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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Get 'er done Beane! Dump every player with a pulse off this roster that you can get value for. Shady's gotta go too!
  2. How many posters attacking Rex here loved the hire at the time and applauded the organization? "It will give us credibility" they said.
  3. Just read this article about her. Yep, she likes to keep score; you could tell she was. That's hilarious about her Facebook following and what not. https://www.jsonline.com/story/archives/2018/10/05/front-row-amy-brewers-miller-park/1533170002/
  4. Who is she?! EDIT: Just went back and see you guys have already discussed her. "Front Row Amy". What does that mean? She's the hot chick who is known for sitting in the front row at Brewers' games? I see I'm not the first one to spot her. LOL!
  5. Check out the lovely brunette sitting in the front row behind home plate. Next to guy in orange wearing a Marlins jacket and cap. She's just magnificent...and she appears to be keeping score! What a catch.
  6. That's really interesting. One of the big reasons why I pay for HBO just got thrown in the garbage can.
  7. He's a big guy. When he goes down, there's a lot of energy moving through his frame. Big guys break down faster than smaller guys. He strikes me as the kind of ex-football player who will walk with a limp in his 40s.
  8. Every ounce of which is justified. We'll get respect when we do something to earn it.
  9. London is a gigantic world city. You can eat unbelievably great food there every day of the week, if you go to the right places. Your stereotype nonsense is stupid.
  10. Get 'er done Beane. (I just throw that in every thread mentioning an available player).
  11. These petty arguments about whether or not Allen is any good will fade with the passage of time. Not too many folks around here still arguing in support of Fitz, EJ, or Tyrod for that matter. Best QB we've had for a long time is Kyle Orton! Man, that's like a kick in the balls and punch in the gut at the same time.
  12. You think that's what he's doing? His career is now directly linked with Allen. When Allen busts, McDimwit and his minion, Beane, will be gone... The longer Allen remains unproven and a potential franchise QB, the longer McD has a job. That is what he's focused on...the delayed success of Josh Allen. If wanted to give our team the best chance to win, he would have cut Nate a long time ago and our starting QB on Sunday would be Colin Kaepernick.
  13. Does that include yards after catch on interceptions?
  14. It doesn't really take as long as some Bills fans think. And while on the topic, it helps that winning an NFL championship is probably the easiest championship to win in N. American major league sports. A Stanley Cup being by far the hardest. You really don't need to get on much of a roll or have much of a hot streak to suddenly find yourself in the AFC championship game, or the Superbowl, or as the Superbowl champion. Any of which would be an incredible feat around WNY.
  15. If you like that, you should see his skills with a light saber. If only he could catch a football.
  16. I'd much rather focus energy and resources on acquiring Teddy Bridgewater if possible and drafting another guy too, depending on how bad we truly finish this year, who comes out, who is ahead of us with QB needs, etc.
  17. The pain associated with a really solid whack to the nuts is bad enough to make you want to die, at least for a little while. It's similar to really getting the wind knocked out of you, especially if you are young and don't understand what's just happened to you. One time while playing tackle football with a bunch of friends, maybe at age 10, I got tackled and fell on the football; it hit me in the chest just right to totally knock the wind out of me. Couldn't breathe; I remember like 4 kids standing over me wondering if I was going to die; I couldn't breathe, talk...and for a moment there, death would have been preferential to that feeling! Still remember that one well. Also got beamed with a baseball during a game while running from 1st to 2nd base. Ball hit me in the BACK and that also knocked the wind out of me really badly. Ah, the good old days.
  18. Has anyone reference a good old fashioned whack in the family jewels in this thread? I'm not sure I'd call it the "worst injury I've ever had" but a really solid shot to the nut sack is probably as much pain as someone can experience. When I was a young kid, I got on an adult "3 speed" men's bicycle that had the "men's" horizontal bar between handlebars and seat; you know what I mean. I was way too small for the bike and couldn't really control it. I was standing on the pedals and cranking really hard. My foot slipped off the pedal on the down crank and that made me sort of fall off both pedals. If the bike had fit me, my feet would have hit the ground and I probably would have been OK. Instead, my balls hit that bar on the bike frame before my feet hit the ground, and I was crippled with pain for what seemed like an eternity. How bad did it hurt? Well, bad enough that I still remember the incident, the bike color and details, etc., quite well now, probably just about 40 years later.
  19. You haven't cheered for a team that last won a championship during WWI! That's what all Red Sox fans did for a very long time until 2004 came along. If you've been a fan for a while, it is tough to get that old feeling out of your brain. I would agree that kids or new fans of the team, who really don't remember "F-ing Bucky Dent" or the Bill Buckner incident or a dozen other disasters shouldn't be so shell shocked. There is probably a new, young breed of Red Sox fan who only really remember the team being great and routinely competing for championships. That ain't me.
  20. I only saw a few bits and pieces of the game last night, but Arizona looks like it will be way out in front of us for the dead last spot. Indy may be a contender as well. Will be interesting to see how we match up against them on Sunday.
  21. Taking a page out of the NHL and Sabres notebook I see! The infamous "players only" meeting. Hopefully it will prove more fruitful than similar recent Sabres pow-wows have been.
  22. Or until McDimwit puts in his love child, Nate, again. You know it's coming, one way or the other.
  23. You're obviously not a Red Sox fan. If you were, like me, you'd know that it is ingrained in your brain that somehow it's all going to go pear shaped, despite the recent World Series victories. It's kind of like being a Bills/Sabres fan, actually. PS: The Red Sox won 108 games this year.
  24. Housley is the wrong coach for this team, but the team is poorly constructed as it turns out. We have a core that is very similar to the discarded old Rochester core that began this rebuild. We've come full circle and have a group of players that are very similar. I.E., we need a new coach, yet that won't solve our problems. We hoped Eichel would be another Crosby type; he's more like Pierre Turgeon. And like Pierre, Eichel may well be traded at some point, if we can get the right return. Who knows. The thought of that is not unthinkable, but it should be.
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