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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. That really isn't what this little spat was about though. This does highlight why it's a great idea to fire the guy if that is the plan. 3 weeks of a circus show with Rex serving as lame duck HC isn't really doing the organization a lot of good. I'd still love to know who leaked the rumor, assuming it was leaked and there was some kernel of truth to what La Confora reported... I have to assume it came from a competing faction within the organization who wants to see Rex gone.
  2. Not a lot going on here. A reporter whose voice I couldn't identify was trying to "catch" Rex in a "lie" because Rex insinuated that he heard about the rumor of his Monday firing some time prior to the post-game PC. (Keeping in mind that at the post-game PC Rex said it was the first time he had heard of such news). This reporter kept harping and harping trying to catch up Rex on what is a meaningless point and frankly, the whole thing was misguided and amateurish. (The voice sounded young but I have no idea who it was or if he was young). At a certain point another voice from within the media shouted "What difference does it make!" addressing the first reporter. Rex somewhat amazingly put on a good face and went around and around fairly pleasantly dealing with the entire situation, basically repeating that he promises everyone he did not know about this rumor.
  3. I'd love to have Eli's brand of average on this team. He'd instantly be the best QB in our franchise history not named Kelly.
  4. Put him on Russ Brandon's exhaustive interview list (meaning we have already found our guy and conducted no interviewing campaign of any kind).
  5. He will have just turned 71 a few days earlier next year on opening day of regular season.
  6. Well, aside form other deficiencies, Nassib did have a Wonderlic score of 41. Wonder if they had a private little interview with Lynn to satisfy the Rooney Rule and have been working with Coughlin... Strangely enough, that would give a little credence to the story/thread that was started some time ago about how Coughlin was seen in the building and what not. That was then dismissed as "he was just doing a routine visit for his NFL gig." Maybe it was more than that after all.
  7. I will root for whoever is playing NE in any given game. Love playoff football. Will be watching all of it mostly just hoping for good, even, hard fought games.
  8. Well at least I got you to comment on your role within the organization and whether or not you were still there. Carry on.
  9. You are throwing out the term "PRESIDENT" like it means he should be involved in every last aspect of the organization. Don't get caught up titles. Prior to Russ going to the Sabres, Ted Black was the Sabres President. In that position, he was overseeing things like repainting the building in blue/gold, adding TVs in the bathrooms, placing a shelf over the urinals so you could rest a beer there while throwing a whizz, working out TV contract disputes with MSG, and that sort of thing. You know, business stuff. He was not in hockey meetings discussing a breakdown of last night's loss to Montreal with Darcy, Lindy, and the owner. Russ is doing that type of thing with the Bills and that's because he's not a normal President. Rex's comment yesterday was simply one more piece of evidence demonstrating this. That was my entire point in generating the post and I thought it was an interesting segment in the radio show yesterday. That's about it. I find the backlash and attacks of me (who has nothing to do with this franchise's failures) kind of funny and a bit strange. On that note, I have said my piece. Ciao!
  10. He is also a great general athlete and STRONG; all NJ State lacrosse player in addition to football. The 2 traits you cite are BB's favorites. Go where we want you to go and catch the ball when Brady places it in your hands. And they are all strong, powerful guys, even if on the small side. I'd be willing to bet they are all above avg. IQ for football players too, as that's another trait BB locks onto.
  11. So you're in the Bills marketing department or used to be and you are openly calling out a Bills fan as a sucker in a public forum. Well, that explains a lot.
  12. I love how Bill B. sees Hogan's hidden value while he wastes away in Buffalo, and then simply buys him with a strong offer sheet in RFA that he knows the Bills won't match. He knows what he wants and knows how to find it. Once he gets it, it slots into his system like a spare part and the machine keeps whirring along. In contrast, Whaley is doing crazy ass amateur stuff like throwing away multiple first round picks for an obvious sexy choice at WR despite having no one who can throw him the ball. Compare BB to Whaley, the Hogan acquisition by NE to our acquisition of Watkins... The 2 franchises are light years apart as noted upstream.
  13. If we had playoff talent, we would be in the playoffs This forum overvalues our talent on the whole. We do have talent in spots. What talent we have is thin however and we can't survive the inevitable injuries that plague everyone during the season.
  14. Option 1 is what is needed and what will get the organization turned around. Which is why we will go with something else. It is sounding increasingly like Rex is gone. When he goes, Tyrod will not be retained. I am afraid Whaley, Brandon, and Pegula will continue to run things as they did before the Rex hire, simply replacing Rex with someone new, and God knows what for their next QB idea. That won't be enough.
  15. It's not nearly as high as this forum tends to think it is. It is better than past Bills rosters though.
  16. It's weird how Brady didn't need more time to get on the same page with Hogan and learn to adjust to a new receiver.
  17. It's not the WR catching the ball, it's the QB throwing it. We have that bass ackwards at OBD.
  18. Anyone still watching? 23-20 now.
  19. 2 uncharacteristic mistakes from NE converted into 14 points and now we have a game again.
  20. Yes it is. There are a few exceptions to the rule where it is not applied, but those are unlikely in our situation now. So either we are going to hire a minority and that person is the only person we have approached (that would satisfy the rule) or we have actually interviewed a minority but are looking to hire someone else. Assuming the rumor is correct of course.
  21. Disappointingly 1-sided so far
  22. Safety! And now the free kick.
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