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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. I 100% agree with you. I was blown away by how looked like an elite NFL QB in terms of how he made throws and who he threw to. Powerhouse college football teams seem to usually have crap QBs like EJ who can get the job done at that level but aren't even close to NFL material. This kid looks like big time NFL material. Start the plan to get him now.
  2. USC QB showed far more NFL QB characteristics/instinct than Tyrod has so far. He was throwing receivers open, throwing into tight windows despite the receiver not really being open, throwing to an open receiver before he was open...great escapability...great ability to extend plays for gains instead of losses...didn't quit...brought the team back in the 4th quarter... Can we draft him NOW and just get him on the payroll?
  3. You mean get fired, struggle to find work as an assistant GM with one of the worst franchises in the sport for a short while, then get bounced out of the league entirely forever.
  4. He does know. He's just lying. Pegula should have been there, no doubt.
  5. Not a bad analogy. Same sort of level of internal dysfunction for sure.
  6. Not just a question of Lynn trying to get OUT...but also ask who is going to try to come IN. Buffalo has to be in the NO. 1 spot on the black list of any talent around the league. That's players, coaches, front office personnel. No one is coming here until it is all blown up and the Pegulas learn to establish a vertical chain of command, sign checks, and stay out of the way.
  7. Don't get too caught up in the "coaching search." It's going to be more of the same around here, and it will get worse before it gets better.
  8. You present a considerably kinder view of the situation than the OP. But make no mistake, we are right back to having organizational problems that start right at the top, just like in the good old Ralph Wilson days. As long as this **** continues, we will struggle to be a consistently good team. I'm afraid that soon enough, Bills fans will be divided into two groups. The first will be those who are just thankful there is still a team in Buffalo, and that group will support Pegula/not complain too much about anything forever. The second group will move on to other things.
  9. That point is well taken, but that doesn't mean you handle that PC in the manner Whaley just did. The national media will have a field day with that performance.
  10. Let's hope so. If the **** show remains as it is, we won't make the playoffs for 100 years. Ask the Cubs fans if a sports streak can last that long.
  11. Whaley: "I have not thought about why Rex was fired." "I am moving forward. I'd rather put the time into going forward." This guy is fantastically full of ****.
  12. I was thinking the same thing about the Bills organization.
  13. That was like the first question asked, by Jerry Sullivan.
  14. I'm buying what Lawson is selling here! If it's in his nature to be the guy to lay down the law, let him be the one who does it! Can't get enough of this.
  15. What three players formed the corners of the "Bermuda Triangle."
  16. If Hogan can look this good in NE, Woods will be Pro Bowl material if he lands with a real QB.
  17. I'm on board with Operation Fumigate. One reason why the Superbowl teams were great is they were FILLED with guys who took losing seriously.
  18. Did not Shady McCoy say that as well a couple of days ago? I remember hearing him say something like "You can fine guys [as a means of trying to instill discipline] but that doesn't really work because everyone has money." EDIT: Maybe I am thinking of Sammy?
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