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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. Anyone want to state the over/under on noun/verb agreement errors coming from Whaley? I'd set it at 5.
  2. The last thing Whaley will say concretely today is what's going to happen with Tyrod.
  3. No, but it's getting ready to be on! 4 hours and counting...
  4. You forgot: I sat down and had a personal talk with Cardale last night after the game. I saw that "it factor" in his eyes. I was drawn to his presence. I don't know how to describe it, but it's that value that...put it this way, he's a leader of men. I won't promise you X number of wins next season, but I will promise you this: when you walk out of this game, you'll say we were aggressive and dictated to the other team.
  5. So according to you, the message of the train wreck is in fact accurate, but rather than attack the organization that causes the train wreck, you prefer to attack the messenger who tells you about it. Only in Buffalo.
  6. Whaley has made a total mess of the QB position on this team since he got here. The only semi-bright spot during the entire time is Tyrod, who was brought in by Rex Ryan. Had Rex never signed here, neither would have Tyrod. Whaley's days are numbered. It's OK.
  7. Time to bring in Sammy. Diamond Dave's gotta go!
  8. Classic pocket passer with limited escapability. Sounds just like Jim Kelly!
  9. I have it on good authority that he is indeed f*ing crazy.
  10. It's not just you. Lots agree that a simple HC change is not nearly enough to fix what is wrong with the organization. We are going to have to wait for the next round of upheaval. When Lynn is named HC as a result of Whaley proclaiming him the best candidate, and that goes up in a ball of fire, Lynn and Whaley will be gone. That's not for another year or 2 though. That is when I predict Pegula will have finally come up to speed and will decide to fully clean house.
  11. Cooter is game if the Bills are. Cooter's personal assistant has to come with him as a package deal.
  12. Only thing more predictable than Sully's columns are the negative comments made by his detractors. You can set your watch to them.
  13. This guy is so fantastically full of **** in that video. LOL.
  14. No, I don't think there is more to it beyond the way in which he has run the Sabres and Bills to date.
  15. Give it up. Tyrod is gone. If he wasn't, he would have played today. And Lynn is going to be the HC. When that doesn't work, the HC, mystery QB, and DW will be gone. That's the next event coming down the line in the evolution of this franchise.
  16. Check out the official in the white cap as he puts his arms up to signal "TD"... Big fat grin and laughing... Seemed to be thinking "Holy crap, I've never see anything this stupid before!"
  17. Which means nothing in terms of what he actually wants.
  18. Give them our first round pick for the next 4 years and we get Brees. Will they do it?
  19. I'd like to say "up" but there's still a little room to go down too! Could also stay the same! Woo-hoo!
  20. Give 'em our 1st round pick for the next 4 years. Doug Whaley doesn't have much of a use for those anyway!
  21. Instant Replay of Special Teams Disaster for TD for those who missed it:
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