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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I know what he's saying man. I be wide open too and me go get ball. Wow is this guy an idiot. I wonder what his first language is! Guess not English. Anyway, I would imagine anyone who catches footballs on offense hates Tyrod by now. After the 50th time of hustling to get open and run downfield, end up wide open, and then have Tyrod never see you... That crap gets old.
  2. Shows the error built into statistics. There is always Truth lost in translation as you go from what actually happens on the field to a statistic. It's an inaccurate way to try and assess who is doing what and how well. It's a lot easier to just focus on Tyrod and watch him play football. Will show you all you need to know.
  3. He would have bought the team with lots of borrowed money, liquidated everything in WNY, and then sold the team again to the highest bidder, probably in LA if the Rams weren't already there. The entire time, he would be mentioning how much he loves WNY, WNYers, and the Bills... And tons of WNYers would be dumb enough to believe him.
  4. Sully's a great writer. You may not like his editorial opinions, or general stance toward the team... But don't criticize his writing. You know, like he knows the difference between they're and their and a whole lot more!
  5. Boy do I agree with this. Let's take it one step at a time and see what they actually do. But if all this off-season produces is a new HC and his staff, don't expect much different.
  6. When Brandon said "Don't let him leave the room" what he really meant was "We'll probably need to terminate the contract three years early, after Rex destroys our top 5 D. But it's for the best interest of the organization." Considering that Russ has been building a robust analytics department for several years now, we should be good to go come September 2017.
  7. Connecting Brandon with the JFK assassination is obviously pure folly. He is definitely the mastermind behind the chemtrails though. All kidding aside, get that freaking clown out of town. If everything remains as is but we get rid of Rex, expect nothing to change any time soon. We are all going to have to suffer while Pegula comes up to speed. Let's hope he's a quick learner.
  8. If the Bills front office is spending their time and energy conceiving and executing journalist smear campaigns, we are more screwed than I thought.
  9. Great find; thanks for posting. Of course the source has to be considered but as others have said, too much smoke to be no fire. The thing speaks for itself. 17 years with no playoffs; Pegula relying on Bills insiders with vested interests and conflicts of interest providing his primary feedback and counsel; no objective outsiders bought in that we know of; rumors from multiple outlets that Rex is on shaky ground, no clear vertical chain of command within organization; many cooks in the kitchen... Why in the world would ANYONE suggest dysfunction, right???
  10. Evidently, Thomas was present in the locker room after the [Pittsburgh] game, and John Murphy joked that he didn’t want to be anywhere near him for fear of being hit because Thomas looked so angry. As one of the ringleaders of the ‘Bickering Bills’ era, he spoke with disdain about a locker room lacking leadership and accountability. “Just to come out and play the way they did, it didn’t sit well with me,” Thomas said. “Obviously not being a player or a coach I couldn’t really say anything to the players but I was very upset about the way the team performed.” Thomas was asked by Murphy and co-host Donald Jones, a former wide receiver for the team, asked Thomas to elaborate. Thomas unloaded. “You have to look at yourself as a player,” said Thomas. “That’s where I think this team is lacking a little bit, on the leadership side. I know Kyle Williams has been the leader for a number of years and he’s the leader of this football team right now but it just seems to me they need more leaders to step up, more guys to be a little more vocal than they were.” After publication, Thomas took exception to our impression of his comments. It seems reasonable to conclude Thomas was not pleased with the Bills’ performance and he specifically called out the leadership of the team. It seems fair to categorize that as a team blast. But it doesn’t mean the comments were unfair, and it doesn’t seem like he’s backing off them now. Dysfunctional groups, or teams, sometimes evolve as a result of a lack of diverse personality types that serve to complement one another. Obviously, a mixture of temperament among members is more likely to produce a more functional working group. Few would likely contend that this Bills team is anywhere near as diverse in collective personality and temperament in comparison to the volatile ‘Bickering Bills’ of the Super Bowl years. The team today is chock full of players who are conflict avoidant and unwilling to emotionally invest in one other for a variety of reasons. Furthermore, bickering is not always a bad thing because it shows that the players have skin in the game and care deeply about the product they put on the field. Thomas’ comments are a horrible indictment of a team that looks like they folded up their tent weeks ago. Thomas knows more than anyone that winning consistently requires blunt honesty. He didn’t hesitate to challenge players to talk more. “I mean even after that loss I know the guys were down, but it just seemed like somebody could have got up and said something. It was not a good feeling in that locker room.”
  11. This franchise has provided such a rich banquet to choose from, it's almost impossible to select the darkest day.
  12. Today on the radio, Sal, who was in the room at the time, said the "What difference does it make?!" voice was TBN's Milt Northrop. A little after that you can clearly hear Vic with his distinctive voice chime in as well. So the stars of this freak show were Bucky and Rex, with Milt and then Vic playing supporting roles.
  13. Somehow this guarantee lacks the gravitas of Joe Namath's guarantee before Superbowl III.
  14. Just watched a Bucky Gleason video on youtube and I agree with you. I think that was the guy. Which makes sense.
  15. Likewise; it cast Rex in a negative light. He should have sternly smacked the whole thing down and moved forward. But it doesn't really matter one way or the other.
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