not a qualification.
  15. Seriously? You think there is nothing out of the ordinary with Russ' level of involvement and he should be left free to carry on as he has been doing so?
  16. You've missed the point entirely. You are batting 1000 today!
  17. Do you agree that Russ influenced Pegula in his decision to hire Rex as HC? Do you agree that Russ is part of the inner circle of the organization? Do you agree that he sits at the draft table during drafts? Is it that hard to connect the dots and suggest he is involved in the conversation, on some level? OK, ciao. Aside from all of the above, given his particular history with this franchise including being its GM, you just can't put the genie back in the bottle. There is way too much water under the bridge with this guy to now pat him on the head and ask him to stay in his marketing only play pen.
  18. I see you've read almost none of the 5 pages on this topic. Keep up the excellent work. Stay sharp!
  19. To repeat, he is not making the picks; he is likely influencing football related decisions including picks. The man was directly involved in hiring the HC but you think it's impossible to suggest he has had influence in the drafting process too, as he sits at the GM's right hand at the draft table!? Come on man. Of course we have had a long line of crap GMs and Whaley isn't much better... But I guess you are suggesting Russ has NOTHING to do with anything, right? He just runs the marketing program? Please.
  20. No one said Russ is solely making the decision on draft picks. Don't be silly. The point is that he is influencing the decision and that is intolerable.
  21. You're missing the point. It would have been smart to draft any of those 3 QBs, but this organization didn't. And Russ is involved at least tangentially in football matters. My point is not that Russ is the problem and we need to focus in on him, but keep everyone else. My point is everyone needs to go, including Brandon.
  22. Yes, and the unusual circumstances of Russ' past job titles within the organization are an even bigger part of the problem as you note. Make no mistake! If Pegula ever brings in a top talent to singularly guide the direction of this franchise, that top talent would not allow Russ to remain in the building, particularly given his history within the organization and past role as GM. You do realize that we could have drafted all of those guys but did not, right? And that having a marketing guy sitting shotgun at the draft table could possibly be related to that? Or his influence on Pegula to hire Rex as coach? It is all related. Is Brandon responsible for all of it? Is he the primary problem? Of course not. But he is part of the problem. He does not get a free pass. Huh? What are you talking about? Imo
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