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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. "Bills fans are 90% scar tissue anyway." -Steve Tasker
  2. Beat me to it. I was just going to post "Get EJ out of there!"
  3. If you aren't trying, you probably aren't taking a lot of penalties.
  4. EJ ain't ready either! Didn't stop us from using him!
  5. I like the comments suggesting no way can CJ be played b/c he is so "raw" and such a "project." He can't be worse than EJ. Get him in there.
  6. Compare the reality of EJ today to the fantasy displayed in the recent post entitled "What if EJ throws for 5 TDs vs the Jets" or whatever. Inexhaustible hope and optimism are the hallmarks of the Bills fan.
  7. EJ is not good enough to be a career clipboard holder in this league.
  8. It was so quiet for those Jets plays...like watching a televised team scrimmage.
  9. And don't stop there. This cute little re-boot we are doing right now with Lynn in and Tyrod out is just setting the clock back even further. Until Pegula breaks out the Flammenwerfer, this is all deck chairs on the Titanic type stuff.
  10. Sure it is. We have the perfect guy already. Lynn is the next HC. I guess it's just dumb luck he happened to be in the organization already!
  11. No need! We conveniently have the perfect HC candidate in house! His name is Anthony Lynn! Easy Peasy!
  12. I don't see how Tyrod sits today but remains "the guy" for next season. That decision is already made, as is the decision on who the HC is going to be. Make no mistake, Lynn is the man but Tyrod won't be his QB. Next year should be worse than this year, record wise.
  13. Tough day yesterday for the Big 10 and for college football. 2 stinker games.
  14. We're starting EJ aren't we? What more tank do you need?
  15. I see where you f-ed up in your calculation! LOL You are incorrectly simplifying it in your head and eliminating the fractional aspect of it. It's not 2^17 or 131,072. It's 1/2^17 or .00000762939. Not only do you have a massive low self esteem problem, you're a f-ing idiot.
  16. 1/2 or .5 to the 17th power is .00000762939. I then chopped it down to .0000076 for ease of lifting. I then converted that into a fraction so as to better express it as "odds" in terms people can relate to, and then reduced. As I spelled out above. I'm curious Tom. What do you think the odds of flipping a head on a coin 17 times in a row are? Calculate it and show us your math.
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