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Everything posted by Fadingpain

  1. That's exactly who Tyrod is. I've said since before this season started. Presumably they have some trick up their sleeve. If they start Cardale, we'll know the tank is on.
  2. Orchard Park and South Towns soon to be transformed into Mordor.
  3. This decision has been made for a while, as has the decision on who the HC is, as I've been saying for a few weeks now. Tyrod is gone, Lynn is in. I totally agree we will not have improved QB play next year. Barring some really interesting off-season, I would guess we win 3 or 4 games LESS next year. At the end of that tire fire, HC and GM (and hopefully everyone else) will be gone. I just hope the Phoenix is ready to rise again right around the time we find a way to draft Darnold.
  4. Could be, but I'd guess he's done for good. He's got what? $15 million in free money coming from Pegula to help get him through some hard times over the next few years (LOL) and he's going to be working TV. Once you taste that gig you don't go back to coaching, especially when no one wants you! I think Rex is done as a coach.
  5. This organization is going to be hosed out after this next coach to be hired is fired along with Whaley, likely in 1 year's time. No need to get Frank caught up in that mess.
  6. Can't tell if serious or being facetious, as these comments sound identical to what many here were saying last off-season when Sammy's foot problems began.
  7. Diamond Dave is dust. Having said that, either you can do it or you can't do it. EJ can't do it.
  8. No good. Clean the house. Although I have to say, it sounds like Pegula is already learning and has put Brandon on a leash. If he hasn't done that in fact, he has certainly gone out of his way to create that appearance. I feel like Pegula has structured this HC search as a way of putting everyone on notice...he's going to do it their way this time, and if that still doesn't work, they're all gone. Or at least Whaley for sure.
  9. He is pretty much the #1 sought after HC by everyone. No chance in hell he comes to Buffalo.
  10. I an't really see who would be a logial QB in this senario. If we an't seure at least a mediore QB, this senario will leave us all onfused and frustrated.
  11. Best case scenario: Some type of argument starts between Pegula and Whaley in the next few days...grows to be a big thing...and results in Pegula saying "That's it, it's time to finally break out the sandblaster and strip this place to bare metal." Massive purge of all lifers gone including Whaley. Throw together an interim management structure, and go to the bottom of the league.. Bring in someone like Tom Coughlin and have him do whatever he wants to build his idea of a dream organization with unlimited funding (cap still exists of course). Secure Sam Darnold from USC as #1 draft choice in his draft year...and look to the future. Worst case scenario is any scenario other than the one above, which of course we will get. I predict the HC (yet to be hired) and Whaley will be both fired this time next year.
  12. Yeah, and you saw no signs that EJ was the worst QB of all time when he was the starter for this team. You saw no signs that Sammy's pre-season foot problem would cost us in the regular season. You saw no signs that Rex and his star appeal and fancy 5 year K would get dumped on his ass after only slightly less than two years. You don't see a lot. As far as vision is concerned, you're blind. Thee will be immense pressure on Whaley and his HC to win and win now; when that goes south, both are gone. Take off the red, white, and blue glasses for God's sake! Ask for redemption! There is still time to be saved!
  13. This must be disinformation coming from those lousy News writers! Such drama! Sammy's foot feels great and is somewhere between 95 and 100%. He said so himself!
  14. Hilly Clinton just lost an election to Homer Simpson b/c everything she says is scripted, with no honesty. But if your main point is to fire Scott Berchtold too, I'm on board. Let the inferno be complete in its scope and let the flames do the cleansing.
  15. Doug is a dead man walking. He is being entrusted to sort this mess out, and he is not up to that job. He'll be gone soon enough. Only question is when. I say after next year.
  16. Riddle me this: What is greater? The level of dysfunction at One Bills Drive, or the level of denial at Two Bills Drive? I understand that many here have a belief system built around the Bills and need to believe they are competent in order to maintain cosmic equilibrium in their lives....but many of the comments are still shocking. These people are zealots. You cannot reason with them and they are not changing their minds about anything.
  17. This is the most important part of the article and it concerns me the most: "After the events of last week and especially after Whaley’s press conference on Monday, it’s never been more obvious that the Bills—who haven’t been to the postseason since the end of the 1999 season and have finished above .500 only twice over the past 17 seasons—need an organizational plan, a blueprint, of how they will seek to become a winning franchise. They’ve shown no indications that they have one."
  18. He'll be sitting at one of those Last Supper tables before games and during halftime, with 8 other guys, dishing out sound bytes 10 seconds at a time. Good gig, probably pays $5 million or so per annum.
  19. I think you are thinking of the Bills. Gailey was the OC for the NYJ.
  20. Ha! His "press conference skills" are a direct result of his intelligence level. It's not that high. And that most certainly does impact everything he does in the organization.
  21. Exactly right. These "interviews" were designed to benefit Terry and Kim, respectively. Not Wawrow and Sal. It was crudely enacted damage control after the Whaley tire fire. But it was too little, too late.
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