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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Wouldn't be surprised to see a pre-season type approach with EJ getting the first half and CJ getting the 2nd, or something like that.
  2. Just watched the PC in its entirety. First I've ever seen of him speaking. He does not impress as being particularly intelligent.
  3. Sadly, someone like Mehta probably has more experience and judgment regarding what a good NFL organization looks like as compared to Pegula. Don't take my word for it, just keep watching Pegula's decisions.
  4. So this is now at least the 3rd article in a short period of time from national media (or international) suggesting a HC change isn't sufficient and that the Bills' problems run much deeper than that. Good. Maybe Terry reads this stuff and is slowly changing his mind.
  5. I withdraw my comment. I'm reading your sentence again and see how you meant it.
  6. Wrong use of word "forte" here. In fairness, EJ was the really bad QB he referenced. Tyrod was just the "bad" one.
  7. Didn't you hear? We are getting a new HC. That should solve the cancer problem, right?
  8. Is there a reason why you couldn't have added this to the thread on this exact point? You know, the one that is a few threads below this one and that asks users to name their preferred HC, OC, and DC?
  9. I can't imagine what it will be like when EJ is finally no longer on this roster! I hope only then the EJ threads will finally die. Then again, we still hear about JP Lossman from time to time.
  10. Well, I'm not going to blame the Bills' problems on John Murphy! LOL... But he is so God awful at his job of play by play man I'd love to see him ****-canned too. Yes, but you're the guy who believed in EJ and thought he just needed more development... ...and who said Rex would never be gone after just 2 of 5 years on his K... ..and...and...and...
  11. "Rex promised a bully, but produced only bull." Another good line. Of course the house must be cleaned in full. Unfortunately, we are all going to suffer while Pegula slowly comes up to speed. He hasn't gotten that far down the road yet. If we are going to use the Sabres as a model to follow, Lindy FINALLY just got fired and Darcy is about to hire Ron Rolston. That means Whaley is gone next. The real question is whether or not Pegula will have the cajones to get rid of his lover Brandon too.
  12. Finally found it. Hour 3; 27:40 The kid is Cameron in Hamburg. Sounds like a young boy. http://media.wgr550.com/a/117920600/12-27-john-murphy-show-hr-3.htm?pageid=1114062 Funny that John Murphy started to say "We're not looking to assign blame" and then corrected himself to say "I'm not looking to assign blame." Listening to his show is like listening to the Deutsche Wochenschau in late 1944, as the host assures the listener that the war in Russia is going splendidly and soon the final victory will be at hand.
  13. We will conduct an exhaustive coaching search and build a robust analytics department. Translation: we will just hire the guy already in house after no real HC search at all, and we have no analytics department of any kind.
  14. Bucky's key points are all dead on. 1) The Pegulas need an outside, objective voice to help assess what they bought. They have yet to do that. 2) Firing Rex Ryan is a superficial "fix" that will not solve organizational problems. 3) Lynn is likely to be named HC, not because he is the best candidate for the job, but because that will give Whaley all the leverage and he can easily control Lynn. 4) Whaley should be careful; events are unfolding here much as they did with the Sabres; Whaley's head is next to roll. Say what you want about Bucky, but he's right on every key point.
  15. If the only move is to can Rex, they might as well keep him. A mere change of HC isn't nearly enough.
  16. LOL. The people who make, sell, and buy these t-shirts are the same people who voted for Trump, voted for Brexit, and voted for Hitler in 1933. Good times.
  17. Don't fire Rex. Burn him at the stake. This is not work for the torch and pitchfork crowd. This is work for the Grand Inquisition. Spare no one.
  18. Wondering how Trump was elected? Keep reading this thread.
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